Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

She is definitely taking a risk here. Not sure how she can be proven to be a liar and conversely how she can be proven to be truthful. That being said I think the nomination is in serious jeopardy. The Dems played their hand well. But I fear this will divide the country even more along party lines.

What risk does she face...there is no way to prove she is lying or telling the truth so she doesn't face any criminal penalties...she knows this, and even if somehow they managed to prosecute her for lying...she will be the next #metoo millionaire after Ford, who will be the first #metoo millionaire....

Bringing down Kavanaugh is the Golden Ticket for democrats...and worth a few years in prison...but that would never happen, so she gets a clean shot at Kavanaugh without fear of prosecution.....

Remember this in November...

I agree. The risk is if she is exposed as a lying hack she could go to jail. Odd that she doesn't have a LinkedIn profile. I thought she was a career person?

She knows there is no risk.....she can't be disproven because there is no evidence rom 36 years ago......and if anyone tries to go after her, the democrats will destroy them...

This is a lie that has no consequences......
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

She is definitely taking a risk here. Not sure how she can be proven to be a liar and conversely how she can be proven to be truthful. That being said I think the nomination is in serious jeopardy. The Dems played their hand well. But I fear this will divide the country even more along party lines.

What risk does she face...there is no way to prove she is lying or telling the truth so she doesn't face any criminal penalties...she knows this, and even if somehow they managed to prosecute her for lying...she will be the next #metoo millionaire after Ford, who will be the first #metoo millionaire....

Bringing down Kavanaugh is the Golden Ticket for democrats...and worth a few years in prison...but that would never happen, so she gets a clean shot at Kavanaugh without fear of prosecution.....

Remember this in November...

I agree. The risk is if she is exposed as a lying hack she could go to jail. Odd that she doesn't have a LinkedIn profile. I thought she was a career person?

She knows there is no risk.....she can't be disproven because there is no evidence rom 36 years ago......and if anyone tries to go after her, the democrats will destroy them...

This is a lie that has no consequences......

I wish there was more of a background on her. The no LinkedIn is suspicious.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
We have a judicial system that presupposes innocence before proof of guilt. That hasn’t changed just because you piss yourself at the thought of a conservative being appointed to the bench.

He is a job applicant. Only 9 people are able to be on the court at one time, is this who you want?

Maybe not but I also don't want the man and his family to be destroyed if these claims are false. There needs to be a middle ground. This political war has destroyed this man. The next nominee on either side may just say "no thanks".

This political war, you mean the GOP committee avoiding their due diligence, they should all be fired or what impeached.
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.
That is the wrong question to be asking; a lot of victims NEVER come forward. However, the fact that none of the multiple women she says were gang raped ever reported something so criminal, gross and desperately aggressively wrong seems hard to believe. If it happened to me, you can betcha I would have talked about it and probably gone to the police about it because that is so beyond the pale of adolescent hi-jinks. Good God.
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.

Rape parties..... and not one girl came forward...... in a wealthy community...they just ignored their daughters being raped at parties and just ignored it......

They need to vote and end this smear campaign....

Remember this crap in November.
Not a problem. If proven true he can be impeached.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
We have a judicial system that presupposes innocence before proof of guilt. That hasn’t changed just because you piss yourself at the thought of a conservative being appointed to the bench.

He is a job applicant. Only 9 people are able to be on the court at one time, is this who you want?

Yep.... I want him and I want Coney after ginsburg dies.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
Avenatti says she's got proof.

Oh yeah.....not likely. Do you actually believe these teenage boys held rape parties and not one person came forward to have them arrested? Really?
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.
That is the wrong question to be asking; a lot of victims NEVER come forward. However, the fact that none of the multiple women she says were gang raped ever reported something so criminal, gross and desperately aggressively wrong seems hard to believe. If it happened to me, you can betcha I would have talked about it and probably gone to the police about it because that is so beyond the pale of adolescent hi-jinks. Good God.

Reading her story it seems she embellished quite a bit. What she described would not be kept a secret for decades....nope
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.

Maybe because she thought she would be harassed and nobody would believe her

Some people (conservatives) actually blame the victim
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
We have a judicial system that presupposes innocence before proof of guilt. That hasn’t changed just because you piss yourself at the thought of a conservative being appointed to the bench.

He is a job applicant. Only 9 people are able to be on the court at one time, is this who you want?

Maybe not but I also don't want the man and his family to be destroyed if these claims are false. There needs to be a middle ground. This political war has destroyed this man. The next nominee on either side may just say "no thanks".

This political war, you mean the GOP committee avoiding their due diligence, they should all be fired or what impeached.

No. You know what I mean. Both sides are in a war.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
That is how investigations start.....alleged misconduct
Three women so far

Why give this guy a lifetime appointment at this time?
How could the FBI possibly have missed this much inappropriate conduct by Kavanaugh in their SIX investigations?

I know its hard to believe isn't it, but they must not check the HS out, and none of it was reported. I wonder when the FBI checked him out, do you know? I suspect during the Bush Admin.
It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.

Well when get caught in lie after lie.

What Russians? We didn't talk to no stinking Russians.

I'm fairly sure that Trump has met with Russians. AND I'm fairly certain that Trump knew about the little meeting with a Russian on the false premise they had something dirty on Hillary, but did not. I can also see Trump denying it to try and avoid further speculation, but I don't see this as collusion. Trump was just trying to dig up dirt on a political opponent like they all do.

In short, it was a set up. They had no dirt. The only purpose for it was to try and smear Trump later on.

I'm going to keep on sounding like a broken record with this one... Why go to the sleazebag lawyer, why continue to party with these people if she saw them doing this to other women, and(for fucks sake) if she was high on Quaaludes or whatever else would she know it was him?
Even Deborah Ramirez knew(or was coached) that she needed to say that she was told that it was Kavanaugh being that she was inebriated.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
That is how investigations start.....alleged misconduct
Three women so far

Why give this guy a lifetime appointment at this time?
How could the FBI possibly have missed this much inappropriate conduct by Kavanaugh in their SIX investigations?
You know the answer. They didn’t...
Since there is no down side to her lying, and no way to prove anything she says....it is time to take the vote...end this vile, democrat character assassination...and remember this in November......if they are willing to go this far against Kavanaugh, imagine what they will now do if they get power.... They are done with playing the politics game and it is all out in the open..... get in their way and nothing is off the table....

My question is why didn't she report this 40 years ago when it happened. She sounds more like Ford and Ramirez.

She was also under aged at that time just like Ford.

If this really happened then she should have reported it then. Not 40 years later.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

they should vote on Friday.

Maybe because she thought she would be harassed and nobody would believe her

Some people (conservatives) actually blame the victim

She did not see Kavanaugh do anything....another one who says she heard about things but never saw them.....without any chance of legal consequences for lying.....

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