Jury Orders Giuliani to Pay $148 Million to Election Workers He Defamed

Rudy's gonna file bankruptcy. Those vote stealers in Georgia aren't going to see a red cent out of it. They'll be lucky if they don't end up having to pay more to their lawyers than they ever collect.
Karma will call on the bitches
You didn’t follow the trial, did you?
Damages were substantial and egregious

It will not be “thrown out”
Rudy does not warrant much sympathy

His continued claims about the women will not help further appeals
No, it won't be thrown out. Giuliani will owe even after he dies if he doesn't pay. His estate will be liable. Giuliani now works for the Freemans. Every penny he gets, goes to them until his debt is paid.
just a littel over the top isn't it?? 2 people. I don't doubt that this will be overturned. And really... why should giuliani or Jones for that matter obey the ruling. The left doesn't.
Oh please please let them take your advice. Love to see them rot the rest of their miserable lives in prison.
Fuck that cheating fraud Ruby Freeman.

Former prosecutor Rudy doesnt obey the law?
The money will be taken from him

Rudy can’t even pay his lawyers. Any assets he has will be seized, any income will be garnished, any future revenue will be forfeited
And the very nxt morning....Georgia Gov Kemp admits that there was election fraud in Georgia...now really.... Rudy was right. This will be overturned.

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