Zone1 Juneteenth


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
If I understood it correctly, it is a holiday to celebrate the end of slavery. I think that is a good idea, african americans are part of the american fabric, and american as apple pie, I think they will be appreciated as a part of america, and that they got their freedoms. Why are you against if you are? I think 4th of July still every American should celebrate, and do the allegiance to the flag, and do military service etc. I think by adding one but not replacing anything, it is not anti-american.
If I understood it correctly, it is a holiday to celebrate the end of slavery. I think that is a good idea, african americans are part of the american fabric, and american as apple pie, I think they will be appreciated as a part of america, and that they got their freedoms. Why are you against if you are? I think 4th of July still every American should celebrate, and do the allegiance to the flag, and do military service etc. I think by adding one, it is not anti-american.

Watermelon, Mortimer; it's 'as American as watermelon'.

Just pulling your leg.

Regardless of what you read on the internet, Juneteenth is a new holiday our government has gone to great lengths to portray as a holiday that always was, at least since the end of our last Civil War. In reality it is all make believe pandering to 13% of the American population. In this case abstinence is the better part of valor.
Watermelon, Mortimer; it's 'as American as watermelon'.

Just pulling your leg.

Regardless of what you read on the internet, Juneteenth is a new holiday our government has gone to great lengths to portray as a holiday that always was, at least since the end of our last Civil War. In reality it is all make believe pandering to 13% of the American population. In this case abstinence is the better part of valor.
Even if it is new, by adding one it is not bad. I think nothing should be replaced or rewritten though, im not for demolishing statues or something like that, or replacing the 4th of July.
No. The real idea behind Juneteenth is so that black people in America can have their own private "Independence Day" separate from the rest of us, just as with everything else.
What i noticed is that there is tolerance and liberal stuff only for selected certain minorities, like blacks, i dont think anyone talks that way about asians or thinks much about them, in theory maybe but they dont get all those privileges like blacks, I also dont know any big hollywood movies with lots of asians etc. I mean I have nothing against blacks and they are much longer in America then Asians, but it went global, through the black americans all blacks are now popular everywhere in the world, and you have to love blacks, but not latinos, asians, gypsies, etc. I think it is Blacks, Jews, and LGBTQ who are loved. I have nothing against blacks and they deserve their holiday though. I think if it is a private independence day is up to a point of view, I really didnt studied it but wouldnt neccessary say so, i think 99% of blacks still celebrate 4th of July as well.

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