Jury Orders Giuliani to Pay $148 Million to Election Workers He Defamed

Sure they did. But again not the topic if this thread. This thread is about justice for Giuliani's lies.
so we now have a justice system where the first amendment is null and void ?, does that apply to CNN and the View?
Which is why the appeal to the SCOTUS on Absolute Presidential Immunity is so important.

If the SCOTUS were to say the Presidents have absolute immunity, that would end the Georgia case along with the others (except the MAL documents case as he wasn't President).

[I doubt they would say that though, it's pretty obvious the appeal to the 5th on the matter was just a delaying tactic which Smith has tried to cut off at the knees by taking it directly to the SCOTUS.]

I doubt even the TRUMPCourt would claim that Presidents are above the law
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Since the founding of this country there has never been a first amendment right to liable and defame others with lies.

Since the founding of the country, the defendant has been allowed to present a vigorous defense.....Not here.
Just a start with more to come for Rudy
A well deserved verdict for a despicable act by Rudy against innocent poll workers

My fellow right wingers are depressed today. I hope they recover soon.
the dollar amount can, and will be.
OK, so stipulated.
But.....but good poster Redfish, what do you think the final number will be for Mrs. Freeman and her daughter? You seem educated and informed on the workings of the court and awards. Can we presume that they will get a pretty decent amount for damages? What do you think it will be? Not what you think it 'should' be....but what it will be decided to be by some court.

Karma will call on the bitches
Karma will pay the bitches a visit
As I have read on this venue (and others)....if you scratch a QAnon'r you will invariably find a misogynist underneath. Maybe just an angry incel, or maybe someone with some corrosive pathologies towards strong women. I dunno.
But I think we see some evidence of it in the above quotes.


Rudy Giuliani, another fool that fell on a grenade for Trump.
A hat-tip to poster 'my2cents'........that is an apt analogy. I like wit.

Georgia Gov Kemp admits that there was election fraud in Georgia...now really.... Rudy was right.
Ah, good poster Jones, let me suggest that there is ALWAYS some fraud in all big national elections. But informed adults with gravitas understand the question must be: Was there enough fraud in any election to impact the choice?
And, from what I've read neither Georgia, Governor Kemp, or for that matter, Bill Barr.......ever said there was enough to change it in any election, any precinct, with any candidate.
Now, if you have credible and vettable information to the contrary.....right now would be a good time and place to lay out your case.
Good luck.


Russian collusion" which was proven to be a hoax,
No it wasn't. Why do you think it was? What credible proof can you persuade the forum that it was?

Since the founding of the country, the defendant has been allowed to present a vigorous defense.....Not here.
"Not here"?
Ummm, amigo, you seemingly did not follow the course of this dispute and this court case whatsoever.
Rudy refused to mount a defense.....refused to participate in court ordered discovery.
Refused to take the stand in his own defense.
So, though I am surprised and somewhat pleased that poster Oddball has forgone his usual f-bomb vulgarity when posting......I must say, he seems to be way way out of touch on this Rudy/Ruby case.
Giuliani has only himself to blame.
You are just a typical libtard.

And, of course, you’re wrong again.

Assuming that he deserves some of the blame (an assumption with which I don’t completely disagree), that still isn’t the point. The point remains the absurdly high amount of “damages” awarded.

The defamed plaintiffs basically just won a Power Ball Lotto. And that’s not what such lawsuits are supposed to exist for.
You said

Here's where you insinuated that Moss & Freeman lied about Guiliani's threats, window licking jerkoff.

Now try to take your head out of your own ass for once.

You've been owned thru the entirety of this thread, asswipe.
Since you’re a dishonest town dirt old reused scumbag, and since you are an inveterate lying sack of shit, you don’t get to tell me either what I said or what I “insinuated.”

Naturally, you’re wrong, shit muncher.

I stand by what I said.

And I have never been owned in any thread. Certainly not in this one and absolutely not by a lying faggot like you.

Don’t you have an appointment to get back down Potato?
"Not here"?
Ummm, amigo, you seemingly did not follow the course of this dispute and this court case whatsoever.
Rudy refused to mount a defense.....refused to participate in court ordered discovery.
Refused to take the stand in his own defense.
So, though I am surprised and somewhat pleased that poster Oddball has forgone his usual f-bomb vulgarity when posting......I must say, he seems to be way way out of touch on this Rudy/Ruby case.
I followed it just fine....You have NFI what you're blabbering about, as per usual.
Since the founding of the country, the defendant has been allowed to present a vigorous defense.....Not here.

He was allowed a defense. He choose not to comply.

That and he failed to provide discovery when ordered by the court.

He was allowed a defense. He choose not to comply.

That and he failed to provide discovery when ordered by the court.

He was threatened with contempt if he gave answers that the "judge" didn't like....That's not being allowed to defend yourself.

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