July Wage And Job Growth Much Stronger Than Expected

Our economy is doing so well, the stock market is worried the Fed will increase interest rates even more.

The labor market added 528,000 jobs in July, easily beating a Dow Jones estimate of a 258,000 increase. The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5%, below the 3.6% estimate. Wage growth also ticked up more than estimated, up 0.5% for the month and 5.2% higher than a year ago, signaling that high inflation is likely still a problem.

Rapid growth contributes to inflation.

3.5% unemployment. That ties Trump's lowest unemployment rate.

Inflation in the UK is expected to hit 13 percent, which is Biden's fault, amiright?

Yep, a great jobs report. But, as Paul Havery used to say...

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As the normal American family suffers from the inflation, the Oil Companies are loving it:

Don't blame President Biden, blame the oil companies and buy an electric car.

Only someone who has money to throw away should buy an EV.

A hybrid may be your best bet.
Wrong. Consider hybrid's are obsolete, since they need to buy gas too, as hybrids only go so far. They also require brake jobs, tune ups, oil changes, radiator flushes and filters galore.
As the normal American family suffers from the inflation, the Oil Companies are loving it:

Don't blame President Biden, blame the oil companies and buy an electric car.

Don't blame President Biden

He didn't do anything that made oil more expensive?
Our economy is doing so well, the stock market is worried the Fed will increase interest rates even more.

The labor market added 528,000 jobs in July, easily beating a Dow Jones estimate of a 258,000 increase. The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5%, below the 3.6% estimate. Wage growth also ticked up more than estimated, up 0.5% for the month and 5.2% higher than a year ago, signaling that high inflation is likely still a problem.

Rapid growth contributes to inflation.

3.5% unemployment. That ties Trump's lowest unemployment rate.

Inflation in the UK is expected to hit 13 percent, which is Biden's fault, amiright?

Job growth was a little higher than expected for a couple of the months this year but we still have massive inflation, high cost of fuel, reduced family income, increased poverty, higher interest cost, millions of Illegals flooding across the border, over $30 trillion in debt and we are in a goddamn recession.

Did CNN fail to tell you this?
Job growth was a little higher than expected for a couple of the months this year but we still have massive inflation, high cost of fuel, reduced family income, increased poverty, higher interest cost, millions of Illegals flooding across the border, over $30 trillion in debt and we are in a goddamn recession.

Did CNN fail to tell you this?
Reduced family income? Did you not read the OP, idiot?

Wages are up.

$30 trillion in debt? Where were you when Trump was adding $8 trillion, hypocrite? That's more than a QUARTER of our total debt!!! In just four years!

Trump really is the King of Debt™.
It's funny how this is always the default of the tard herd when there is great economic news.

It so happens that the LFPR remained flat during Trump's entire term. I bet you never even noticed, did you, hack.

It plunged to the lowest since the 70s during the pandemic but has been rising steadily since Biden took office.

The line moves up and down in little increments, but the trend has been upward for over two years now. I'm sorry if this upsets you.

Nice try.
I don't recall if it was your post I responded to with the falling Labor Participation Rate.


Reduced family income? Did you not read the OP, idiot?

Wages are up.

$30 trillion in debt? Where were you when Trump was adding $8 trillion, hypocrite? That's more than a QUARTER of our total debt!!! In just four years!

Trump really is the King of Debt™.

I am right. CNN forgot to tell you stupid Moon Bats how fucked up this country is with a Democrat President and Congress.

You are fucking ignorant as hell.


Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. P. J. O'Rourke

The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.

We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet.
Stephen Hawking

Just like I said. The LFPR was flat during Trump's entire term. Funny you tards weren't whining about that when he was bragging about his unemployment rate.

An unemployment rate which Biden has matched, by the way.

And like I said in post 13, LFPR has been rapidly trending upward during Biden's term to this point.

So exactly what is your point, other than the one on your head? Do you even look at the pretty pictures you post?!?
Gas is still sky-high, shelves are still partially empty and the cost of everything as soared along with inflation. Supply lines are backed up as well. The Fed just boosted interest rates killing the ability of folks to get a loan. Take off your rose colored glasses.
Gas is still sky-hing, shelves are still partially empty and the cost of everything as soared along with inflation. The Fed just boosted interest rates killing the ability of folks to get a loan. Take off your rose colored glasses.
Read. The. Topic.
Yep, a great jobs report. But, as Paul Havery used to say...


It will likely never get back to where it was. Too many people retired during the pandemic and a great many parents have chosen to stay home with the kids due to higher child care cost.

But neither of these are a bad thing.
Wages have never come close to the productivity. Never in the history of this nation have wages match how hard people work. Sad statement on this nation I was born in.
Inflation will end, and they will still have their higher wages.

I know how badly you tards want America to fail. It's pretty sickening.

Even you know that is just goofy. Those workers will still be behind where they were when President Biden took office.


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