July 31, 2020: Trump repeats the BS that we have more coronavirus cases because there's more testing

It's not BS, you're just slow is all.

Far more people have it than accounted for. The more tests the more cases are accounted for. In other terms OP, you have it backwards.

58.6 million tests and counting. By the numbers that's about 1/5th our population.

Here's a case for the Orange Crash --- Iceland. Sure, it's a lot fewer people, which is why we examine rates, not absolute numbers.

Iceland has tested 39% of its population to date. Its last recorded COVID death was.... April 20th. It was the tenth in the country, for the entire pandemic. Zero in over three months.

Iceland isn't even the most tested country, there are eight more ahead of it. Countries that don't even have baseball teams.

By contrast the US has tested just under 17.7% of its population, less than half Iceland's rate. UK has tested about 23.6%.
... That is because the topic is silly as the more you test the more [asymptomatic] cases you do find.

Case 1: Test

You make a test. The test says you have Corona. You go in quarantine for 2-3 weeks. Problem solved. You did not infect 2 other people with Corona.

Case 2: hypothetic alternative

You do infect 2 others - what everyone else is also doing

Here's the very easy mathematical background: Rechner: Logarithmus - Matheretter

=> The binary logarithm of the population of the USA is log2(328,000,000)=~28,2891

So in about 30 periods of infection (1 period is about 2-3 weeks) all US-Americans are infected. This are 60 up to 90 weeks. In this case you have for about 1-2 years a maximum of disasters with the hightest possible death rate. That's what you choose with the realisation of "your" opinion.

Best way - as fas as I can see:

No one - really absolutelly no one (except he is totally mad) - needs a prove of the second case. Try just simple to avoid to infect yourselve - and do under no circumstances infect others.

Make tests. Wear masks. Care about hygiene: specially wash hands more often. Keep distance.

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The idiot again pretends that a person who isn't tested doesn't carry the virus.
A case is still a case.
The question is whether he's lying or belt dishonest.
It's hard to tell because he's both a liar and a dumbass.
By the way, Spain, Australia.and Russia test more people per capita then the USA.

There would be less pregnancy and cancer if people would just stop testing.
The idiot again pretends that a person who isn't tested doesn't carry the virus.
A case is still a case.
The question is whether he's lying or belt dishonest.
It's hard to tell because he's both a liar and a dumbass.
By the way, Spain, Australia.and Russia test more people per capita then the USA.

Because of testing - you imbecile
The idiot again pretends that a person who isn't tested doesn't carry the virus.
A case is still a case.
The question is whether he's lying or belt dishonest.
It's hard to tell because he's both a liar and a dumbass.
By the way, Spain, Australia.and Russia test more people per capita then the USA.

No one even knows for sure cause you can test positive for 19 while you have another covid like a common cold

The economic damage is still coming....thats for sure ...ferp...friggin demo rat bastids
Progs............FEEDING THE FEAR every single day.........

Do more tests......test the same person dozens of times.......and then say look WE ARE ALL FUCKED and ARE GOING TO DIE...........

What a bunch of assholes.
Utterly fascinating but not at all related to the topic.

That is because the topic is silly as the more you test the more [asymptomatic] cases you do find.

That is ENTIRELY THE POINT OF TESTING, Doofus. A test of somebody who's obviously wheezing their guts out tells you NOTHING that wasn't already obvious. You're looking for silent carriers, not the obvious --- you're looking for those who are infected but don't know they're infected, because they spread what they don't know they have, to others. That's exactly why Ron Paul taking a swim in the Senate pool before he had his test results was irresponsible on his part --- that act endangered everyone else who followed him into that pool.

That's also why this town in Italy ---- remember Italy, where COVID was raging? ---- went out and tested LITERALLY EVERYBODY so they could identify, and then quarantine, the asymptomatic and thus STOP the spread. And that town, where the first Italian COVID death was, wiped it out by doing that. FOUR MONTHS AGO.

That town tested 100% of its population and DEFEATED the virus. Iceland has tested 39% of its, and stopped it in its tracks. THE MORE TESTING YOU DO, THE MORE YOU CAN IDENTIFY THE ASYMPTOMATIC "SILENT CARRIERS" AND THUS PROTECT EVERYBODY ELSE. And we knew this literally last winter. And that's exactly what Major League Baseball is doing within its operations --- that's why games have been getting cancelled.


Rump, meanwhile, throws his infantile tantrums tantamount to the bad pupil whining that the quiz papers shouldn't be handed in, because if they are he'll FAIL. And that's because, have to agree with Rex Tillerson on this, he's a FUCKING MORON.

MOREOVER, your post wasn't even about any of this, it was about a "median age", which is, AGAIN, completely unrelated here.

Congratulations on winning the stupidest post of the day even though it's the first one I read. I don't even need to see any more.
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The idiot again pretends that a person who isn't tested doesn't carry the virus.
A case is still a case.
The question is whether he's lying or belt dishonest.
It's hard to tell because he's both a liar and a dumbass.
By the way, Spain, Australia.and Russia test more people per capita then the USA.

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe .....
I wouldn't want to be leftist terrorist like antifa after Trump is reelected.

You can always tell who's posting from the Russian troll farm by their horrible English.
Nobody told Tovarich about "articles".

-- or, in the case of the post immediately above, "plurals".
You can always tell who's posting from the Russian troll farm by their horrible English.
Nobody told Tovarich about "articles".

-- or, in the case of the post immediately above, "plurals".
You can hear my accent from a missing 'a' ?
You're pretty good. FSB needs people like you.
You Americans really crack me down.
The idiot again pretends that a person who isn't tested doesn't carry the virus.
A case is still a case.
The question is whether he's lying or belt dishonest.
It's hard to tell because he's both a liar and a dumbass.
By the way, Spain, Australia.and Russia test more people per capita then the USA.

He's such a fucking idiot.

How can anyone still support that moron?

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