Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

16 unarmed black men killed by police. How many unarmed black men were murdered by other blacks? Probably more than 16, let's look into that a little more. Let's examine why we don't look into that, let's examine why we look at (white) racism exclusively but ignore other causes . Why do blacks hate them selves so much? Why do they blame every one else for that? What drives them to self destruction? Humans are a neurotic bunch.
The great majority are gangsters killing gangsters over who's going to sell drugs to Suburban rural whites Urban whites... Hi
99.95% of cases when Policemen kill suspects are cases of self defense, only .05% are cases of murder.
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
What’s your point?
16 unarmed black men killed by police. How many unarmed black men were murdered by other blacks? Probably more than 16, let's look into that a little more. Let's examine why we don't look into that, let's examine why we look at (white) racism exclusively but ignore other causes . Why do blacks hate them selves so much? Why do they blame every one else for that? What drives them to self destruction? Humans are a neurotic bunch.
Are you serious?
So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Blacks killing blacks. Doesn't fit the desire to riot and loot agenda.
there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
most of those shot by cops are justified self defense
so--yes--the cops are dong a good job of NOT shooting
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites

'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.['''

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

and also they are NOT shooting them because they are black--if you can prove the cops shoot based on color of skin--I will protest with you
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.

And many are unarmed also. Like the Australian women shot by the Muslim affirmative action cop. One small news cycle and that one fell to the way side. Guess it doesn't fit the narrative

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It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.

And many are unarmed also. Like the Australian women shot by the Muslim affirmative action cop. One small news cycle and that one fell to the way side. Guess it doesn't fit the narrative

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
What narrative?
How many black men were murdered by other blacks in Detroit ? 447 from last reports., damn, that sort speaks for itself. Apparently Black lives matter isn't an issue in poor black communities. Apparently it seems to mean the opposite. Blacks live matter when they are political appropriate but not so much as to be a real issue we are really concerned with. The acronym of that would be a mouthfull. BLMWTTPABNSMATBARIWARCW. Yeah, put that in you pipe and smoke it.
It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.

And many are unarmed also. Like the Australian women shot by the Muslim affirmative action cop. One small news cycle and that one fell to the way side. Guess it doesn't fit the narrative

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there will always be police that wrongly shoot people...humans are imperfect
but cops shooting blacks--justifiably and unjustifiably -- is not the HUGE, chronic problem the MSM and blacks think it is
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.

And many are unarmed also. Like the Australian women shot by the Muslim affirmative action cop. One small news cycle and that one fell to the way side. Guess it doesn't fit the narrative

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
there will always be police that wrongly shoot people...humans are imperfect
but cops shooting blacks--justifiably and unjustifiably -- is not the HUGE, chronic problem the MSM and blacks think it is
What makes you say that?

Do you have first hand experience with relations between the cops and black community ?
It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.

And many are unarmed also. Like the Australian women shot by the Muslim affirmative action cop. One small news cycle and that one fell to the way side. Guess it doesn't fit the narrative

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
there will always be police that wrongly shoot people...humans are imperfect
but cops shooting blacks--justifiably and unjustifiably -- is not the HUGE, chronic problem the MSM and blacks think it is
What makes you say that?

Do you have first hand experience with relations between the cops and black community ?
you mean when I say there is not a huge problem?
look at the all the statistics I have documented.....it is undeniable
do I need to show you the statistics/facts?
Why do blacks hate them selves so much?
In the book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, the author says this: "At one time we have been considered chattel and at another slaves. We have been indentured servants and we have been sharecroppers. We have been called darkies, n******, nigras, Negroes, colored, black, Afro-American, the intra-cultural colloquialism 'nigga' and most recently African American. Each designation has a historical link that carries with it perceptions of ourselves and our group.

The media has been a central vehicle for transmitting images to the masses. They control how the images will be displayed as well as who and what will be depicted. The media images of African Americans are seared into the mental frying pan of its citizenry, swallowed whole and eventually go unconsciously down the social "gut" of America. And what is ingested is rarely the truth. It is a carefully crafted hype designed to inflame and incite controversy, which sells newspapers and further divides Americans from Americans.

What happens to us and to our children, when we are told by our parents that we are smart, strong and able, while at the same time we are accosted daily with sounds, images and experiences that tell us otherwise?"

"Referring to a similar contradiction, in The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. DuBois wrote: It is a peculiar situation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One never feels his twoness- an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings, two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. This history of the American Negro is the history of this strife - this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and true self."
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...

Blacks killing blacks. Doesn't fit the desire to riot and loot agenda.
The protest is all about white cops killing unarmed blacks, over a hundred outside of the heritage org... And way too many times on smartphone cameras. And plenty of other abuse on smartphone cameras too.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.

And many are unarmed also. Like the Australian women shot by the Muslim affirmative action cop. One small news cycle and that one fell to the way side. Guess it doesn't fit the narrative

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
there will always be police that wrongly shoot people...humans are imperfect
but cops shooting blacks--justifiably and unjustifiably -- is not the HUGE, chronic problem the MSM and blacks think it is
Then there's all the other abuse of police against blacks, dumbass. It's Trump's fault that this is such a hullabaloo... Get him off the damn tweets he's an idiot so far at least.
How many black men were murdered by other blacks in Detroit ? 447 from last reports., damn, that sort speaks for itself. Apparently Black lives matter isn't an issue in poor black communities. Apparently it seems to mean the opposite. Blacks live matter when they are political appropriate but not so much as to be a real issue we are really concerned with. The acronym of that would be a mouthfull. BLMWTTPABNSMATBARIWARCW. Yeah, put that in you pipe and smoke it.
Gangsters killing gangsters to see who sells drugs to whites... If you don't think racism against blacks is a problem you're a brainwash functional moron...
Are there government bodies that sanction crips or bloods? Let's not equate gang bangers with cops, that is pure sophisism.

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