Just 16 unarmed black men killed by Police in 2016, 36 in 2015...justifies Knee-Gate?

I see over a hundred were killed in 2015 so no...
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Proportions are the topic you dumbshit. You brought up welfare which is an entire subject all together. We were talking about racial issues with law enforcement and you tried to make some low IQ argument about the "numbers" but you weren't using fair numbers for comparison.

I talked about proportions and you said I was off topic. I used welfare as an example and talked about proportions.
Yet whites killed by police are a higher number. Where's the outrage?
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
One unarmed person being killed by the police is one too many.

just because someone is unarmed doesn't mean that they are not a danger. Furthermore in many cases the cop is unaware as to whether the perp is armed or not. If you think it's so easy, try being a cop and show us all how its done.
Are you implying that there is no basis behind the protest?
The protest is misdirected.
How so?
35 black people got killed by cops in one year

over 450 got killed by other black people in Chi town alone.

do you understand math or do you need this explained in some other way?
That's a false equivalency. When unarmed citizens are killed by public servants who always have the upper hand in most cases, that is entirely different from neighbors or gang members killing each other. But I'll take it a step further. The protests are not limited to just those killings of unarmed Black people in 2016. Consider these peaceful demonstrations an indictment of the cumulative totals of this macabre phenomenon spanning decades.
But, let me be precise. One report cites the killing of unarmed blacks is 7 times more likely to occur
than the killing of unarmed whites by cops. That's a significant disparity. Apologists usually explain that disparity by echoing RW talking points suggesting there is more crime in the black community and more policing as a result. The problem is that doesn't explain why unarmed blacks are murdered by cops 7 times more than whites are.
Where is the "report" citing unarmed blacks ? Don't believe a word you write.

You're a late bloomer.Over the years I posted stats from government agencies and have written the equivalent of several novels on this topic. All that work was just ignored or dismissed by people like you; and few, if any, changed their bigotted or misguided rhetoric..
So...i have no incentive to waste time trying to prove something that you aren't interested in accepting anyway. From time to time, when I am in the mood, i might add links or material quoted from notables who support my premise.Til then...do what i do...validate or invalidate your opponent's arguments with a good search engine.
Well there are 160 million more whites in this country than Blacks. If you want to make an honest comparison you need to use relative numbers by looking at the population of the group divided by the shootings in question. I believe a recent study showed that blacks were 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police.

FACT CHECK: Do Police Kill More White People Than Black People?

So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?
So now proportions matter? Why don't they matter when it comes to use of social welfare programs.

You fail to acknowledge that blacks commit crimes on a much higher percentage than whites.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
One of them that I know of was unjustified. That guy in NY selling cigs and being choked to death.
So...if any are innocent, then that is 36 too many. But most were not innocent, unarmed or not.

Unfortunate and stupid, but if he didn't resist arrest he would have been fine. Does help too that he was about 500 lb over weight and fighting

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I totally agree 100% with your comments and the FACT you back it up with statistics!
THANK YOU as you are in the minority here in dealing with facts and reality.
When will MORE Americans do the following:
1) THINK and have opinions BASED on facts.
2) Recognize as this black historian , Walter Williams has done:
View attachment 151764
Only 16?


Yeah only 16. We've heard from you liberals "there's a war going on against blacks" and "it's an epidemic ". Yeah only 16 motherfucker
According to Heritage which is always full of s***. Google how many unarmed black people are shot by police and you'll get over a hundred from several sources. See also blacks with some college are able to get jobs at the same rate as whites with some prison, how many times more often do blacks get stopped by police than whites etc etc etc I'm on a smartphone now and I can't figure out how to copy and paste lol...
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh
So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Wait, lets stay on topic, we can talk about welfare later if you'd like... you really don't think that proportions matter to this discussion? Really?!

I can absolutely acknowledge that blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. No failure there. It is a big part of the problem.

So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
wow, you really don't get it do you? unbelievable.

Here let me try a non politcal analogy to see if I can get you to understand. You are most likely too blinded by your ideology to make rational sense about political subjects so i'll try this...

Lets say you are betting on horses.

There are 1000 horses born and bred in the US outside of Kentucky that have run 1000 races. Out of these 1000 horses they have won 200 races. That would give them a win rate of 20%... you following so far?

Now lets say there are 300 horses that were born and bred IN Kentucky that have run 300 races. Out of these 300 horses they have won 150 races giving them a 50% win rate.

Are you going to bet on the Non-Kentucky horses because they have more wins than the Kentucky horses (200 vs 150) or are you going to bet on the Kentucky horses that have a higher win rate? (50% vs 20%)
So you can talk about proportions but claim I'm off topic if I do? Don't confuse the topic with an example.

If blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate then your proportions argument on being shot isn't valid.
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
wow, you really don't get it do you? unbelievable.

Here let me try a non politcal analogy to see if I can get you to understand. You are most likely too blinded by your ideology to make rational sense about political subjects so i'll try this...

Lets say you are betting on horses.

There are 1000 horses born and bred in the US outside of Kentucky that have run 1000 races. Out of these 1000 horses they have won 200 races. That would give them a win rate of 20%... you following so far?

Now lets say there are 300 horses that were born and bred IN Kentucky that have run 300 races. Out of these 300 horses they have won 150 races giving them a 50% win rate.

Are you going to bet on the Non-Kentucky horses because they have more wins than the Kentucky horses (200 vs 150) or are you going to bet on the Kentucky horses that have a higher win rate? (50% vs 20%)

I get it fine. More whites are killed by police each year than blacks. Period.

Remember, proportions don't matter on other issues. Why do they matter now?
I get it fine. More whites are killed by police each year than blacks. Period.

Remember, proportions don't matter on other issues. Why do they matter now?
No, you obviously don't get it if you you are still asking why they matter. :stupid:
Make the argument that blacks have a 2.5x better chance of getting shot than whites, but also commit 2.5x more crimes than whites... and you have a valid argument that we can discuss. Don't use false comparisons by saying more whites get shot than blacks when there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. That is not smart nor is it honest.

It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.
It is honest. It's a factual number that more whites get shot by police each year than blacks. Show me where the numbers aren't true.
Can you not read? I didn't say the numbers were false I said it was a false comparison. Do you really need me to explain what that means?

It can't be a false comparison. It isn't on other topics. Why is it suddenly one now?
Because there are over four times as many whites as blacks? Duhhhh

So now proportions matter?

More whites get shot by police every year than blacks. The numbers are there.
Per capita statistics are the only things that make any sense.

Until it proves something you support to be what you don't like.
I get it fine. More whites are killed by police each year than blacks. Period.

Remember, proportions don't matter on other issues. Why do they matter now?
No, you obviously don't get it if you you are still asking why they matter. :stupid:

I didn't ask why they mattered, I asked why they mattered NOW.
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.
I get it fine. More whites are killed by police each year than blacks. Period.

Remember, proportions don't matter on other issues. Why do they matter now?
No, you obviously don't get it if you you are still asking why they matter. :stupid:

I didn't ask why they mattered, I asked why they mattered NOW.
Why wouldn't they matter? How old are you? This is one of the dumbest conversations i've had in a while, I'm just about done unless you can make a point that shows you have more than a single brain cell working upstairs.

If you leave the conversation, it will be on the level it should because I'll be the only one left.

If they matter NOW, why don't they matter on other issues?

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