July 4, 1962 in Philadelphia ~ John F. Kennedy Speaks

asaratis duh--he lets his boat get cut in half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's a LOSER
Blame the Navy. He didn't cause the engine failure. He didn't train his own crew.

Do you blame all the Captains of ships that were sunk by German U-Boats? Did they "let" their ships be torpedoed?

Do you blame Captains of ships that were sunk in Pearl Harbor?
asaratis COLLISION!! ..but there were no collisions when 2 FLEETS sailded into each other = JFK fail
So? Your diagram doesn't show how far apart the ships were....in either of the forces.

You didn't provide a link describing what occurred.
asaratis like I said--and you just proved--don't talk WW2 with me ..someone who knows WW2, would know:
....ships were so close, the BBs could not lower there main guns on the enemy
REAL close

'''''The Cushing turned sharply to avoid a collision''''

'''''As a result, the Allied and Japanese ships became intermingled at close range''''.
bold mine
Turning the Tide: The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal
1. the captain/etc IS responsible
2. he WAS responsible for training his crew
...I can also tell, you never served.....
asaratis like I said--and you just proved--don't talk WW2 with me ..someone who knows WW2, would know:
....ships were so close, the BBs could not lower there main guns on the enemy
REAL close

'''''The Cushing turned sharply to avoid a collision''''

'''''As a result, the Allied and Japanese ships became intermingled at close range''''.
bold mine
Turning the Tide: The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal
Thanks for the info, but I didn't see anything like "two fleets sailing through each other" or anything stating they were so close they couldn't lower their guns enough to fire.

It sounds to me like it was a horrific battle with a lot of maneuvers.

You original claim is unsubstantiated.

Besides, this has nothing to do with JFK and his Philadelphia speech.
Fact, PT Boats were built for speed. No other PT boat was lost in the Pacific War by being run over by an enemy ship. JFK was responsible for the deaths of his crew members in a situation where he never fired a shot. His dad bailed him out with a brilliant concept. Old Joe hired a freaking screen writer to re-write JFK's disaster and the Navy backed off.
asaratis plain and simple--JFK fkd up.......you proved you didn't serve in the military---I did...I know how the system works....not arrogance, but facts ....
...books have a lot more information and are researched more, than the inet crap
asaratis like I said, go to WW2 Forums and post your thoughts----they/we are experts at everything WW2
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asaratis plain and simple--JFK fkd up.......you proved you didn't serve in the military---I did...I know how the system works....not arrogance, but facts ....
...books have a lot more information and are researched more, than the inet crap
I have never claimed to have served. I detest stolen valor.

A bell curve applies to all large samples of anything that can be measured, including the bias of authors of books about the military.
asaratis yes, yet you tried to talk about military leaders/etc ...no, you don't have to have served to know stuff...but serving does give you the first hand knowledge of how it works
..I apologize for being a jerk, but a lot of the lefties are jerks
What do you experts think about John Kerry and his three Band-Aid Purple Hearts from the Vietnam era?
..never thought about him much...but it seems he's flying jets all over, but is the Climate envoy!!!!??

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