Julian Assange: Hero On The Run...

I fully expect to read news of his death any day now. They will murder him. He told the truth about the corrupt Governments of the World. So now he must pay. The old 'Shoot the Messenger' thing i guess. The saddest thing is, the sheep will rejoice over his demise. They're so brainwashed and braindead, they actually want their Governments to lie to them. Their Governments lie and cheat daily, yet they have no outrage. A man tells them the truth, they want him dead. What a World, what a World.
I know how much you value free speech, paulitician. Do you value personal confidentiality? How many of its own people would a union do away with if their votes were publicized?

Confidentiality if destroyed is no different than giving a gun to criminals and holding back guns from citizens to protect themselves from armed criminals and bullies.

I hope Mr. Assange will come forward and face the music, which is unheralded cacophony in his case. His destruction of their confidentiality has eliminated about 800 human beings in Afghanistan who were our allies due to the political masterminds there who want and achieve apparently, superiority over whoever they wish to eliminate without a trial, without a hearing, and without a prayer.

Assange helped put the gun to their heads and shovelled the dirt over their mass grave.

Sweden will not let him do that to its citizens. Get a clue, pauli. You're a champion of freedom? There's no freedom in systems of intimidation who've proffered Mr. Assange so richly with rewards for his collaboration. Don't you be fooled. California Girl is your clue there's something wrong in your open-minded good wishes of someone who doesn't deserve one letter of your approbation. Not one.
I fully expect to read news of his death any day now. They will murder him. He told the truth about the corrupt Governments of the World. So now he must pay. The old 'Shoot the Messenger' thing i guess. The saddest thing is, the sheep will rejoice over his demise. They're so brainwashed and braindead, they actually want their Governments to lie to them. Their Governments lie and cheat daily, yet they have no outrage. A man tells them the truth, they want him dead. What a World, what a World.
I know how much you value free speech, paulitician. Do you value personal confidentiality? How many of its own people would a union do away with if their votes were publicized?

Confidentiality if destroyed is no different than giving a gun to criminals and holding back guns from citizens to protect themselves from armed criminals and bullies.

I hope Mr. Assange will come forward and face the music, which is unheralded cacophony in his case. His destruction of their confidentiality has eliminated about 800 human beings in Afghanistan who were our allies due to the political masterminds there who want and achieve apparently, superiority over whoever they wish to eliminate without a trial, without a hearing, and without a prayer.

Assange helped put the gun to their heads and shovelled the dirt over their mass grave.

Sweden will not let him do that to its citizens. Get a clue, pauli. You're a champion of freedom? There's no freedom in systems of intimidation who've proffered Mr. Assange so richly with rewards for his collaboration. Don't you be fooled. California Girl is your clue there's something wrong in your open-minded good wishes of someone who doesn't deserve one letter of your approbation. Not one.

I respect your views, but we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. The man simply told the truth. And this truth will likely cost him his life. Like i said, people are so brainwashed these days, they actually expect and even want their Governments to lie to them.

It's a sickness. And it's caused by many many years of Government propaganda in Media and Education. I've posted this video before, but it's worth posting again. It does explain why so many Citizens are so willing to go along. It started with Horace Mann. It's a short 8 Minute video. It may not change yor mind, but it's still worth checking out. Enjoy...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okPnDZ1Txlo]SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way - YouTube[/ame]
You're right, Paulitician. We do disagree on Assange.

I think one person's power or one nation's power ends at a certain arm's length, and that was breached when Assange unwittingly published names of Americans contacts in Afghanistan who are now dead, the targets of savvy terrorists eager to read all about America's secrets.

I've taken a lot of communication courses and know Thespian tricks when I see them. Your video is full of them. Showing George W. Bush's stern face when blaming "not one person or party" is a screen trick to draw a particular accusatory association, and it sucked lemons, while the speaker feigned egalitarianism.

I see that mind control baloney being smarmed every day I watch tv, which is fewer and fewer times recently.

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You're right, Paulitician. We do disagree on Assange.

I think one person's power or one nation's power ends at a certain arm's length, and that was breached when Assange unwittingly published names of Americans contacts in Afghanistan who are now dead, the targets of savvy terrorists eager to read all about America's secrets.

I've taken a lot of communication courses and know Thespian tricks when I see them. Your video is full of them. Showing George W. Bush's stern face when blaming "not one person or party" is a screen trick to draw a particular accusatory association, and it sucked lemons, while the speaker feigned egalitarianism.

I see that mind control baloney being smarmed every day I watch tv, which is fewer and fewer times recently.


I feel the producer of the video was sincere. Bush wasn't singled out as solely to blame. The current Administration is no different. As the video points out, our current state of Authority-Worship, was a Century in the making. But it's cool, we can disagree and remain friends.
Didn't he apply for asylum somewhere and got turned down??

He attempted to get protection from his communist friends. You ever notice he never bitched about the lack of free speech in Ecuador and Venezuala and Cuba? You ever notice he never posted anything that harmed them?

Guess to whom he is running for protection now.

That's because he's a comsymp. He is finally showing his true colors and true motives. It was never about free speech or transparency in governments. If it was, he would not be swallowing a yard of an oppressor's cock.

And he's a rapist.

So much bullshit in one post it's hard to know where to start debunking this drivel..
Michael Moore helped pay Assange's bail money.

Assange is seeking protection from the oppressive regime of Ecuador. That is a dead giveaway that blows his cover story about being all about freedom and truth, eh?

Some people are too retarded to figure out what Assange is really all about.

And he's a rapist.

What repressive regime in Ecuador..
When was he convicted?
Assange is a coward.

And, he's a rapist.

And, he committed espionage against our country.

He's a hero

He's hasn't been proven to be a rapist, and it looks like from what I've seen he's not.

He outed your country for the politically hypocratic place it is...boo hoo...
Assange is scared because, eventually, the US are gonna come after his ass. And it cannot happen soon enough.

Assange is a hero, IMO. And shame on our useless government for refusing to allow his asylum in his own damned country.
We put our so called relationship with the United States ahead of the welfare of one of our own people. Shameful.
Could those claiming Assange put lives at risk please name one life that has been placed in danger because of his actions? Just one life that has been placed in immediate danger. I'll be happy to wait.

Also, Assange hasn't been convicted of any crime. He was accused of rape, but Sweden has some pretty retarded laws over there - he has CONSENSUAL sex with a woman, and didn't use a condom. The same woman was seen with him the next morning, BEFORE she made her complaint.
Its funny, I don't know any woman who hangs around with her rapist the night after, do you?
Could those claiming Assange put lives at risk please name one life that has been placed in danger because of his actions? Just one life that has been placed in immediate danger. I'll be happy to wait.

Also, Assange hasn't been convicted of any crime. He was accused of rape, but Sweden has some pretty retarded laws over there - he has CONSENSUAL sex with a woman, and didn't use a condom. The same woman was seen with him the next morning, BEFORE she made her complaint.
Its funny, I don't know any woman who hangs around with her rapist the night after, do you?

They can't and they won't. They're only parroting Big Brother's propaganda. Their outrage is misplaced. They should be angry at their own Government for being lying thieves. But instead they want to hang the man who told them truth. It's very unfortunate, but it's all they know. They're thoroughly brainwashed & braindead.
Could those claiming Assange put lives at risk please name one life that has been placed in danger because of his actions? Just one life that has been placed in immediate danger. I'll be happy to wait.

Also, Assange hasn't been convicted of any crime. He was accused of rape, but Sweden has some pretty retarded laws over there - he has CONSENSUAL sex with a woman, and didn't use a condom. The same woman was seen with him the next morning, BEFORE she made her complaint.
Its funny, I don't know any woman who hangs around with her rapist the night after, do you?

They can't and they won't. They're only parroting Big Brother's propaganda. Their outrage is misplaced. They should be angry at their own Government for being lying thieves. But instead they want to hang the man who told them truth. It's very unfortunate, but it's all they know. They're thoroughly brainwashed & braindead.

Bingo. Not only that, they hate big govt and rant on about the govt being overbearing and politicians are nothing but sleaze bags out for themselves. So when Assange outs documents that prove some of what they say to be true, what do they do? Say "I told you so"? Say "See, govt are a law unto themselves, that's what I've been saying all along"? Nope, they fall lock step into line like the little Sheeple they are.

Don't you just love the cute little neocon whackjobs?:cool:
Could those claiming Assange put lives at risk please name one life that has been placed in danger because of his actions? Just one life that has been placed in immediate danger. I'll be happy to wait.

Also, Assange hasn't been convicted of any crime. He was accused of rape, but Sweden has some pretty retarded laws over there - he has CONSENSUAL sex with a woman, and didn't use a condom. The same woman was seen with him the next morning, BEFORE she made her complaint.
Its funny, I don't know any woman who hangs around with her rapist the night after, do you?

They can't and they won't. They're only parroting Big Brother's propaganda. Their outrage is misplaced. They should be angry at their own Government for being lying thieves. But instead they want to hang the man who told them truth. It's very unfortunate, but it's all they know. They're thoroughly brainwashed & braindead.

Bingo. Not only that, they hate big govt and rant on about the govt being overbearing and politicians are nothing but sleaze bags out for themselves. So when Assange outs documents that prove some of what they say to be true, what do they do? Say "I told you so"? Say "See, govt are a law unto themselves, that's what I've been saying all along"? Nope, they fall lock step into line like the little Sheeple they are.

Don't you just love the cute little neocon whackjobs?:cool:

Neocon and Socialist/Progressive whackjobs. They all fall in line.
Could those claiming Assange put lives at risk please name one life that has been placed in danger because of his actions? Just one life that has been placed in immediate danger. I'll be happy to wait.

Also, Assange hasn't been convicted of any crime. He was accused of rape, but Sweden has some pretty retarded laws over there - he has CONSENSUAL sex with a woman, and didn't use a condom. The same woman was seen with him the next morning, BEFORE she made her complaint.
Its funny, I don't know any woman who hangs around with her rapist the night after, do you?

They can't and they won't. They're only parroting Big Brother's propaganda. Their outrage is misplaced. They should be angry at their own Government for being lying thieves. But instead they want to hang the man who told them truth. It's very unfortunate, but it's all they know. They're thoroughly brainwashed & braindead.

Bingo. Not only that, they hate big govt and rant on about the govt being overbearing and politicians are nothing but sleaze bags out for themselves. So when Assange outs documents that prove some of what they say to be true, what do they do? Say "I told you so"? Say "See, govt are a law unto themselves, that's what I've been saying all along"? Nope, they fall lock step into line like the little Sheeple they are.

Don't you just love the cute little neocon whackjobs?:cool:

Grump don't you mean DICKHEADS for neocons????????steve
You're right, Paulitician. We do disagree on Assange.

I think one person's power or one nation's power ends at a certain arm's length, and that was breached when Assange unwittingly published names of Americans contacts in Afghanistan who are now dead, the targets of savvy terrorists eager to read all about America's secrets.

I've taken a lot of communication courses and know Thespian tricks when I see them. Your video is full of them. Showing George W. Bush's stern face when blaming "not one person or party" is a screen trick to draw a particular accusatory association, and it sucked lemons, while the speaker feigned egalitarianism.

I see that mind control baloney being smarmed every day I watch tv, which is fewer and fewer times recently.


I feel the producer of the video was sincere. Bush wasn't singled out as solely to blame. The current Administration is no different. As the video points out, our current state of Authority-Worship, was a Century in the making. But it's cool, we can disagree and remain friends.
Thank you, Paulitician. That video is done by a professional. Everything in my educational background tells me there is nothing accidentally done in the video, and I do agree with you, its maker is sincere, just not what is less than obvious to many not as acquainted with associative nonverbal communications... My training required absolute knowledge of all aspects of human communication. But I won't mention it again, sorry for being impolite but upfront about the little one of many stunts in the flick that naturally got under my nails but no one else's since I supported him before he declared a run for the presidency against seasoned leftist lockstep press back when, and I support him to this day because I know how the lies started, grew, were watered, and blossomed until a leading American bookseller CEO was fired over the little lie, and a leading news anchor of many years propagated yet more of the little lie based on very very badly thrown together assumptions derived from others who based their take on the original set of lies, which, like all houses of cards, fall when the winds of truth take out a base card. :muahaha:
I think one person's power or one nation's power ends at a certain arm's length, and that was breached when Assange unwittingly published names of Americans contacts in Afghanistan who are now dead

Are you saying they were dead before the release of the detes or after the wikileaks documents were outed.

if the former, no worries, if the latter, links please...
I don't like people being called guilty before they have been given a chance to prove their innocence, which is what occurred in this case. But clearly if Assange had stayed in Sweden and played by the book, he would have had much more sympathy than he did in the UK; but by trying to flee the court he has only shown himself a coward.

Assange plays on people's sympathy (and money) to free him, and patience is starting to wear thin, if he had been reasonable from the beginning he might have got a fine or community service; now he will likely get months or years (no one ever intended to give him life).

However even Russia won't save his ass, even if they use him for state propaganda on Russia Today; I would call Assange a bit of a mental case. Probably if he plead insanity they would dismiss the charges, and send him somewhere with white walls. :eusa_eh:
He could have exposed lies, with out Compromising our Security so much. he didn't have to Release everything, He could have been responsible, but then he likes the idea of a less secure America so why would he.

You people are fools for supporting this guy, I don't care what lies he Exposed, the way he did it put US troops, Intel Assets, and those of our Allies, at risk.

And that is a crime, Period.

The man isn't a US citizen and didn't commit any crimes in the US.
Even if he did commit a crime (I don't believe he did), shit all dto do with the US anyway because he doesn't fall under US law.

Don't lie if you don't want to get caught out. :)

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