July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

Can you Leftards piss on our troops any harder?

Today is not a military holiday! It's a celebration of the day independence was formally declared.
It's not a day to " honor the military, remember those who were killed or display our prowess".
You’re celebrating today because citizens had guns.

No. Today is a celebration of the founding principles of this nation.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text

Not of one man and his childish penchant for dictatorial showmanship and partisan fuckery.
It was a Declaration Of War.

They came to get our guns.

So we shot them.

That has nothing to do with tanks and planes.

And the 1st amendment with that logic has nothing to do with radio, television, internet..

What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

Fuck you Communists, you are enemies of America.
Two of Trump's best buddies are communists, Putin and Kim Jong Un. You better watch out, Trump may kick your commie hating butt out of the USA if you talk bad about his best friends.
It is beyond belief the stupidity of Trump supporters. I never dreamed there are this many absolutey dumb asses in the USA.
Dude keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You get more with Honey than vinegar. Do you understand these sayings at all?

Both China and NK leaders are evil incarnate. But you won't get concessions our of them by treating them like they are your worst enemies. And yes they are our worst enemies. Much worse than Russia.
Dude, Trump is not keeping his enemies close. He loves Putin because of the power he has. He is jealous. He wants to have the same power Putin and Kim Jong Un have in the USA.

And Obama's pen and a phone..
---------------------------- I only take issue with you wussy war fighting thinking plus your wussy foreign influence thinking . You are 'new style military marine' or 'mrobamas' boy and I don't respect that GGator .

Fuck off. I joined the Corps in 1988, I am not new style of any fucking thing. The US military has rules and regulations on how to handle POWs. This does not make the military wussy or any other such stupid fucking shit. What it does it keep us from becoming the very thing we are fighting against.

What good does it do to beat ISIS if we become ISIS in the process?

You have no earthly clue what you are talking about because you lack a frame of reference.

I like that ISIS line.
to me , you were simply a government employees as a 'marine' or a 'kings' man that does as he is told for money GGator .

If all the military is are government employees, then they should be expected to follow the rules, don't you think?

Or are you ok with the IRS breaks the rules?

Or the NSA?
----------------------------------------- so 1988 eh , and raised as an insider in an enemy state eh . Yep , you are New Style same as the other wussy guy GGator .
to me , you were simply a government employees as a 'marine' or a 'kings' man that does as he is told for money GGator .

If all the military is are government employees, then they should be expected to follow the rules, don't you think?

Or are you ok with the IRS breaks the rules?

Or the NSA?
----------------------------------------- so 1988 eh , and raised as an insider in an enemy state eh . Yep , you are New Style same as the other wussy guy GGator .

---------------------------- I only take issue with you wussy war fighting thinking plus your wussy foreign influence thinking . You are 'new style military marine' or 'mrobamas' boy and I don't respect that GGator .

Fuck off. I joined the Corps in 1988, I am not new style of any fucking thing. The US military has rules and regulations on how to handle POWs. This does not make the military wussy or any other such stupid fucking shit. What it does it keep us from becoming the very thing we are fighting against.

What good does it do to beat ISIS if we become ISIS in the process?

You have no earthly clue what you are talking about because you lack a frame of reference.
----------------------------- you have NO Idea as to my frame of reference you 'serber' you GGator .
Have You Noticed The Networks May Not Carry Trump's Speech ??
Over The Last Few Days
They've Filled You So Full Of Bullshit
They Don't Want You To See For Yourself
How Full Of Shit They Are
With Their Tanking Ratings, They Can't Risk That

They Want You To Take Their WORD For It
After They've Edited And Edited
Trump Dumped A Bucket Of Egg On Their Faces On D-Day
And The Networks Can't Let You See Trump Do It To Them Again
34 pages of a fake story thread, and not person could explain how Trump having a patriotic parade for the nation equates to "hijacking" the holiday.

Trump is putting on the greatest Fourth of July show for ALL Americans. Only a sick, twisted, perverted mind could take that and twist is somehow Trump is "hijacking" the holiday.

Trump is right: Fake News Media is the enemy of the people. They are going to deny the public the chance to see a parade that celebrates America and celebrates them.

Liberals and Democrats are sick degenerates and liars.
Last edited:
---------------------------- I only take issue with you wussy war fighting thinking plus your wussy foreign influence thinking . You are 'new style military marine' or 'mrobamas' boy and I don't respect that GGator .

Fuck off. I joined the Corps in 1988, I am not new style of any fucking thing. The US military has rules and regulations on how to handle POWs. This does not make the military wussy or any other such stupid fucking shit. What it does it keep us from becoming the very thing we are fighting against.

What good does it do to beat ISIS if we become ISIS in the process?

You have no earthly clue what you are talking about because you lack a frame of reference.
----------------------------- you have NO Idea as to my frame of reference you 'serber' you GGator .

your frame of reference is on display with your every post
Can you Leftards piss on our troops any harder?

Today is not a military holiday! It's a celebration of the day independence was formally declared.
It's not a day to " honor the military, remember those who were killed or display our prowess".
You’re celebrating today because citizens had guns.

No. Today is a celebration of the founding principles of this nation.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text

Not of one man and his childish penchant for dictatorial showmanship and partisan fuckery.

He is winning, you mad bro?


You should be mad. Unfortunately its dumbfucks like yourself who sell this nations principles down the river at every opportunity.
What did HRC sell to the Russians? Uranium!
What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

Fuck you Communists, you are enemies of America.
Two of Trump's best buddies are communists, Putin and Kim Jong Un. You better watch out, Trump may kick your commie hating butt out of the USA if you talk bad about his best friends.
It is beyond belief the stupidity of Trump supporters. I never dreamed there are this many absolutey dumb asses in the USA.
Dude keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You get more with Honey than vinegar. Do you understand these sayings at all?

Both China and NK leaders are evil incarnate. But you won't get concessions our of them by treating them like they are your worst enemies. And yes they are our worst enemies. Much worse than Russia.
Dude, Trump is not keeping his enemies close. He loves Putin because of the power he has. He is jealous. He wants to have the same power Putin and Kim Jong Un have in the USA.
No sentient person would equate the "power" of Putin or Kim as greater than that of the President of the United States.
You ought to think first before you post such nonsense.
The state of Texas has a bigger economy than all of Russia.
What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

Fuck you Communists, you are enemies of America.
Two of Trump's best buddies are communists, Putin and Kim Jong Un. You better watch out, Trump may kick your commie hating butt out of the USA if you talk bad about his best friends.
It is beyond belief the stupidity of Trump supporters. I never dreamed there are this many absolutey dumb asses in the USA.
Dude keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You get more with Honey than vinegar. Do you understand these sayings at all?

Both China and NK leaders are evil incarnate. But you won't get concessions our of them by treating them like they are your worst enemies. And yes they are our worst enemies. Much worse than Russia.
Dude, Trump is not keeping his enemies close. He loves Putin because of the power he has. He is jealous. He wants to have the same power Putin and Kim Jong Un have in the USA.
No sentient person would equate the "power" of Putin or Kim as greater than that of the President of the United States.
You ought to think first before you post such nonsense.
The state of Texas has a bigger economy than all of Russia.

Can the Governor of Texas get his half-brother assassinated like Kim? Or have an outspoken journalist hacked to death and dismembered like the Saudi prince? Or have a rival poisoned like Putin? THAT is the power that Trump craves.
Liberal taxpayers don’t like paying for something they don’t want? You don’t say. Trump is President and has decided to celebrate America with symbols of might, force, and defense which I think it is appropriate because we got our Freedom from guys with guns.

Let’s also be thankful that radical liberals are not in charge this 4th of July as they would be certain to downplay Stars and Stripes as being too offensive.
Fuck you Communists, you are enemies of America.
Two of Trump's best buddies are communists, Putin and Kim Jong Un. You better watch out, Trump may kick your commie hating butt out of the USA if you talk bad about his best friends.
It is beyond belief the stupidity of Trump supporters. I never dreamed there are this many absolutey dumb asses in the USA.
Dude keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You get more with Honey than vinegar. Do you understand these sayings at all?

Both China and NK leaders are evil incarnate. But you won't get concessions our of them by treating them like they are your worst enemies. And yes they are our worst enemies. Much worse than Russia.
Dude, Trump is not keeping his enemies close. He loves Putin because of the power he has. He is jealous. He wants to have the same power Putin and Kim Jong Un have in the USA.
No sentient person would equate the "power" of Putin or Kim as greater than that of the President of the United States.
You ought to think first before you post such nonsense.
The state of Texas has a bigger economy than all of Russia.

Can the Governor of Texas get his half-brother assassinated like Kim? Or have an outspoken journalist hacked to death and dismembered like the Saudi prince? Or have a rival poisoned like Putin? THAT is the power that Trump craves.

I think you are sick in the head pal.
How many people has HRC had murdered by 'committing suicide'?
We can thank God she never became President.
---------------------------- I only take issue with you wussy war fighting thinking plus your wussy foreign influence thinking . You are 'new style military marine' or 'mrobamas' boy and I don't respect that GGator .

Fuck off. I joined the Corps in 1988, I am not new style of any fucking thing. The US military has rules and regulations on how to handle POWs. This does not make the military wussy or any other such stupid fucking shit. What it does it keep us from becoming the very thing we are fighting against.

What good does it do to beat ISIS if we become ISIS in the process?

You have no earthly clue what you are talking about because you lack a frame of reference.
----------------------------- you have NO Idea as to my frame of reference you 'serber' you GGator .

your frame of reference is on display with your every post
-------------------------------- yep , American style eh . 'How is 'valery jarret' doing GGator .
---------------------------- I only take issue with you wussy war fighting thinking plus your wussy foreign influence thinking . You are 'new style military marine' or 'mrobamas' boy and I don't respect that GGator .

Fuck off. I joined the Corps in 1988, I am not new style of any fucking thing. The US military has rules and regulations on how to handle POWs. This does not make the military wussy or any other such stupid fucking shit. What it does it keep us from becoming the very thing we are fighting against.

What good does it do to beat ISIS if we become ISIS in the process?

You have no earthly clue what you are talking about because you lack a frame of reference.
----------------------------- you have NO Idea as to my frame of reference you 'serber' you GGator .

your frame of reference is on display with your every post
-------------------------------- yep , American style eh . 'How is 'valery jarret' doing GGator .

no idea. You do seem to talk about her a lot though, so I assume she means a lot to you.
Two of Trump's best buddies are communists, Putin and Kim Jong Un. You better watch out, Trump may kick your commie hating butt out of the USA if you talk bad about his best friends.
It is beyond belief the stupidity of Trump supporters. I never dreamed there are this many absolutey dumb asses in the USA.
Dude keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You get more with Honey than vinegar. Do you understand these sayings at all?

Both China and NK leaders are evil incarnate. But you won't get concessions our of them by treating them like they are your worst enemies. And yes they are our worst enemies. Much worse than Russia.
Dude, Trump is not keeping his enemies close. He loves Putin because of the power he has. He is jealous. He wants to have the same power Putin and Kim Jong Un have in the USA.
No sentient person would equate the "power" of Putin or Kim as greater than that of the President of the United States.
You ought to think first before you post such nonsense.
The state of Texas has a bigger economy than all of Russia.

Can the Governor of Texas get his half-brother assassinated like Kim? Or have an outspoken journalist hacked to death and dismembered like the Saudi prince? Or have a rival poisoned like Putin? THAT is the power that Trump craves.

I think you are sick in the head pal.
How many people has HRC had murdered by 'committing suicide'?
We can thank God she never became President.

I never mentioned her.
---------------------------- I only take issue with you wussy war fighting thinking plus your wussy foreign influence thinking . You are 'new style military marine' or 'mrobamas' boy and I don't respect that GGator .

Fuck off. I joined the Corps in 1988, I am not new style of any fucking thing. The US military has rules and regulations on how to handle POWs. This does not make the military wussy or any other such stupid fucking shit. What it does it keep us from becoming the very thing we are fighting against.

What good does it do to beat ISIS if we become ISIS in the process?

You have no earthly clue what you are talking about because you lack a frame of reference.
----------------------------- you have NO Idea as to my frame of reference you 'serber' you GGator .

your frame of reference is on display with your every post
-------------------------------- yep , American style eh . 'How is 'valery jarret' doing GGator .

no idea. You do seem to talk about her a lot though, so I assume she means a lot to you.
-------------------------- she is 'iranian' and an enemy and 'mrobamas' girl GGator . [if you didn't know] You may have gone to a coed madrassa with her when you weren't saying your prayers 6 times a day GGator .
-------------------------- she is 'iranian' and an enemy and 'mrobamas' girl GGator . [if you didn't know] You may have gone to a coed madrassa with her when you weren't saying your prayers 6 times a day GGator .

actually she is an American, Obama is done and gone, so why do you keep talking about her?

I do not even pray once a day, let alone 6.

you are such a confused individual.

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