Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

There are no statute of limitations in Maryland for either attempted rape or rape. Both are prosecutable. Even though there may not be enough evidence for a criminal trial, there may be enough for a civil trial.
Certainly, he could lose his judge ship.

A friend of mine Who is a fireman just wrote:

I think you have to put a fork in Kavanaugh , he's done.

I don't know if it'll go anywhere? But Avenatti said he's going to file a lawsuit against the president for violating advise and consent because of his involvement in this whole situation.
Andrea Mitchell just reported it.
It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.

Well when get caught in lie after lie.

What Russians? We didn't talk to no stinking Russians.

I'm fairly sure that Trump has met with Russians. AND I'm fairly certain that Trump knew about the little meeting with a Russian on the false premise they had something dirty on Hillary, but did not. I can also see Trump denying it to try and avoid further speculation, but I don't see this as collusion. Trump was just trying to dig up dirt on a political opponent like they all do.

In short, it was a set up. They had no dirt. The only purpose for it was to try and smear Trump later on.
Don't you mean Trump Jr?
They have verified the accuser graduated from the high school that she said she graduated from in the year she said she graduated.
No doubt republicans will try to destroy her life too. The confirmation MUST be delayed.
Yet it won’t...
Yes, it will. This new, sworn affidavit is serious business.

No, it's not...... she is lying like the other 2.....there are no legal consequences for lying here....... no one will go after her so she can say whatever she wants........you guys are morons and you are vile to support this monstrous behavior from the democrats...

Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians....remember this crap in November.......punish them at the ballot box or it will never end.....

I'm going to keep on sounding like a broken record with this one... Why go to the sleazebag lawyer, why continue to party with these people if she saw them doing this to other women, and(for fucks sake) if she was high on Quaaludes or whatever else would she know it was him?
Even Deborah Ramirez knew(or was coached) that she needed to say that she was told that it was Kavanaugh being that she was inebriated.

And no one reported it....rape parties...and not one girl, one friend, or one witness reported it to anyone........
What she described would not be kept a secret for decades....nope
And yet, every single day, we read new accounts from women all over the country explaining why they were afraid to report these things when they happened. So I will go with the mountain of personal testimony over the gut feelings of a trump cultist.
Very true

Gives credence to her story

She is definitely taking a risk here. Not sure how she can be proven to be a liar and conversely how she can be proven to be truthful. That being said I think the nomination is in serious jeopardy. The Dems played their hand well. But I fear this will divide the country even more along party lines.

What risk does she face...there is no way to prove she is lying or telling the truth so she doesn't face any criminal penalties...she knows this, and even if somehow they managed to prosecute her for lying...she will be the next #metoo millionaire after Ford, who will be the first #metoo millionaire....

Bringing down Kavanaugh is the Golden Ticket for democrats...and worth a few years in prison...but that would never happen, so she gets a clean shot at Kavanaugh without fear of prosecution.....

Remember this in November...

I agree. The risk is if she is exposed as a lying hack she could go to jail. Odd that she doesn't have a LinkedIn profile. I thought she was a career person?

She knows there is no risk.....she can't be disproven because there is no evidence rom 36 years ago......and if anyone tries to go after her, the democrats will destroy them...

This is a lie that has no consequences......

I wish there was more of a background on her. The no LinkedIn is suspicious.
They all do their best to scrub their social media before coming out.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

She is definitely taking a risk here. Not sure how she can be proven to be a liar and conversely how she can be proven to be truthful. That being said I think the nomination is in serious jeopardy. The Dems played their hand well. But I fear this will divide the country even more along party lines.

What risk does she face...there is no way to prove she is lying or telling the truth so she doesn't face any criminal penalties...she knows this, and even if somehow they managed to prosecute her for lying...she will be the next #metoo millionaire after Ford, who will be the first #metoo millionaire....

Bringing down Kavanaugh is the Golden Ticket for democrats...and worth a few years in prison...but that would never happen, so she gets a clean shot at Kavanaugh without fear of prosecution.....

Remember this in November...
Only Republicans want a rapist as a supreme court judge. Look at What they elected as president.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story
Yeah, she would never lie.....which is why she keeps refusing to testify.

She just came forward today

Will Republicans allow her to testify?
They've been trying to get her to testify since Feinstein leaked her letter, and she keeps coming up with excuses not to show up. This is not the actions of a person who wants to be heard. They are trying to get Kavavaugh to quit.
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.

Thanks Penelope
Even if Kavanaugh did not participate as he claims,
if he was present and/or 'has knowledge' of these events,
if he did nothing but denies such under oath,
he could still get caught committing perjury if he says false denials under oath.

What I ultimately hope comes out of all this outting, Penelope
we REALLY need a separate court process for addressing
rape and abuse, including causes, corrections, restitution and healing/recovery.

Currently the legal process works by adversarial approach,
and all the defense has to focus on is "creating doubt" in the mind of the jury,
which is done cheapest by attacking the credibility of the victim.

So where is the "due process" of assuming the victim is innocent until proven guilty?
There is not equal protection of the laws for all witnesses.
And where is the punishment for slander, libel or defamation and damages
if false testimony is given?

I see greater things coming out of this whole process.
Now that the conservatives and men are on the side of the accused,
suddenly we see a different response coming out.

So maybe at last we will understand what it means
to put ourselves in the shoes of the accused.
When both sides are accused, then we have the opportunity
to understand both sides and what process is needed
to be fair to both in reaching a just solution to the grievances.

Thanks Penelope
I hope more women and abuse victims end up
gaining a whole lot more out of this, such as setting
up a separate court system and legal process of
mitigation and restitution for damages caused by rape, abuse and trafficking
so that victims can receive help and support to recover to where they
would have been had it not been for the attacks or abuses (including legal and judicial abuse
in addition to the physical assault and injuries.)
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.
That is the wrong question to be asking; a lot of victims NEVER come forward. However, the fact that none of the multiple women she says were gang raped ever reported something so criminal, gross and desperately aggressively wrong seems hard to believe. If it happened to me, you can betcha I would have talked about it and probably gone to the police about it because that is so beyond the pale of adolescent hi-jinks. Good God.

I agree. If this many girls had been gang raped its would have been common knowledge before long. No one would have kept their mouths shut.

This is why I think this is a big lie and just another smear on the Judge and a way to try to hold up the vote.

Hope Grassly holds the vote.

Enough is enough.
LOL the article says that boys were lining up to gang rape drunk girls in one of the rooms, and she THINKS she saw Kavanaugh in one of those lines. What she actually saw was guys lining up to get some alcohol that was being distributed in one of the rooms.

So now all college parties where are potential gang rape centers. You realize that this is basically the end of college kids partying, dating, and having a good time. Disgusting.
She would be more believable if she was not represented by glory hound Avenatti.
We entered the twilight zone when Trump was elected. You get the government you deserve.

Change your first sentence to "Obama"....You got Trump because of Obama.
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.

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