Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story

She is definitely taking a risk here. Not sure how she can be proven to be a liar and conversely how she can be proven to be truthful. That being said I think the nomination is in serious jeopardy. The Dems played their hand well. But I fear this will divide the country even more along party lines.

What risk does she face...there is no way to prove she is lying or telling the truth so she doesn't face any criminal penalties...she knows this, and even if somehow they managed to prosecute her for lying...she will be the next #metoo millionaire after Ford, who will be the first #metoo millionaire....

Bringing down Kavanaugh is the Golden Ticket for democrats...and worth a few years in prison...but that would never happen, so she gets a clean shot at Kavanaugh without fear of prosecution.....

Remember this in November...
Only Republicans want a rapist as a supreme court judge. Look at What they elected as president.

Excuse me Mr. Clinton?
Yeah, she would never lie.....which is why she keeps refusing to testify
Swetnick refused testify? No, you literally just made that up.

And a sworn affidavit is testimony.

Okay, when did she swear out a warrant??

All I'm seeing is one bimbo after another making accusations that they cannot prove.
They all know they are under the microscope, and not one of them has offered to testify with no bullshit conditions. So far all they want is to go around the law and start another FBI investigation. They need to file a report with the cops.
Swetnick said she “attended well over 10 house parties in the Washington DC area during 1981 to 1983 were Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. These parties were common occurrence in the area and occurred nearly every weekend during the school year.”

On numerous occasions at these parties, Kavanaugh and Judge, she said, would “drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking no for an answer. This contact into included the fondling and grabbing the girls without their consent.”

Swetnick said that in 1982, “I became the victim of one of these ‘gang’ or ‘train’ rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present.

So she admits she knew this behavior was going on, yet she kept attending the parties? AND, she was allegedly gang raped in '82 but kept attending the parties through '83???

HAHAHA This is joke right?
There are no statute of limitations in Maryland for attempted rape or rape. None of the boys (now men) will come forward now because they could be criminally charged. But other people that didn’t participate could come forward. And this woman who is already been vetted and has multiple security clearances has corroborating witnesses.

Apparently all this information was turned over to the Senate last Sunday and they sat on it.

This is getting even more ridiculous by the day(and that's saying something)! Why, when noticing the spiking of the punch, continue to go to these parties 10 times?
Why watch girls being gang raped and not report it to the police???
If true, she’s a POS, if she’s lying, she’s a POS.
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.
Laughable. If she knew what was happening at this parties, why did she attend 10 of them? I smell bullshit. I also smell creepy porn lawyer which is a worse smell than wet clown or dog.

Dear kwc57
if she was drunk, too, or she was "present"
sure, she is just as guilty of those things.

Doesn't mean she consented to the trains being done on unconscious victims.

But yes, she is just as responsible and just as guilty for not reporting
such abuses and crimes, equally as Kavanaugh would be if it turns out he was
present and didn't report them either.

So why not hold both of them to answer to those crimes of negligence or failing to report child abuse?
If you follow this line of reasoning, if they were all MINORS
then it would be their PARENTS or the property owners of the houses where these violations took place
who would be dragged into the legal process to answer for legal responsibility for MINORS.

Okay, so you want to drag their parents into this?
And sue the school if they enabled such "organizations affiliated with their school"
to allow illegal teenage drinking and sexual violations of children under the age of consent?

Go for it!
Let's do this!

Instead of trying to renege on responsibility,
let's hold them all legally responsible. If they all
participated in underaged drinking and had knowledge
of sex parties where unconscious girls were being
taken advantage of sexually. Hold them all to answer the
same complaints they are seeking to hold others too!

That's only fair, right?
Hey, I gave Katie Perry a poke last night. You'll all just have to take my word for it. I mean....who needs multiple partners when you can give Katie a poke?:113:
She would be more believable if she was not represented by glory hound Avenatti.
We entered the twilight zone when Trump was elected. You get the government you deserve.

Change your first sentence to "Obama"....You got Trump because of Obama.
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.
Dubya began the division. Obama, looked at objectively, was not the least bit extreme, but it was naive to think the 1st black President would be accepted smoothly. The amount of hatred stirred up in the GOP during that time against anybody who was different, Muslims, black people, hispanics, immigrants, gay people, etc. reached unprecedented levels. Then Rubio and Kasich stayed in the primary for too long, and the most twisted, sickening man in modern history to run for office managed to win with a plurality of the vote. Some Russian sabotage and a broken electoral system later, and we have a President that is openly laughed at by world leaders during speeches and who, by the way, keeps endorsing rapists.
Creepy porn lawyer is behind this....I'm convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is accusation fraudulent.
Swetnick said she “attended well over 10 house parties in the Washington DC area during 1981 to 1983 were Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. These parties were common occurrence in the area and occurred nearly every weekend during the school year.”

On numerous occasions at these parties, Kavanaugh and Judge, she said, would “drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking no for an answer. This contact into included the fondling and grabbing the girls without their consent.”

Swetnick said that in 1982, “I became the victim of one of these ‘gang’ or ‘train’ rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present.

So she admits she knew this behavior was going on, yet she kept attending the parties? AND, she was allegedly gang raped in '82 but kept attending the parties through '83???

HAHAHA This is joke right?

Yup and quite a joke at that.

If all that had happened then you know it the info on it would have been out there 40 years ago. No one would keep their mouths shut about it. The police would have been involved.

Nope. Just another bunch of horseshit instigated by an ambulance chaser attorney looking for his BIG case.

If all this had happened back then it would have been in the news because no one would have kept their mouths shut about it especially the gang raped girls.

More horseshit.
It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.

Well when get caught in lie after lie.

What Russians? We didn't talk to no stinking Russians.

I'm fairly sure that Trump has met with Russians. AND I'm fairly certain that Trump knew about the little meeting with a Russian on the false premise they had something dirty on Hillary, but did not. I can also see Trump denying it to try and avoid further speculation, but I don't see this as collusion. Trump was just trying to dig up dirt on a political opponent like they all do.

In short, it was a set up. They had no dirt. The only purpose for it was to try and smear Trump later on.

How do you know what was said at the meeting? Could be they discussed how to distribute the information in ways to make it seem as if the Trump Campaign was not conspiring with a foreign adversary to commit fraud against the United States. No I think they lied because they have something illegal to hide.

This new allegation a Godsend for Kavanaugh. Brings the absurd level to laughable. A political winner for the soon to be judge.... and we can thank the Dums for again having the political IQ of handball :hello77:

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