Jury Orders Giuliani to Pay $148 Million to Election Workers He Defamed

The lawsuits are different. This is down to a personal level. If Joe Schmo sees someone doing something fishy at the vote tabulation center, he may just ignore it cause…he doesn’t want to be the target of consequence if he can’t gather the proof.

And, no crocodile tears here because…I’m not a crocodile 🐊
Ha ha tap dance for me some more.

People will be warned not to make false accusations out of malice. If you have a hard time not doing that, that's kind of your problem.
Well, this and dominos.

Look, you can deny all you want, if you don’t think this is going to out the fear into people in the future, you’re wrong. Nobody is going to want to call out fraud, even if they know it’s happening, because, if they can’t find a way to prove it, or the fear that the person they accuse can find a way to make people believe they are lying, it’s an issue.
He made false accusations that completely destroyed those women’s lives, businesses, and threatened their safety and their families. Maybe it SHOULD put some fear into people. Ordinary people have little to worry about. They don’t have the megaphone and ability to casually and callously destroy a person like Guillianni and his kind.
He made false accusations that completely destroyed those women’s lives, businesses, and threatened their safety and their families. Maybe it SHOULD put some fear into people. Ordinary people have little to worry about. They don’t have the megaphone and ability to casually and callously destroy a person like Guillianni and his kind.
But now other career liars will be afraid to ruin other people's lives with lies!!!

This is a travesty!!
Ha ha tap dance for me some more.

People will be warned not to make false accusations out of malice. If you have a hard time not doing that, that's kind of your problem.

Tap dance? You keep making assertions like that. “You’re failing”, “you’re tap dancing”…who are you trying to convince?

People will be wary of making legitimate accusations out of fear of what will happen if they can’t find a way to prove it…

"The thousand remark just meant a large amount, not intended to be the exact number and of course I did not mean they have never had no food.....

Ah, mein freund, you said it. No one else did.
Mean what you say. Say what you mean.
So you own it.
After all, words have meanings.


Nobody is going to want to call out fraud, even if they know it’s happening, because, if they can’t find a way to prove it,
And that applies to which crimes? Is it universal? All witnessed crimes?
Meaning, anyone who witnesses a crime won't report it?
I cannot subscribe to your theory.
Serious adults with gravitas will meet the requirements of responsible citizenship. Lest civil society under the rule of law will not exist.

Jury awards are completely ridiculous, part of the collapse of the US justice system
"Jury awards?" 'Ridiculous'?
So, all trials must then be bench trials?
No judgment by a vetted group of peers?
I cannot subscribe....or respect such a theory....or request.

you stupid cocksucker.
What's MAGA & QAnon without simple-minded homo-centric vulgarity?
Can they exist without it?
Do they recognize that adult discourse doesn't require it.....or accept it as useful?
Hell, I dunno.
Those folks have a lot of problems in their lives.....simple-minded reflexive vulgarity is just a symptom.

People will be warned not to make false accusations out of malice.
The jury heard all the arguments, they heard the travails of the women, they heard and read Rudy's remarks, both the remarks that initiated the trial, and the remarks he made during the trial.
That jury of Rudy's citizen peers then weighed the proper course of action.....and the penalties and compensations needed to correct the injury and discourage future intentional injuries. We need look only at the award/penalty to determine the level of those peer's convictions.

He arguably defamed a couple of people. Maybe.
'arguably'?........OK, sure, that was argued by Rudy's defense lawyer.
He and Rudy lost that argument. (see the award amount)
Maybe? No maybe about it.
Ask Rudy. Ask the judge. Ask the jury who heard and weighed the remarks and the evidence.
I'll go with those 9 people over some bloke posting anonymously on an American social media site.
But that's just me.

People will be wary of making legitimate accusations out of fear of what will happen if they can’t find a way to prove it

Already answered. See above.
Since you’re a dishonest town dirt old reused scumbag, and since you are an inveterate lying sack of shit, you don’t get to tell me either what I said or what I “insinuated.”

Naturally, you’re wrong, shit muncher.

I stand by what I said.

And I have never been owned in any thread. Certainly not in this one and absolutely not by a lying faggot like you.

Don’t you have an appointment to get back down Potato?
Do you miss the taste? Just look in the mirror. You're ugly mug is a reflection of Trump's ass from you burying it there, ass licker.
There is no basis for such a ridiculous “award.”
"Basis"......umm, poll the jury. See what they felt was 'basis' enough.
If you can't personally poll all 8 of them, then read responsible media's interviews with them. Maybe they will enlighten you on what they felt the 'basis' for their decision was after they heard and read all relevant evidence.
That would be a good start for you. IMHO

SHE threatened to hold him in contempt if he gave answers that SHE didn't like....Fact.
OK, 'fact' you say?
Show us.
Link us.
Be a responsible poster.

He made false accusations that completely destroyed those women’s lives, businesses, and threatened their safety and their families. Maybe it SHOULD put some fear into people. Ordinary people have little to worry about. They don’t have the megaphone and ability to casually and callously destroy a person like Guillianni and his kind.
Rudy's lies about the women was targeted and deliberate in order to keep the myth of the stollen election alive.
Ah, mein freund, you said it. No one else did.
Mean what you say. Say what you mean.
So you own it.
After all, words have meanings.


And that applies to which crimes? Is it universal? All witnessed crimes?
Meaning, anyone who witnesses a crime won't report it?
I cannot subscribe to your theory.
Serious adults with gravitas will meet the requirements of responsible citizenship. Lest civil society under the rule of law will not exist.

"Jury awards?" 'Ridiculous'?
So, all trials must then be bench trials?
No judgment by a vetted group of peers?
I cannot subscribe....or respect such a theory....or request.

What's MAGA & QAnon without simple-minded homo-centric vulgarity?
Can they exist without it?
Do they recognize that adult discourse doesn't require it.....or accept it as useful?
Hell, I dunno.
Those folks have a lot of problems in their lives.....simple-minded reflexive vulgarity is just a symptom.

The jury heard all the arguments, they heard the travails of the women, they heard and read Rudy's remarks, both the remarks that initiated the trial, and the remarks he made during the trial.
That jury of Rudy's citizen peers then weighed the proper course of action.....and the penalties and compensations needed to correct the injury and discourage future intentional injuries. We need look only at the award/penalty to determine the level of those peer's convictions.

'arguably'?........OK, sure, that was argued by Rudy's defense lawyer.
He and Rudy lost that argument. (see the award amount)
Maybe? No maybe about it.
Ask Rudy. Ask the judge. Ask the jury who heard and weighed the remarks and the evidence.
I'll go with those 9 people over some bloke posting anonymously on an American social media site.
But that's just me.

Already answered. See above.
Try post #310 for vulgarity. One of yours. You're theory that only MAGA are vulgar is full of shit.
Tap dance? You keep making assertions like that. “You’re failing”, “you’re tap dancing”…who are you trying to convince?

People will be wary of making legitimate accusations out of fear of what will happen if they can’t find a way to prove it…

No they won't. This is ad hoc fantasy you created because you have no good talking points. It goes onto he same shelf as your simple-minded attempts at making all rhetoric equal.
You are just a typical libtard.

And, of course, you’re wrong again.

Assuming that he deserves some of the blame (an assumption with which I don’t completely disagree), that still isn’t the point. The point remains the absurdly high amount of “damages” awarded.

The defamed plaintiffs basically just won a Power Ball Lotto. And that’s not what such lawsuits are supposed to exist for.
You have a problem with size. Sorry....
'arguably'?........OK, sure, that was argued by Rudy's defense lawyer.
He and Rudy lost that argument. (see the award amount)
The amount awarded has nothing to do with the prior judicial determination of liability. And the correct modifier is indeed “arguably.” In any event, it’s kind of a quibble given what Rudy himself said in legal pleadings.
Maybe? No maybe about it.
Ask Rudy. Ask the judge. Ask the jury who heard and weighed the remarks and the evidence.
Again, I excuse your boundless ignorance. But even if what Rudy said did properly qualify as some kind of defamation, my main point isn’t about that. It is about the absurd award of monetary “damages.”
I'll go with those 9 people over some bloke posting anonymously on an American social media site.
But that's just me.
Nobody cares who you “go” with. That’s quite irrelevant.
You have a problem with size. Sorry....
No. I don’t give a damn about your deficiencies.

The problem isn’t about your tiny little dick. The problem is that the awarding of “damages” in this case is baseless and quite idiotic.
Do you miss the taste? Just look in the mirror. You're ugly mug is a reflection of Trump's ass from you burying it there, ass licker.

Mr one boring note symphony is back to his fascination with Trump’s ass and how it might taste.

Anyway, Clap, you’ve got your hands full with tossing Brandon’s salad.
"Basis"......umm, poll the jury.

Not necessary you alien nimrod. Reality suffices. Of course, you wouldn’t understand. You couldn’t.

As for the balance of your usually sanctimonious and verbose post, consider doing what you demand of others. Then, feel free to fuck off. 😎👍
Not necessary you alien nimrod. Reality suffices. Of course, you wouldn’t understand. You couldn’t.

As for the balance of your usually sanctimonious and verbose post, consider doing what you demand of others. Then, feel free to fuck off. 😎👍
If you feel so bad for Rudy, give him some money.

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