July Wage And Job Growth Much Stronger Than Expected

Yes, there is a good chance the Fed's raising of interest rates will cause a recession. I even started a topic about it a couple/few months ago.

But raising interest rates is the only way to cool inflation.

Reagan and Fed chairman Paul Volker had the balls to raise interest rates into double digits to cool the stagflation which had plagued the 70s, and a recession followed. But they both stuck to their guns, and then the economy came roaring back stronger than ever.

Our politicians and the Federal Reserve have been too cowardly to do the right thing for the economy for way too long. We got here through ZIRP and massive deficits by Bush, Obama, and Trump. It was just a matter of time before it caught up to us and the pandemic shutdown is what pushed us over the edge.

Pain avoidance such as what our politicians and the Fed have been doing always results in much greater pain down the road.

THAT is why we are where we are. Which is why you can't explain how Biden is responsible.

And all the new commiecrat spending and regulations along with tax increases will keep inflation going strong. There's no way the fed can reduce the money supply and print new money to pay for that spending at the same time.

And all the new commiecrat spending and regulations along with tax increases will keep inflation going strong. There's no way the fed can reduce the money supply and print new money to pay for that spending at the same time.

Where were you when Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama?

Where were you when Trump was sending a record budget to Congress BEFORE Covid?

Where were you when Trump and the GOP Congress were doubling the federal deficit?

Where were you when Trump was demanding a bigger stimulus than even the Democrats wanted?

Speaking of printing money faster than it can be reduced and such, see this:

Tell me this bit isn't prescient:

But what happens when the economy begins warming up again? What happens when people start digging up that $3 trillion from their backyards and begin spending it, increasing the velocity of money in our economy?

Inflation happens, that's what.

And that is when the Fed would start selling its assets and soaking up all that cash flying around and destroying it.

But...we have a problem.

See post 5 for my description of the problem. I nailed it.
Where were you when Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama?

Where were you when Trump was sending a record budget to Congress BEFORE Covid?

Where were you when Trump and the GOP Congress were doubling the federal deficit?

Where were you when Trump was demanding a bigger stimulus than even the Democrats wanted?

Speaking of printing money faster than it can be reduced and such, see this:

Tell me this bit isn't prescient:

But what happens when the economy begins warming up again? What happens when people start digging up that $3 trillion from their backyards and begin spending it, increasing the velocity of money in our economy?

Inflation happens, that's what.

And that is when the Fed would start selling its assets and soaking up all that cash flying around and destroying it.

But...we have a problem.

See post 5 for my description of the problem. I nailed it.

Yeah, so tripling down on stupid is a good thing? Bonds yields are already inverted, the two year has a higher yield than the 5, 10 and 30 year bonds.

Yeah, so tripling down on stupid is a good thing? Bonds yields are already inverted, the two year has a higher yield than the 5, 10 and 30 year bonds.

Yes, I mentioned the inverted yield curve last week, and earlier today. That is one of the most reliable indicators of an impending recession.
I notice the BDS troops are ignoring the UK's inflation is above 13 percent.

They must be waiting on word from their propagandists on how to blame Biden.

Why would we ignore it?
Just because Biden did a bunch of stupid stuff doesn't mean there aren't morons in other places.

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