Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

These 200+ NFL players etc. taking a knee to protest what?
This why Kaepernick and these players are protesting...to the detriment of their future!
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Are you implying that there is no basis behind the protest?
Then you are obviously out of touch. There isn’t this much passion and support around this issue because of a fake issue. You are missing the big picture and the point entirely. There is a really ugly stigma that still exist in America at the detriment of blacks. Part of it is in their culture and part of it is in the culture of our police and elites. We’ve done good with fixing our broken laws with the civil rights act but there are still social barriers that need to be called out and fixed.

But more importantly. These protests are calling for more resources to be given to cops to better enforce the law. Increases in programs that integrate police with schools and their community. Better education/guidance for our “at-risk” youth.

What about these solutions do take issue with?

"More resources"? "better enforcement"?
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
And we have more blacks killing more blacks then ever... yet 68% of black households are single parent! That's the problem not more money spent on enforcement!
Did I mention Money?

How do you provide "resources" if not with "money"? How do you pay for programs that integrate police,etc. are you asking for the cops to donate THEIR time to people that are taught to hate them? Doesn't work that way in reality.

You don't get out of your car unless the cop asks you to. You don't drive in a neighbor where black crime on blacks totally profile you if you are black!
YES I said profile! Because that's exactly the reality!

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
So you tell me if you are a cop and half of the homicides are done by the race that is less then 13% of the population...hmmmm I'd say there is a very good
chance as a cop you stop a black there is a chance the black is guilty of something!
No the problem is more people evidently LIKE you should watch this video!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
Are you implying that there is no basis behind the protest?
Then you are obviously out of touch. There isn’t this much passion and support around this issue because of a fake issue. You are missing the big picture and the point entirely. There is a really ugly stigma that still exist in America at the detriment of blacks. Part of it is in their culture and part of it is in the culture of our police and elites. We’ve done good with fixing our broken laws with the civil rights act but there are still social barriers that need to be called out and fixed.

But more importantly. These protests are calling for more resources to be given to cops to better enforce the law. Increases in programs that integrate police with schools and their community. Better education/guidance for our “at-risk” youth.

What about these solutions do take issue with?

"More resources"? "better enforcement"?
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution.
The War on Poverty After 50 Years
And we have more blacks killing more blacks then ever... yet 68% of black households are single parent! That's the problem not more money spent on enforcement!
Did I mention Money?

How do you provide "resources" if not with "money"? How do you pay for programs that integrate police,etc. are you asking for the cops to donate THEIR time to people that are taught to hate them? Doesn't work that way in reality.

You don't get out of your car unless the cop asks you to. You don't drive in a neighbor where black crime on blacks totally profile you if you are black!
YES I said profile! Because that's exactly the reality!

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
So you tell me if you are a cop and half of the homicides are done by the race that is less then 13% of the population...hmmmm I'd say there is a very good
chance as a cop you stop a black there is a chance the black is guilty of something!
No the problem is more people evidently LIKE you should watch this video!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Of course Money is needed. According to you there is a ton of money already in place so perhaps it needs to be put towards smarter and more effective programs. Maybe our leadership should promote and inform the public better about these efforts. It’s not always about spending more. I know that’s your “go to” attack. Fact is if you weren’t so caught up in trying to make all these protestors out to be unpatriotic liars then maybe you could focus more on real solutions that could help the problems in our society. You can’t just point your finger in blame all the time and think you are being useful.
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.

Unarmed doesn't mean they weren't doing things that meant the killings were unjustified.
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?
I have a number of PR and DR co-workers.

They don't give the cops a ration of shit when stopped.

Those that support Knee Gate fail to acknowledge the pre-shooting actions of those shot. Michael Brown was unarmed but his actions prior to being shot produced the result. Wonder if had he taken the gun of Darren Wilson and shot him if Brown supporters would have said anything.
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?
I have a number of PR and DR co-workers.

They don't give the cops a ration of shit when stopped.

Those that support Knee Gate fail to acknowledge the pre-shooting actions of those shot. Michael Brown was unarmed but his actions prior to being shot produced the result. Wonder if had he taken the gun of Darren Wilson and shot him if Brown supporters would have said anything.
Black on white or cop on white crime doesn't seem to interest the rabid left.
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?
I have a number of PR and DR co-workers.

They don't give the cops a ration of shit when stopped.

Those that support Knee Gate fail to acknowledge the pre-shooting actions of those shot. Michael Brown was unarmed but his actions prior to being shot produced the result. Wonder if had he taken the gun of Darren Wilson and shot him if Brown supporters would have said anything.
Black on white or cop on white crime doesn't seem to interest the rabid left.
Crime. That is the magic word. Isn't police brutality a crime? Isn't shooting an unarmed person who isn't threatening a crime? Isn't lying on official police reports a crime?
One unarmed person being killed by the police is one too many.
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?

A white female was shot in Minnesota last month by a police officer of color. She did absolutely nothing wrong. Those protesting Michael Brown's shooting he deserved said nothing about this.
There's more of us, so that would make sense.
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?
I have a number of PR and DR co-workers.

They don't give the cops a ration of shit when stopped.

Those that support Knee Gate fail to acknowledge the pre-shooting actions of those shot. Michael Brown was unarmed but his actions prior to being shot produced the result. Wonder if had he taken the gun of Darren Wilson and shot him if Brown supporters would have said anything.
Black on white or cop on white crime doesn't seem to interest the rabid left.
Crime. That is the magic word. Isn't police brutality a crime? Isn't shooting an unarmed person who isn't threatening a crime? Isn't lying on official police reports a crime?

Isn't trying to steal a police officers guns when he wants to address with you because you match the description of the person having committed a crime earlier that day a crime? Resisting arrest?
Depends on what you call threatening or not threatening. Depends on what you call brutality.
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?

A white female was shot in Minnesota last month by a police officer of color. She did absolutely nothing wrong. Those protesting Michael Brown's shooting he deserved said nothing about this.

So why didn't you do what I did? A simple google search!

According to the BCA, Harrity was driving and Noor was in the passenger seat as they drove through the alley looking for a suspect.
The squad lights on their vehicle were off.
Harrity told investigators that as they drove down the alley, he was startled by a loud sound near the squad car.
Immediately afterward, Ruszczyk approached the driver's side window and Noor fired his weapon, striking Ruszczyk through the driver's side window, Harrity told the BCA.
The officers exited the vehicle and provided medical attention until medical staff arrived. Ruszczyk was pronounced dead at the scene.
Both officers are on administrative leave.
Minnesota shooting: New details emerge - CNN

Now what is the difference between the cop killing this woman with his gun and hitting her with the car? Accident! Simple accident!
Get the facts straight please.
I see over a hundred were killed in 2015 so no...
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?
Of course. But I think it needs mentioned that there are a number of whites killed the same as blacks. Just the other day a white man was shot 7 times and he was unarmed and I didn't see where he threaten the cop. A Hispanic deaf man was shot to death when he couldn't hear the police orders. He had a pipe in his hand.

So yeah, there are those killed on both sides and I assume some are unjustified by the court settlements they received.

Another interesting thing, the number of Hispanics killed is less then that of black yet Hispanics make up more of the population. So what does that mean?

A white female was shot in Minnesota last month by a police officer of color. She did absolutely nothing wrong. Those protesting Michael Brown's shooting he deserved said nothing about this.

So why didn't you do what I did? A simple google search!

According to the BCA, Harrity was driving and Noor was in the passenger seat as they drove through the alley looking for a suspect.
The squad lights on their vehicle were off.
Harrity told investigators that as they drove down the alley, he was startled by a loud sound near the squad car.
Immediately afterward, Ruszczyk approached the driver's side window and Noor fired his weapon, striking Ruszczyk through the driver's side window, Harrity told the BCA.
The officers exited the vehicle and provided medical attention until medical staff arrived. Ruszczyk was pronounced dead at the scene.
Both officers are on administrative leave.
Minnesota shooting: New details emerge - CNN

Now what is the difference between the cop killing this woman with his gun and hitting her with the car? Accident! Simple accident!
Get the facts straight please.

White woman doing nothing getting shot by police and there's nothing to see. Black thug like Michael Brown gets shot by police officer from whom he tried to take a gun and all hell breaks lose.
I see over a hundred were killed in 2015 so no...
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
I see over a hundred were killed in 2015 so no...
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.
I see over a hundred were killed in 2015 so no...
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
I see over a hundred were killed in 2015 so no...
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Proportions are the topic you dumbshit. You brought up welfare which is an entire subject all together. We were talking about racial issues with law enforcement and you tried to make some low IQ argument about the "numbers" but you weren't using fair numbers for comparison.

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