jury awards black 8.25 million

because FUCK YOU is why,,

either rights matter or they dont,,

I see youre trying to justify bad cops and an authoritarian rule over individual rights,,

why is that??
I never met any bad cops who asked to see my ID. Why are you making all cops out to be bad?
Police respond to calls or cases they are sent on, they don't make them up. If they make a mistake and start questioning the wrong person, if you comply the mistake will soon be rectified. And mistakes do happen.
Certainly some police are out of line, perhaps that is the case here. But I think a ruling to payout someone that much money in this case is ridiculous, especially since they resisted.
Your right but they can give you a ticket.

For going to Starbucks?

Then you would have to make a trip to the police station to avoid paying the fine by showing it someone in the police department.

The law is usually written that you have to have a license to drive a vehicle. It doesn't say you have to carry it while driving. So it is simpler to show it but to be put in handcuffs shows some stupidity and how some cops get to caught up with " I am a policeman"

The police have to state a valid reason they believe they have a right to stop you. Being a female when they are looking for a man is not a valid reason.
I never met any bad cops who asked to see my ID. Why are you making all cops out to be bad?
Police respond to calls or cases they are sent on, they don't make them up. If they make a mistake and start questioning the wrong person, if you comply the mistake will soon be rectified. And mistakes do happen.
Certainly some police are out of line, perhaps that is the case here. But I think a ruling to payout someone that much money in this case is ridiculous, especially since they resisted.
typical leftist to bring up shit that doesnt apply to whats being discussed,,

tell me why dont you just give up your guns and get on the train??

whats that??
because fuck you,,
typical leftist to bring up shit that doesnt apply to whats being discussed,,

tell me why dont you just give up your guns and get on the train??

whats that??
because fuck you,,
Bite me moron.
I am the farthest thing you will ever see from a leftist.
This is exactly what is being discussed.

This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time. Just show your id and they will apologize and leave. Why would you not want to show your id ad prove your innocence. Bu blacks just don't get it. They paid her off for inconvenience more then anything. Cops still have their jobs. Just comply with the cops.
What does anyone's skin tone have to do with this?
This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time.

What was the probable cause? The police said they were looking for black MEN in connection with the robberies and this was a mother and her daughters.

That said, the only reason why this case had any teeth was because it involved Blacks in California.
What was the probable cause? The police said they were looking for black MEN in connection with the robberies and this was a mother and her daughters.

That said, the only reason why this case had any teeth was because it involved Blacks in California.
I agree. But why decline to simply show your ID? It might help correct the mistake the police made.
Bite me moron.
I am the farthest thing you will ever see from a leftist.
This is exactly what is being discussed.
you argue just like a leftist,, telling me/us we have to abide by unconstitutional requests is about as left as you can get,,,

now go back to sucking stalins dick and let us save the world from monsters like you,,
Bite me moron.
I am the farthest thing you will ever see from a leftist.
This is exactly what is being discussed.
just so you know, if you were on the right you would be for telling them to fuck off even if the law required you show ID,,

face it youre just another leftist,, just not as far left as a democrat,,
The deputies, who are white, are alleged to have told them they were being investigated for "car burglaries committed by unidentified Black men" in recent months, the plaintiffs said.

Stop and demand ID's of three random women when they suspected a man?

They didn't get enough.
Well, if they are Prog voters they do not have ID.
a ticket for what??
The ticket can be voided if you produce your DL. The ticket will be for not having a DL. If you do not show it then how can they know if you have one? Thus if you produce the ID later then they would void the ticket and you do not have to pay the fine. So it is simpler to just provide it if you have one unless you want to make a trip downtown.

Still I would agree, if there was no probable cause then the police should have just let them go even without showing an ID. It was their mistake. Still you have to keep it simple and not become outraged. Yeah no one likes to be pulled over.
The ticket can be voided if you produce your DL. The ticket will be for not having a drivers license. If you do not show it then how can they know if you have one? Thus if you produce the ID later then they would void the ticket and you do not have to pay the fine. So it is simpler to just provide it if you have one unless you want to make a trip downtown.

Still I would agree, if there was no probable cause then the police should have just let them go even without showing an ID. It was their mistake. Still you have to keep it simple and not become outraged. Yeah no one likes to be pulled over.
a ticket for what??

they werent pulled over for a driving infraction,, they werent even pulled over according to the article,,

and even if it only applies to the driver,,

either our rights matter or they dont,,
I agree. But why decline to simply show your ID? It might help correct the mistake the police made.

Because they were blacks standing up to the Man. Anything is better than simply COOPERATING and being REASONABLE. :smoke:

And the state has now shown that RESISTANCE PAYS. Big. Now everyone will be doing it!

The cosmic humor now would be their getting carjacked and raped or even murdered on the way to the bank to deposit their settlement check.
Well, if they are Prog voters they do not have ID.

The two daughters don't have any need for an ID here. Unless the mother was actually stopped while driving, neither did the mother.

"Show me your papers".
For going to Starbucks?

The police have to state a valid reason they believe they have a right to stop you. Being a female when they are looking for a man is not a valid reason.
Well from the prospective of that lawsuit , how can anyone disagree. Still the lawsuit was for them being arrested and handcuffed.

Arresting was wrong but I am just saying that they could have just giver her a ticket and been on their merry way. Like I said if you do not produce the ID, then how can the police know that you have an ID. They most likely will give you a ticket. So the woman should have just gotten a ticket for not providing the DL and the arrest was clearly wrong.

Bottom line you can refuse to show your ID and they will give you a ticket. If you provide the ID later then they will void the ticket.

But if you enjoy making a trip to show that ID at a later date to avoid paying the ticket then that is your right. No lawsuit.
Well from the prospective of that lawsuit , how can anyone disagree. Still the lawsuit was for them being arrested and handcuffed.

Arresting was wrong but I am just saying that they could have just giver her a ticket and been on their merry way.

Again, a ticket for what? They had NO obligation to do anything.

Like I said if you do not produce the ID, then how can the police know that you have an ID. They most likely will give you a ticket. So the woman should have just gotten a ticket for not providing the DL and the arrest was clearly wrong.

Bottom line you can refuse to show your ID and they will give you a ticket. If you provide the ID later then they will void the ticket.

But if you enjoy making a trip to show that ID at a later date to avoid paying the ticket then that is your right. No lawsuit.

There is zero indication she was asked to show her ID for a driving infraction. Barring that she doesn't have to produce squat.

This whole thing could have been avoided if they just shown their ids. Cops miss identify all the time. Just show your id and they will apologize and leave. Why would you not want to show your id ad prove your innocence. Bu blacks just don't get it. They paid her off for inconvenience more then anything. Cops still have their jobs. Just comply with the cops.
Why should I have to show ID to a cop while sitting at a Starbucks? Is ID required to sit at a Starbucks? Not sure being detained for a short period of time is worth 2.75 million but they shouldn't have been under any obligation to show their ID to a police officer, and unless the officers had reasonable suspicion that they had committed a crime, which based on the outcome of this case the jury apparently didnt think they did, there's no reason the cops should have detained them. Again, I don't agree with the amount of money these women were given but the cops were wrong in this case. They violated a number of Constitutionally protected rights, 1 and 4 specifically. California doesnt have a stop and ID law.

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