Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME

Those that blame slavery for why many blacks are where they are in life are saying those that were never slaves are OK to blame those that never owned slaves.

The newish excuse is that the slave mentality is genetic for blacks, that's why they need all the extra help.
when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME

Those that blame slavery for why many blacks are where they are in life are saying those that were never slaves are OK to blame those that never owned slaves.

The newish excuse is that the slave mentality is genetic for blacks, that's why they need all the extra help.

Then it's just that, an excuse.
when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME
The social conditioning that dominates our
Great Society perpetuates the notion black is inferior to white. As LBJ attests in my signature...the lowest White man has been made to think he is better than the best black man. He said that 50 years ago but the reality of his words continue to manifest in myriad ways. The entire black community has beem demonized by using race based statistics to embellish the criminal deeds of a few; stigmatizing all blacks in the process.
Bad news about Blacks is profitable everywhere in America. LBJ 's applicable words were spot on. The systemic creation of the black boogeyman gives insecure white men someone to fear and someone to feel superior to.. White cops are but a reflection of societal attitudes. Pondering that paradigm,
the revelation that unarmed blacks are 7 times likely to die from police gunfire than whites comes sharply into focus.
These 200+ NFL players etc. taking a knee to protest what?
This why Kaepernick and these players are protesting...to the detriment of their future!
View attachment 151723
Are you implying that there is no basis behind the protest?
The protest is misdirected.
How so?
35 black people got killed by cops in one year

over 450 got killed by other black people in Chi town alone.

do you understand math or do you need this explained in some other way?
That's a false equivalency. When unarmed citizens are killed by public servants who always have the upper hand in most cases, that is entirely different from neighbors or gang members killing each other. But I'll take it a step further. The protests are not limited to just those killings of unarmed Black people in 2016. Consider these peaceful demonstrations an indictment of the cumulative totals of this macabre phenomenon spanning decades.
But, let me be precise. One report cites the killing of unarmed blacks is 7 times more likely to occur
than the killing of unarmed whites by cops. That's a significant disparity. Apologists usually explain that disparity by echoing RW talking points suggesting there is more crime in the black community and more policing as a result. The problem is that doesn't explain why unarmed blacks are murdered by cops 7 times more than whites are.

the number of police interactions and the type of interaction definately must have something to do with it. Sure there are still misconceptions by cops at times but a good number of shootings were also made by black and Hispanic Cops, not just white ones. With About 1/2 million Law enforcement personel in the US. the number is still extremely rare.. though of course makes the news in a big way, so with the coverage it may appear to some that this is happening all the time. So the Majority of Law enforcement and the US flag gets disparaged.
America is basically called a racist place over these incidents by these athletes, when the majority of police are trying to do right. I dont get it.

These players have a lot of money, they can fund Air time on their own dime for something that is really important for them. What i see, is them taking the easy route, because someone convinced them that protesting the anthem is saying something of importance while they are at work.
when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME
The social conditioning that dominates our
Great Society perpetuates the notion black is inferior to white. As LBJ attests in my signature...the lowest White man has been made to think he is better than the best black man. He said that 50 years ago but the reality of his words continue to manifest in myriad ways. The entire black community has beem demonized by using race based statistics to embellish the criminal deeds of a few; stigmatizing all blacks in the process.
Bad news about Blacks is profitable everywhere in America. LBJ 's applicable words were spot on. The systemic creation of the black boogeyman gives insecure white men someone to fear and someone to feel superior to.. White cops are but a reflection of societal attitudes. Pondering that paradigm,
the revelation that unarmed blacks are 7 times likely to die from police gunfire than whites comes sharply into focus.

Strange you should quote LBJ!
LBJ quote exactly : Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying,
when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word.
According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the ****** bill.”
Agreed that there is a big problem with poverty and crime in the black community. There is an us vs them mentality that creates tension with law enforcement. But that tension is intensified by actions of law enforcement when they shoot unarmed black men at a higher rate than whites, or beat them in the streets, or are overly aggressive... you can’t deny there is a problem. You can point the finger or have an honest conversation about it and take some responsibility to do then best we can to clean up our law enforcement agencies and institute efforts to promote a better atmosphere
please prove there is a chronic, huge problem of police beating blacks--AND THEN prove it was because of their SKIN COLOR!!!
most of the police shootings have been proven justified....per the civilized court system
if you can prove they were shot because of their SKIN COLOR, I'm with you..I will protest with you
please show the many times unarmed blacks are shot by cops
I know of 1 that was UNQUESTIONABLY wrong
Oscar Grant--cop was sentenced to prison
who else?
AND THEN show me it wasn't a criminal resisting/attacking the police!!!
police have a right to self defense --YES OR NO ???
I won’t make that point because I’m not making that claim. And yes of course cops have a right to defend themselves

Until it's a black and they're supposed to stand down in order to not hurt their feelings.
Who says they are supposed to do that? That is a rediculous and baseless claim... as expected from you

What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.
the protesters don't care for JUSTICE or what's fair/correct/right/etc
they don't care about facts or evidence
they said BEFORE the Stockley verdict they would protest if not guilty
Obama's DOJ didn't prosecute a civil rights trial--which is much easier to win than a murder trial--for lack of evidence!!!!!!!
..these protests are unwarranted---they are for LIES
the blacks and the sheeple white do not want a civilized court system--they want WHATEVER they THINK is right
I think it is fair to say that you don’t speak for the protestors. And from your regurgitation of what you think they stand for it is pretty apparent that you are not objectively listening nor understanding their message.

I don't speak for them. However, I do speak to say what they claim as their excuse for protesting is bullshit.

I understand their message. It's one of whining and excuses.
You absolutely don't understand their message because you continually misrepresent what it is... You are clearly either being ignorant or dishonest about this discussion because you like to demonize your political opponents and don't seem interested in having a productive conversation about the issues.
when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME

Those that blame slavery for why many blacks are where they are in life are saying those that were never slaves are OK to blame those that never owned slaves.

The newish excuse is that the slave mentality is genetic for blacks, that's why they need all the extra help.
Wow, you are clueless. Do you really think that is the "White privilege" argument? Just try for a minute to open your ears and have an open mind. At lease understand the argument and be able to accurately articulate it before you try and oppose it. Otherwise you just sound like an idiot. Do a little homework then come back and try again. Lets see if you can can accurately state what the "white privilege" and NFL kneelers arguments are.
So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
please prove there is a chronic, huge problem of police beating blacks--AND THEN prove it was because of their SKIN COLOR!!!
most of the police shootings have been proven justified....per the civilized court system
if you can prove they were shot because of their SKIN COLOR, I'm with you..I will protest with you
please show the many times unarmed blacks are shot by cops
I know of 1 that was UNQUESTIONABLY wrong
Oscar Grant--cop was sentenced to prison
who else?
AND THEN show me it wasn't a criminal resisting/attacking the police!!!
police have a right to self defense --YES OR NO ???
I won’t make that point because I’m not making that claim. And yes of course cops have a right to defend themselves

Until it's a black and they're supposed to stand down in order to not hurt their feelings.
Who says they are supposed to do that? That is a rediculous and baseless claim... as expected from you

What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.

No I haven't lost ANY argument but reinforce the concept that people like you are too lazy to pay attention to details!
The simple details like "don't get into an argument with the police"! Or Do not run. Or keep your hands in sight!
These simple details LIKE paying attention to the dotted red line when typing a spelling error is the point!
It is little details that people like you seem to slight and in slighting minor issues get blown out of proportion.
For example in Ferguson if Brown hadn't been walking down the middle of the street and when asked not to, ignored... look what happened.
A little detail. Blown out of proportion. Stupidity is not paying attention to little things like that would have kept him alive, thwarted several days of riots and not have
costed The December Ferguson riots cost $20 Million according to Garry Earls, St. Louis CFO.
The grand total from both riots cost local/state government around $26 Million. Now the unknown costs will take time to calculate. Insurance companies at some point will release damage to business and what they paid out. Property Casuality 360 did give a sobering fact of when disaster happens and the amount of businesses that do not reopen:Roughly 40-60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.
Total Cost of Ferguson Riots
All because this dumb kid ignored the cop's request NOT to walk down the middle of the street!
A little detail...like not paying attention to the dotted underline a misspelled word.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.
I won’t make that point because I’m not making that claim. And yes of course cops have a right to defend themselves

Until it's a black and they're supposed to stand down in order to not hurt their feelings.
Who says they are supposed to do that? That is a rediculous and baseless claim... as expected from you

What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.

No I haven't lost ANY argument but reinforce the concept that people like you are too lazy to pay attention to details!
The simple details like "don't get into an argument with the police"! Or Do not run. Or keep your hands in sight!
These simple details LIKE paying attention to the dotted red line when typing a spelling error is the point!
It is little details that people like you seem to slight and in slighting minor issues get blown out of proportion.
For example in Ferguson if Brown hadn't been walking down the middle of the street and when asked not to, ignored... look what happened.
A little detail. Blown out of proportion. Stupidity is not paying attention to little things like that would have kept him alive, thwarted several days of riots and not have
costed The December Ferguson riots cost $20 Million according to Garry Earls, St. Louis CFO.
The grand total from both riots cost local/state government around $26 Million. Now the unknown costs will take time to calculate. Insurance companies at some point will release damage to business and what they paid out. Property Casuality 360 did give a sobering fact of when disaster happens and the amount of businesses that do not reopen:Roughly 40-60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.
Total Cost of Ferguson Riots
All because this dumb kid ignored the cop's request NOT to walk down the middle of the street!
A little detail...like not paying attention to the dotted underline a misspelled word.

Michael Brown has become the poster boy in framing justification for the murder of unarmed Blacks by cops. You don't use examples that show unjustified cold blooded murder such as the strangulation death of Eric Garner or the back shooting of Walter Scott. Your motive is clear...
Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Them damn whites, this is their fault too.
Do blacks take blame for anything they do, or just always blame the man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most blacks don't engage in criminal activity...why do you want those innocent blacks to take the blame for what a few criminals among them do. Let's put the blame where it belongs. Criminals of both races are responsible. White and Hispanics growers, transporters and distributors are just as much a part of the drug pipeline as black drug dealers.

As a percentage of their demographics that's not true.
A) What percent of USA are blacks?
. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 12.3% of the U.S. population is black,
Public Overestimates U.S. Black and Hispanic Populations

B) What percent of crimes committed by blacks?
According to Riley, "Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do."
Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population.
Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Here are some more statistics from the FBI:
In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites.
The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.
What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.
7 Statistics You Need To Know About Black-On-Black Crime

Please refute!
Until it's a black and they're supposed to stand down in order to not hurt their feelings.
Who says they are supposed to do that? That is a rediculous and baseless claim... as expected from you

What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.

No I haven't lost ANY argument but reinforce the concept that people like you are too lazy to pay attention to details!
The simple details like "don't get into an argument with the police"! Or Do not run. Or keep your hands in sight!
These simple details LIKE paying attention to the dotted red line when typing a spelling error is the point!
It is little details that people like you seem to slight and in slighting minor issues get blown out of proportion.
For example in Ferguson if Brown hadn't been walking down the middle of the street and when asked not to, ignored... look what happened.
A little detail. Blown out of proportion. Stupidity is not paying attention to little things like that would have kept him alive, thwarted several days of riots and not have
costed The December Ferguson riots cost $20 Million according to Garry Earls, St. Louis CFO.
The grand total from both riots cost local/state government around $26 Million. Now the unknown costs will take time to calculate. Insurance companies at some point will release damage to business and what they paid out. Property Casuality 360 did give a sobering fact of when disaster happens and the amount of businesses that do not reopen:Roughly 40-60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.
Total Cost of Ferguson Riots
All because this dumb kid ignored the cop's request NOT to walk down the middle of the street!
A little detail...like not paying attention to the dotted underline a misspelled word.

Michael Brown has become the poster boy in framing justification for the murder of unarmed Blacks by cops. You don't use examples that show unjustified cold blooded murder such as the strangulation death of Eric Garner or the back shooting of Walter Scott. Your motive is clear...

Again... missing the point entirely!
Brown would have never died if he hadn't tried to kill the cop!

11:54 a.m. Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson leave Ferguson Market and Liquor. Surveillance video shows Mr. Brown stealing some cigarillos.
They walk along West Florissant Avenue and then in the middle of the street on Canfield Drive.
12:01 p.m. Officer Darren Wilson arrives, alone in his police vehicle. Speaking through his window, he tells the two men to move to the sidewalk.
He sees that Mr. Brown fits the description of a suspect in a convenience store theft.
12:02 p.m. Officer Wilson makes a call to the dispatcher about the two men. He positions his S.U.V. to block the the two men as well as traffic.
Several witnesses reported seeing an altercation in the S.U.V. between Officer Wilson and Mr. Brown.
Some said Mr. Brown punched Officer Wilson while Mr. Brown was partly inside the vehicle.
At least one witness said no part of Mr. Brown was ever inside the vehicle. In his own testimony, Officer Wilson said that Mr. Brown reached into the vehicle and fought for his gun.

Most of the witnesses said the shots were fired as he moved toward Officer Wilson. The St. Louis County prosecutor said the most credible witnesses reported that Mr. Brown charged toward the officer. Officer Wilson also said that Mr. Brown charged at him, making “a grunting, like aggravated sound.”
Some witnesses said that Mr. Brown had his hands in the air. Several others said that he did not raise his hands at all or that he raised them briefly, then dropped them and turned toward the officer. Others described the position of his arms as out to the side, in front of him, by his shoulders or in a running position.
What Happened in Ferguson?

Again details details which people of your ilk again seem to forget!
A) don't steal.
B) don't walk in the middle of street.
C) Don't try to hit the cop.
Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Who says they are supposed to do that? That is a rediculous and baseless claim... as expected from you

What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.

No I haven't lost ANY argument but reinforce the concept that people like you are too lazy to pay attention to details!
The simple details like "don't get into an argument with the police"! Or Do not run. Or keep your hands in sight!
These simple details LIKE paying attention to the dotted red line when typing a spelling error is the point!
It is little details that people like you seem to slight and in slighting minor issues get blown out of proportion.
For example in Ferguson if Brown hadn't been walking down the middle of the street and when asked not to, ignored... look what happened.
A little detail. Blown out of proportion. Stupidity is not paying attention to little things like that would have kept him alive, thwarted several days of riots and not have
costed The December Ferguson riots cost $20 Million according to Garry Earls, St. Louis CFO.
The grand total from both riots cost local/state government around $26 Million. Now the unknown costs will take time to calculate. Insurance companies at some point will release damage to business and what they paid out. Property Casuality 360 did give a sobering fact of when disaster happens and the amount of businesses that do not reopen:Roughly 40-60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.
Total Cost of Ferguson Riots
All because this dumb kid ignored the cop's request NOT to walk down the middle of the street!
A little detail...like not paying attention to the dotted underline a misspelled word.

Michael Brown has become the poster boy in framing justification for the murder of unarmed Blacks by cops. You don't use examples that show unjustified cold blooded murder such as the strangulation death of Eric Garner or the back shooting of Walter Scott. Your motive is clear...

Again... missing the point entirely!
Brown would have never died if he hadn't tried to kill the cop!

11:54 a.m. Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson leave Ferguson Market and Liquor. Surveillance video shows Mr. Brown stealing some cigarillos.
They walk along West Florissant Avenue and then in the middle of the street on Canfield Drive.
12:01 p.m. Officer Darren Wilson arrives, alone in his police vehicle. Speaking through his window, he tells the two men to move to the sidewalk.
He sees that Mr. Brown fits the description of a suspect in a convenience store theft.
12:02 p.m. Officer Wilson makes a call to the dispatcher about the two men. He positions his S.U.V. to block the the two men as well as traffic.
Several witnesses reported seeing an altercation in the S.U.V. between Officer Wilson and Mr. Brown.
Some said Mr. Brown punched Officer Wilson while Mr. Brown was partly inside the vehicle.
At least one witness said no part of Mr. Brown was ever inside the vehicle. In his own testimony, Officer Wilson said that Mr. Brown reached into the vehicle and fought for his gun.

Most of the witnesses said the shots were fired as he moved toward Officer Wilson. The St. Louis County prosecutor said the most credible witnesses reported that Mr. Brown charged toward the officer. Officer Wilson also said that Mr. Brown charged at him, making “a grunting, like aggravated sound.”
Some witnesses said that Mr. Brown had his hands in the air. Several others said that he did not raise his hands at all or that he raised them briefly, then dropped them and turned toward the officer. Others described the position of his arms as out to the side, in front of him, by his shoulders or in a running position.
What Happened in Ferguson?

Again details details which people of your ilk again seem to forget!
A) don't steal.
B) don't walk in the middle of street.
C) Don't try to hit the cop.

You wrote a long post for naught. The main thrust of my previous post was that Michael Brown's death might have been justified. But your using Brown's death as typical of cops killing unarmed blacks is disingenuous.
What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.

No I haven't lost ANY argument but reinforce the concept that people like you are too lazy to pay attention to details!
The simple details like "don't get into an argument with the police"! Or Do not run. Or keep your hands in sight!
These simple details LIKE paying attention to the dotted red line when typing a spelling error is the point!
It is little details that people like you seem to slight and in slighting minor issues get blown out of proportion.
For example in Ferguson if Brown hadn't been walking down the middle of the street and when asked not to, ignored... look what happened.
A little detail. Blown out of proportion. Stupidity is not paying attention to little things like that would have kept him alive, thwarted several days of riots and not have
costed The December Ferguson riots cost $20 Million according to Garry Earls, St. Louis CFO.
The grand total from both riots cost local/state government around $26 Million. Now the unknown costs will take time to calculate. Insurance companies at some point will release damage to business and what they paid out. Property Casuality 360 did give a sobering fact of when disaster happens and the amount of businesses that do not reopen:Roughly 40-60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.
Total Cost of Ferguson Riots
All because this dumb kid ignored the cop's request NOT to walk down the middle of the street!
A little detail...like not paying attention to the dotted underline a misspelled word.

Michael Brown has become the poster boy in framing justification for the murder of unarmed Blacks by cops. You don't use examples that show unjustified cold blooded murder such as the strangulation death of Eric Garner or the back shooting of Walter Scott. Your motive is clear...

Again... missing the point entirely!
Brown would have never died if he hadn't tried to kill the cop!

11:54 a.m. Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson leave Ferguson Market and Liquor. Surveillance video shows Mr. Brown stealing some cigarillos.
They walk along West Florissant Avenue and then in the middle of the street on Canfield Drive.
12:01 p.m. Officer Darren Wilson arrives, alone in his police vehicle. Speaking through his window, he tells the two men to move to the sidewalk.
He sees that Mr. Brown fits the description of a suspect in a convenience store theft.
12:02 p.m. Officer Wilson makes a call to the dispatcher about the two men. He positions his S.U.V. to block the the two men as well as traffic.
Several witnesses reported seeing an altercation in the S.U.V. between Officer Wilson and Mr. Brown.
Some said Mr. Brown punched Officer Wilson while Mr. Brown was partly inside the vehicle.
At least one witness said no part of Mr. Brown was ever inside the vehicle. In his own testimony, Officer Wilson said that Mr. Brown reached into the vehicle and fought for his gun.

Most of the witnesses said the shots were fired as he moved toward Officer Wilson. The St. Louis County prosecutor said the most credible witnesses reported that Mr. Brown charged toward the officer. Officer Wilson also said that Mr. Brown charged at him, making “a grunting, like aggravated sound.”
Some witnesses said that Mr. Brown had his hands in the air. Several others said that he did not raise his hands at all or that he raised them briefly, then dropped them and turned toward the officer. Others described the position of his arms as out to the side, in front of him, by his shoulders or in a running position.
What Happened in Ferguson?

Again details details which people of your ilk again seem to forget!
A) don't steal.
B) don't walk in the middle of street.
C) Don't try to hit the cop.

You wrote a long post for naught. The main thrust of my previous post was that Michael Brown's death might have been justified. But your using Brown's death as typical of cops killing unarmed blacks is disingenuous.

AGAIN and again people like you have to be reminded that common sense, attention to details is what keeps the preponderance of black people alive while dealing
with the police.

Neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman fatally shoots unarmed 17-yearold Trayvon Martin after an altercation in a Sanford, Fla.,
Ernest Satterwhite, 68, is shot and killed in his driveway by a white public-safety officer in North Augusta, S.C., following a slow-speed car chase.
Dontre Hamilton, an unarmed 31-year-old African American with a history of mental illness, in a downtown park. Manney alleged that Hamilton, who appeared to be homeless, attempted to grab his baton during a pat down.
Eric Garner, 43 dies after being wrestled to the ground as New York City police attempted to arrest him for selling illegal cigarettes.
John Crawford III, 22, is shot inside a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio, after picking up an air rifle from the shelf. While police say they repeatedly asked Crawford, who was black, to drop the gun, surveillance video shows that police shot the man soon after approaching him.
Tamir Rice, 12, is fatally shot and killed in a Cleveland park after police responded to a 911 call reporting a person with a gun. The caller warned that the gun may have been fake, but the officers say they didn’t know that. Officer Timothy Loehmann shot Rice within seconds of arriving on the scene.
Rumain Brisbane, following a drug-related traffic stop in which Brisbon, who was black, fled, refused arrest and appeared to be reaching for a weapon.
Africa” Leundeu Keunang, following a confrontation in the city’s Skid Row, an area with a heavy concentration of homeless people. Officers said the man attempted to take one of their guns.
Naeschylus Vinzant, a 37-yearold unarmed black man, is shot in the chest and killed by Paul Jerothe, a police officer in Aurora, Colo. At the time of the shooting, Vinzant was violating his parole and had removed his ankle bracelet. He also had a violent criminal history but was unarmed as officers tried to arrest him.
From Trayvon Martin to Walter Scott: A Recent Timeline

I can go on and on and on and please be honest!
What was the one thing ALL these deaths had in common?
None of the above followed any of the 10 easy rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police.
Now there are MORE deaths by cops OF WHITES who also should have followed the 10 easy rules... but we don't hear about them!
why are you not arguing stupidity on the part of WHITES then?
Same argument I'm presenting but big difference? Ignorance by people like you who listen to the BIASED MSM!!!
when you are looking at 35, justified, in court, killings vs mass murders in one, ONE city, it's not a false equivalent.

Didn't I just say the protests aren't limited to those alleged 35 unarmed black victims ln
2016. You've got to think bigger, son. Think decades
Over the decades the facts don't justify their actions.

Unless you think it's ok to hold a grudge for something that happened before you were born.

keeping in mind, that if you do, you support generational honor killings that occur in the ME

Those that blame slavery for why many blacks are where they are in life are saying those that were never slaves are OK to blame those that never owned slaves.

The newish excuse is that the slave mentality is genetic for blacks, that's why they need all the extra help.
Wow, you are clueless. Do you really think that is the "White privilege" argument? Just try for a minute to open your ears and have an open mind. At lease understand the argument and be able to accurately articulate it before you try and oppose it. Otherwise you just sound like an idiot. Do a little homework then come back and try again. Lets see if you can can accurately state what the "white privilege" and NFL kneelers arguments are.
There is not such thing as 'white privilege'.

therefore, their stance is even more fucking stewpud.
I won’t make that point because I’m not making that claim. And yes of course cops have a right to defend themselves

Until it's a black and they're supposed to stand down in order to not hurt their feelings.
Who says they are supposed to do that? That is a rediculous and baseless claim... as expected from you

What is ridiculous is why you and your ilk can't follow a simple red dotted line which indicates a misspelled word.
But that is to be expected when you ignore the realities of how organizations like "BLM" are asking for special treatment by cops while they chant...
Protesters in a Black Lives Matter march held outside the Minnesota State Fair over the weekend were captured on video yelling "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," a statement that some law enforcement members viewed as targeting police officers.
"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police - CBS News

How many times must you be told that the problem is NOT the police but the gross disrespect shown by young black youths when in a confrontation with authorities?
Why is it so hard for people like you to understand that NOT ONE cop ever ever wants to go out and KILL a person, much less a black person.
But when you have groups especially black groups attacking the police for what is THE blacks deficiencies, i.e. not having a person in their family that provides
them with the authority image, then these black groups are grossly wrong as you are!
How many times must you see this video and read these suggestions on how to react to a cop?
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police

1. Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police. Keep your mouth closed.
2. Remember that your goal is to get home safely. If you feel that your rights have been violated, you and your parents have the right to file a formal complaint with your local police jurisdiction.
3. Don’t, under any circumstance, get into an argument with the police.
4. Always remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
5. Keep your hands in plain sight and make sure the police can see your hands at all times.
6. Avoid physical contact with the police. No sudden movements, and keep hands out of your pockets.
7. Do not run, even if you are afraid of the police.
8. Even if you believe that you are innocent, do not resist arrest.
9. Don’t make any statements about the incident until you are able to meet with a lawyer or public defender.
10. Stay calm and remain in control. Watch your words, body language and emotions.
10 Rules of Survival if Stopped by the Police | Talk Back | PBS

Watch what Chris Rock advises any black person who never had fathers to give them the "talk".
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

It is safe to say that 99.9% of blacks killed did not follow the above 10 simple rules.

When you start pointing out typos you know you lost the argument. Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong. And I don't support a lot of what the EXTREMISTS say, that includes ANTIFA. But these people don't represent the masses. I know you like to clump them into everybody on the left because it makes you feel like you have a stronger argument, but that just isn't reality.

Yes people should be respectful when encountering law enforcement and yes people should follow the law or face consequences. These ideas are not in dispute.

No I haven't lost ANY argument but reinforce the concept that people like you are too lazy to pay attention to details!
The simple details like "don't get into an argument with the police"! Or Do not run. Or keep your hands in sight!
These simple details LIKE paying attention to the dotted red line when typing a spelling error is the point!
It is little details that people like you seem to slight and in slighting minor issues get blown out of proportion.
For example in Ferguson if Brown hadn't been walking down the middle of the street and when asked not to, ignored... look what happened.
A little detail. Blown out of proportion. Stupidity is not paying attention to little things like that would have kept him alive, thwarted several days of riots and not have
costed The December Ferguson riots cost $20 Million according to Garry Earls, St. Louis CFO.
The grand total from both riots cost local/state government around $26 Million. Now the unknown costs will take time to calculate. Insurance companies at some point will release damage to business and what they paid out. Property Casuality 360 did give a sobering fact of when disaster happens and the amount of businesses that do not reopen:Roughly 40-60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.
Total Cost of Ferguson Riots
All because this dumb kid ignored the cop's request NOT to walk down the middle of the street!
A little detail...like not paying attention to the dotted underline a misspelled word.

Wow, you are really taking that high horse for a ride aren’t you?! I think I only have a one word response.... COFEFE
Of course I don't condone the "Fry like bacon chanters" they were dead wrong
No, the chanters were not wrong. The cops who shoot unarmed people without provocation ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair. Obviously thats what the chanters were saying. That wasn't an ultimatum calling for death to all cops....just the perps in blue. The key word is FRY. The interpretation of that chant has been taken by most White people to be a declaration if war on police. That isn't true. The chant was a mandate to seek justice under the law by prosecuting muderous cops and sentencing them to death just like any other killers.
Whatever the meaning it was a stupid chant and just gave ammo to their opponents.

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