Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

I get it fine. More whites are killed by police each year than blacks. Period.

Remember, proportions don't matter on other issues. Why do they matter now?
No, you obviously don't get it if you you are still asking why they matter. :stupid:

I didn't ask why they mattered, I asked why they mattered NOW.
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.

If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.

Unfortunate and stupid, but if he didn't resist arrest he would have been fine. Does help too that he was about 500 lb over weight and fighting

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He was not resisting arrest. He was standing there. Unless asking why he was being harassed is resisting yet not lifting an arm or moving away while asking?
Grarner was murdered by a bad cop. Period. No ands ifs or buts about it. Flat out murdered.
I get it fine. More whites are killed by police each year than blacks. Period.

Remember, proportions don't matter on other issues. Why do they matter now?
No, you obviously don't get it if you you are still asking why they matter. :stupid:

I didn't ask why they mattered, I asked why they mattered NOW.
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.

If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.

They aren't relevant according to many on your side of the aisle.

There isn't but one hole I'm in. You know her.
It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

People prove your n-l ass wrong all the time, BOY.
Then you are obviously out of touch. There isn’t this much passion and support around this issue because of a fake issue. You are missing the big picture and the point entirely. There is a really ugly stigma that still exist in America at the detriment of blacks. Part of it is in their culture and part of it is in the culture of our police and elites. We’ve done good with fixing our broken laws with the civil rights act but there are still social barriers that need to be called out and fixed.

But more importantly. These protests are calling for more resources to be given to cops to better enforce the law. Increases in programs that integrate police with schools and their community. Better education/guidance for our “at-risk” youth.

What about these solutions do take issue with?

"More resources"? "better enforcement"?
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
And we have more blacks killing more blacks then ever... yet 68% of black households are single parent! That's the problem not more money spent on enforcement!
Did I mention Money?

How do you provide "resources" if not with "money"? How do you pay for programs that integrate police,etc. are you asking for the cops to donate THEIR time to people that are taught to hate them? Doesn't work that way in reality.

You don't get out of your car unless the cop asks you to. You don't drive in a neighbor where black crime on blacks totally profile you if you are black!
YES I said profile! Because that's exactly the reality!

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
So you tell me if you are a cop and half of the homicides are done by the race that is less then 13% of the population...hmmmm I'd say there is a very good
chance as a cop you stop a black there is a chance the black is guilty of something!
No the problem is more people evidently LIKE you should watch this video!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Of course Money is needed. According to you there is a ton of money already in place so perhaps it needs to be put towards smarter and more effective programs. Maybe our leadership should promote and inform the public better about these efforts. It’s not always about spending more. I know that’s your “go to” attack. Fact is if you weren’t so caught up in trying to make all these protestors out to be unpatriotic liars then maybe you could focus more on real solutions that could help the problems in our society. You can’t just point your finger in blame all the time and think you are being useful.


Do you comprehend what the above states? That when the Federal government dissuades black males to be a part of a family, dummies like you don't
seem to comprehend then black youths have NO male models! Consequently they are never told the talk. Never told as Chris Rock points out
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Idiots and dummies like you excuse the ignorance of black youths and continue to pour money into wasteful programs promoting killing babies,
Planned Parenthood, and encouraging NON-family formation. These are the facts but you idiots can't seem to grasp!
No black males in the households mean black youths have NO idea of how to respond to authority figures...like COPS!
So they do stupid things like you probably would do, the opposite of what Chris Rock shows you how not to get your ass kicked by the police!
No, you obviously don't get it if you you are still asking why they matter. :stupid:

I didn't ask why they mattered, I asked why they mattered NOW.
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.

If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.

They aren't relevant according to many on your side of the aisle.

There isn't but one hole I'm in. You know her.
I just said they are relevant. You are talking to me right now so don’t bring the strawman into this. I don’t care what some imaginary opponent of yours said. That has no relevance to this discussion
I didn't ask why they mattered, I asked why they mattered NOW.
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.

If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.

They aren't relevant according to many on your side of the aisle.

There isn't but one hole I'm in. You know her.
I just said they are relevant. You are talking to me right now so don’t bring the strawman into this. I don’t care what some imaginary opponent of yours said. That has no relevance to this discussion

No straw man here.

It is very relevant. Many on here that have used the proportion argument on this issue are the same ones ignoring it on other issues.
Then you are obviously out of touch. There isn’t this much passion and support around this issue because of a fake issue. You are missing the big picture and the point entirely. There is a really ugly stigma that still exist in America at the detriment of blacks. Part of it is in their culture and part of it is in the culture of our police and elites. We’ve done good with fixing our broken laws with the civil rights act but there are still social barriers that need to be called out and fixed.

But more importantly. These protests are calling for more resources to be given to cops to better enforce the law. Increases in programs that integrate police with schools and their community. Better education/guidance for our “at-risk” youth.

What about these solutions do take issue with?

"More resources"? "better enforcement"?
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
And we have more blacks killing more blacks then ever... yet 68% of black households are single parent! That's the problem not more money spent on enforcement!
Did I mention Money?

How do you provide "resources" if not with "money"? How do you pay for programs that integrate police,etc. are you asking for the cops to donate THEIR time to people that are taught to hate them? Doesn't work that way in reality.

You don't get out of your car unless the cop asks you to. You don't drive in a neighbor where black crime on blacks totally profile you if you are black!
YES I said profile! Because that's exactly the reality!

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
So you tell me if you are a cop and half of the homicides are done by the race that is less then 13% of the population...hmmmm I'd say there is a very good
chance as a cop you stop a black there is a chance the black is guilty of something!
No the problem is more people evidently LIKE you should watch this video!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Of course Money is needed. According to you there is a ton of money already in place so perhaps it needs to be put towards smarter and more effective programs. Maybe our leadership should promote and inform the public better about these efforts. It’s not always about spending more. I know that’s your “go to” attack. Fact is if you weren’t so caught up in trying to make all these protestors out to be unpatriotic liars then maybe you could focus more on real solutions that could help the problems in our society. You can’t just point your finger in blame all the time and think you are being useful.

View attachment 151859

Do you comprehend what the above states? That when the Federal government dissuades black males to be a part of a family, dummies like you don't
seem to comprehend then black youths have NO male models! Consequently they are never told the talk. Never told as Chris Rock points out
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Idiots and dummies like you excuse the ignorance of black youths and continue to pour money into wasteful programs promoting killing babies,
Planned Parenthood, and encouraging NON-family formation. These are the facts but you idiots can't seem to grasp!
No black males in the households mean black youths have NO idea of how to respond to authority figures...like COPS!
So they do stupid things like you probably would do, the opposite of what Chris Rock shows you how not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Dude, stop copy and pasting... It gets old
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.

If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.

They aren't relevant according to many on your side of the aisle.

There isn't but one hole I'm in. You know her.
I just said they are relevant. You are talking to me right now so don’t bring the strawman into this. I don’t care what some imaginary opponent of yours said. That has no relevance to this discussion

No straw man here.

It is very relevant. Many on here that have used the proportion argument on this issue are the same ones ignoring it on other issues.
Well have I? If so then show me where. If not then why should I give a shit what others say? You are talking to me right now so learn how to have a discussion.
If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.

They aren't relevant according to many on your side of the aisle.

There isn't but one hole I'm in. You know her.
I just said they are relevant. You are talking to me right now so don’t bring the strawman into this. I don’t care what some imaginary opponent of yours said. That has no relevance to this discussion

No straw man here.

It is very relevant. Many on here that have used the proportion argument on this issue are the same ones ignoring it on other issues.
Well have I? If so then show me where. If not then why should I give a shit what others say? You are talking to me right now so learn how to have a discussion.

You say you don't yet you mention others.
I don't know what other issues you are talking about. They matter on this issue because they do, thats not really debatable. They are relevant on many other issues as well, I can't generalize based on arbitrary claims. Your desperation to get out of this hole is pretty sad. I don't know where you think you are going with this but you are only going deeper.

They aren't relevant according to many on your side of the aisle.

There isn't but one hole I'm in. You know her.
I just said they are relevant. You are talking to me right now so don’t bring the strawman into this. I don’t care what some imaginary opponent of yours said. That has no relevance to this discussion

No straw man here.

It is very relevant. Many on here that have used the proportion argument on this issue are the same ones ignoring it on other issues.
Well have I? If so then show me where. If not then why should I give a shit what others say? You are talking to me right now so learn how to have a discussion.

You say you don't yet you mention others.
What are you talking about?
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.
I'm not saying that guy deserved to die. But he was a heart attack waiting to be triggered. He resisted arrest so the cops subdued him with techneques that would not have done serious harm to most normal heathy people. Those that are not healthy enough to endure being subdued by cops resist arrest at their own risk.
It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
These 200+ NFL players etc. taking a knee to protest what?
This why Kaepernick and these players are protesting...to the detriment of their future!
View attachment 151723
These rich black elitist athletes don't live in the real world of high poor black -on- black crimes, or perhaps, they conveniently forget that fact. Instead, they stand up against the comparatively smaller white police so called hate crimes to make themselves look bigger . I won't be partaking of NFL games for a while, as a boycott. Blacks know about boycotts. Nobody needs this preaching to the choir bullsh*t.
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
Hasn't happened yet... Blacks per capita get hired much less get shot much more get stopped much more you name it. Sorry about your luck...

Tell you what. Why don't you walk down this street in Chicago about 8:00 on a Saturday night.
The 4400 block of West Monroe on Chicago's West Side is a residential street of two-story buildings, senior citizens and a day care center.
It's also the city's most dangerous block of 2016, a stretch plagued by heroin, shootings and murder.
"I don't think it's safe here any time," said a landlord on the block, who asked that his name be withheld out of fear for this safety.
"I think this is one of the most dangerous blocks" in the world, the landlord said.
Just west of Kostner Avenue, the block was the site of eight separate shootings this year in which someone was wounded. One of those shootings killed 30-year-old Demarco Richards, who lived on the block. Ten other people were wounded in the gunfire.
Chicago's Most Dangerous Block Plagued By Drugs, Shootings And Murder
blacks killing blacks over who gets to sell drugs to Suburban and Rural whites...
These 200+ NFL players etc. taking a knee to protest what?
This why Kaepernick and these players are protesting...to the detriment of their future!
View attachment 151723
These rich black elitist athletes don't live in the real world of high poor black -on- black crimes, or perhaps, they conveniently forget that fact. Instead, they stand up against the comparatively smaller white police so called hate crimes to make themselves look bigger . I won't be partaking of NFL games for a while, as a boycott. Blacks know about boycotts. Nobody needs this preaching to the choir bullsh*t.
Check the stats on blacks being abused by police... All Blacks know about that. They also know about being abused by GOP voters. They're not stupid. None of this hullabaloo would happen or be happening without the Big Orange idiot tweeting.
16 unarmed black men killed by police. How many unarmed black men were murdered by other blacks? Probably more than 16, let's look into that a little more. Let's examine why we don't look into that, let's examine why we look at (white) racism exclusively but ignore other causes . Why do blacks hate them selves so much? Why do they blame every one else for that? What drives them to self destruction? Humans are a neurotic bunch.
On average there are about 7000 Black victims of murder per year.
Only about .00001% of Black murder victims are people who are murdered by policemen.

The NFL protesters are very unbalanced.

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