Just 2 Republicans voted to approve Jan 6th Committee1

The possibility that it was professional agitators who infiltrated the crowd and set off the violence, is a real possibility.
Just like BLM has been claiming for a year that it wasn't them causing the damages during the 'protests', it was outside agitators.
Really. Name the person(s) who made this claim? It is possible that the arson and vandalism as well as the looting were not members of the BLM or agent provocateurs for trump, but the usual street people who are anarchists and thus have no principles/ political ideals.
IM2, Paul Essen, several others.

and just as possible that the Jan 6th
invaders' were " but the usual street people who are anarchists and thus have no principles/ political ideals."

Sorry, can't have it both ways.
LOL, yeah and these street people carried Trump Flags, Stars and Bars Flags and built a hangman's noose. You really aren't this stupid; sadly you are unwilling to admit to the truth of Jan 6th. It was initiated by Trump words for months before the day of Infamy, and his speech (linked below) just a short time before the Capitol Building was breached:

The possibility that it was professional agitators who infiltrated the crowd and set off the violence, is a real possibility.
Just like BLM has been claiming for a year that it wasn't them causing the damages during the 'protests', it was outside agitators.
Really. Name the person(s) who made this claim? It is possible that the arson and vandalism as well as the looting were not members of the BLM or agent provocateurs for trump, but the usual street people who are anarchists and thus have no principles/ political ideals.
IM2, Paul Essen, several others.

and just as possible that the Jan 6th
invaders' were " but the usual street people who are anarchists and thus have no principles/ political ideals."

Sorry, can't have it both ways.
LOL, yeah and these street people carried Trump Flags, Stars and Bars Flags and built a hangman's noose. You really aren't this stupid; sadly you are unwilling to admit to the truth of Jan 6th. It was initiated by Trump words for months before the day of Infamy, and his speech (linked below) just a short time before the Capitol Building was breached:

Sorry, pal. The Capitol attack was planned weeks ahead of time and it started before Trump's speech ended.

Capitol Police and FBI agents aided people in entering the building.

You're lying again.
Right because a partisan committee of politicans will conduct a totally unbiased investigation and find something that the investigators from the capitol police and DOJ have not.
The Republican Party is the party of Trump, and no longer a party supporting Truth and Justice; the majority of the Republican Caucus in the H. or Rep. is anathema to seeking the truth and justice. Not only is the Republican Party opposed to democracy in America, it is also opposed to represent the majority of the citizens of the United States who believe in the law, justice and equal rights for all of us.

Whether fear of trump, or the alienation of We the People, or both, strongly suggest the vast majority in the Republican caucus in the both chambers are doing nothing but oppose efforts to determine the cause of the insurrection of Jan 6th. Some even claim no insurrection occurred, and a few might have facilitated the vandalism and violence seen on live television for millions of us.

A few in both chambers have the guts and values of the principles left to us by supporting and defending the mission and vision statements of the Preamble, and the words in the first paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

The Republican Leadership has violated their duty to support and defend our nation from all enemies, foreign or domestic; McConnell and McCarty have lied, and abused their power and the rules in both chambers to vote no to deny We the People to understand and approve the bill on the Jan 6th Select Committee. A vote yes is to risk being challenged in the primaries, and these cowards have put their job before our country and the American Citizens.

Don't be surprised if this thread is moved to another forum.
How much in lulus are you getting from this "investigation".
You realize they get paid over and above their salaries for being on committees.
Nancy Pelosi wanted chaos to happen in the Capitol on 1-6. That's why the House Sergeant at Arms refused the help of the National Guard until after the shit hit the fan. That's why the Capitol Police and FBI plants welcomed people into the Capitol Building.

Of course Nancy had some communications with the Capitol Police that were NOT revealed in the Senate Committee investigation because one official refused to turn over his records and another refused to show up to testify.

The guilty bitch Pelosi will make sure that no mention of this comes up in the "select" committee hearings. She will make sure the focus is on little old white ladies and handicapped old white men recognized in the hours of videos that the public will never see.

The guilty bitch Pelosi will be selecting the members of the committee. She will likely interview each prior to appointing them and will make sure that they will comply with her rules regarding what to ignore and what to scrutinize thoroughly.

The guilty bitch Pelosi will make sure that leaks occur at regular intervals to keep the findings in the news.

The guilty bitch Pelosi will make sure that her personally driven investigation effort is extended through the end of 2022 and possibly through 2024 as it is nothing more that a political weapon to denigrate conservatives and hide the truth behind the complicity of the Capitol Police and the FBI plants in enabling the whole thing to happen.
The possibility that it was professional agitators who infiltrated the crowd and set off the violence, is a real possibility.
Just like BLM has been claiming for a year that it wasn't them causing the damages during the 'protests', it was outside agitators.

IMO, the side that has ONE small riot on it's side has more credibility for such a claim than the side that has HUNDREDS. .
Everyone knows that you fuckers just want a fishing expedition to find shit to lie about.

I mean seriously you fuckers can watch the President say "not w.s." and insist you heard him say, "w.s.".

SO, you are all either completely soulless and shameless lying whores, or bat shit crazy fuckers.

Either way, FUCK NO.
That’s exactly what they want… A Fishing expedition. That would be great. Hopefully they dig up some incite about what happened. That’s the point. Why don’t you want that?

Because I don't trust them to be truthful about what they find.

Indeed, I trust them to lie.

These after all, are the people that listened to the President say, "not w.s." and to this day, insist he said, "w.s.".

THey are filthy liars. They will lie. It is what they do. It is all they do. They won't stop. EVER.

The possibility that it was professional agitators who infiltrated the crowd and set off the violence, is a real possibility.

Especially as one example has admitted his behavior.

That you pretend otherwise is you being dishonest.

Actually, it was a spook state set-up.....Never was my sig pic more prescient.

That would make a lot of sense. Lord knows that this type of riot has NOT been seen at other pro-Trump rallies over the last 5 years.
The possibility that it was professional agitators who infiltrated the crowd and set off the violence, is a real possibility.

Especially as one example has admitted his behavior.

That you pretend otherwise is you being dishonest.
Then why the hell don't you want to get to the bottom of it?

Talk about dishonest.

Because I don't think that an "investigation" run by people like you would do that.

You say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire".
The people who are keeping this alive and using inflammatory rhetoric may someday get their insurrection. Only a low-info, paste-eating fool believes that the entire conservative-leaning population is simply going to shut up, sit down, and pay up.
This sick fantasy of the Marxists in DC that they can actually begin rounding up dissidents and imprisoning them, will lead to very serious violence in America. I guess the true believers think that will be justified, at least until they realize they'll be affected as seriously as their political enemies.
"serious violence in America"? Is this your wet dream, or your belief that LE will set aside the oath of office they all have taken to defend all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Don't try to fool anyone but the biddable fools who continue to support dumb donald; those who stormed the Capitol Building were not protesters, they were domestic enemies, clearly seditionists and traitors who supported the BIG LIE, the biggest BIG LIE stated over and over by the former president that his job was stolen. Don't fool yourself, trump is culpable for what happened on Jan 6th last.
Everyone knows that you fuckers just want a fishing expedition to find shit to lie about.

I mean seriously you fuckers can watch the President say "not w.s." and insist you heard him say, "w.s.".

SO, you are all either completely soulless and shameless lying whores, or bat shit crazy fuckers.

Either way, FUCK NO.
That’s exactly what they want… A Fishing expedition. That would be great. Hopefully they dig up some incite about what happened. That’s the point. Why don’t you want that?

Because I don't trust them to be truthful about what they find.

Indeed, I trust them to lie.

These after all, are the people that listened to the President say, "not w.s." and to this day, insist he said, "w.s.".

THey are filthy liars. They will lie. It is what they do. It is all they do. They won't stop. EVER.
They don’t need to be truthful. They need to do interviews and present evidence so that we can decide what we want to believe.
The people who are keeping this alive and using inflammatory rhetoric may someday get their insurrection. Only a low-info, paste-eating fool believes that the entire conservative-leaning population is simply going to shut up, sit down, and pay up.
This sick fantasy of the Marxists in DC that they can actually begin rounding up dissidents and imprisoning them, will lead to very serious violence in America. I guess the true believers think that will be justified, at least until they realize they'll be affected as seriously as their political enemies.
"serious violence in America"? Is this your wet dream, or your belief that LE will set aside the oath of office they all have taken to defend all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Don't try to fool anyone but the biddable fools who continue to support dumb donald; those who stormed the Capitol Building were not protesters, they were domestic enemies, clearly seditionists and traitors who supported the BIG LIE, the biggest BIG LIE stated over and over by the former president that his job was stolen. Don't fool yourself, trump is culpable for what happened on Jan 6th last.

The big lie? You mean when people like you heard the president say, "not w.s." and told the nation that he said, "w.s."?

That big lie?
The people who are keeping this alive and using inflammatory rhetoric may someday get their insurrection. Only a low-info, paste-eating fool believes that the entire conservative-leaning population is simply going to shut up, sit down, and pay up.
This sick fantasy of the Marxists in DC that they can actually begin rounding up dissidents and imprisoning them, will lead to very serious violence in America. I guess the true believers think that will be justified, at least until they realize they'll be affected as seriously as their political enemies.
"serious violence in America"? Is this your wet dream, or your belief that LE will set aside the oath of office they all have taken to defend all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Don't try to fool anyone but the biddable fools who continue to support dumb donald; those who stormed the Capitol Building were not protesters, they were domestic enemies, clearly seditionists and traitors who supported the BIG LIE, the biggest BIG LIE stated over and over by the former president that his job was stolen. Don't fool yourself, trump is culpable for what happened on Jan 6th last.

The big lie? You mean when people like you heard the president say, "not w.s." and told the nation that he said, "w.s."?

That big lie?
Hahaha. You don’t know what the “big lie” is?! Wow you are out of touch
Everyone knows that you fuckers just want a fishing expedition to find shit to lie about.

I mean seriously you fuckers can watch the President say "not w.s." and insist you heard him say, "w.s.".

SO, you are all either completely soulless and shameless lying whores, or bat shit crazy fuckers.

Either way, FUCK NO.
Whose everyone?
Everyone knows that you fuckers just want a fishing expedition to find shit to lie about.

I mean seriously you fuckers can watch the President say "not w.s." and insist you heard him say, "w.s.".

SO, you are all either completely soulless and shameless lying whores, or bat shit crazy fuckers.

Either way, FUCK NO.
That’s exactly what they want… A Fishing expedition. That would be great. Hopefully they dig up some incite about what happened. That’s the point. Why don’t you want that?

Because I don't trust them to be truthful about what they find.

Indeed, I trust them to lie.

These after all, are the people that listened to the President say, "not w.s." and to this day, insist he said, "w.s.".

THey are filthy liars. They will lie. It is what they do. It is all they do. They won't stop. EVER.
They don’t need to be truthful. They need to do interviews and present evidence so that we can decide what we want to believe.

THey interviewed people in Salem. They produced "evidence" in Salem.

Witchhunts are bad ideas. Even if they don't end in a literal witch burning, the abuse of power and the injustice are bad ideas, and bad for society.

That you need this explained, reveals a lot about you.

That you will disagree, reveals even more.
The people who are keeping this alive and using inflammatory rhetoric may someday get their insurrection. Only a low-info, paste-eating fool believes that the entire conservative-leaning population is simply going to shut up, sit down, and pay up.
This sick fantasy of the Marxists in DC that they can actually begin rounding up dissidents and imprisoning them, will lead to very serious violence in America. I guess the true believers think that will be justified, at least until they realize they'll be affected as seriously as their political enemies.
"serious violence in America"? Is this your wet dream, or your belief that LE will set aside the oath of office they all have taken to defend all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Don't try to fool anyone but the biddable fools who continue to support dumb donald; those who stormed the Capitol Building were not protesters, they were domestic enemies, clearly seditionists and traitors who supported the BIG LIE, the biggest BIG LIE stated over and over by the former president that his job was stolen. Don't fool yourself, trump is culpable for what happened on Jan 6th last.

The big lie? You mean when people like you heard the president say, "not w.s." and told the nation that he said, "w.s."?

That big lie?
Hahaha. You don’t know what the “big lie” is?! Wow you are out of touch

I know what you people are pretending it the Big Lie. But I also know which lie(s) are really the big ones, tearing this nation apart.
Everyone knows that you fuckers just want a fishing expedition to find shit to lie about.

I mean seriously you fuckers can watch the President say "not w.s." and insist you heard him say, "w.s.".

SO, you are all either completely soulless and shameless lying whores, or bat shit crazy fuckers.

Either way, FUCK NO.
Whose everyone?

The people who are keeping this alive and using inflammatory rhetoric may someday get their insurrection. Only a low-info, paste-eating fool believes that the entire conservative-leaning population is simply going to shut up, sit down, and pay up.
This sick fantasy of the Marxists in DC that they can actually begin rounding up dissidents and imprisoning them, will lead to very serious violence in America. I guess the true believers think that will be justified, at least until they realize they'll be affected as seriously as their political enemies.
"serious violence in America"? Is this your wet dream, or your belief that LE will set aside the oath of office they all have taken to defend all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Don't try to fool anyone but the biddable fools who continue to support dumb donald; those who stormed the Capitol Building were not protesters, they were domestic enemies, clearly seditionists and traitors who supported the BIG LIE, the biggest BIG LIE stated over and over by the former president that his job was stolen. Don't fool yourself, trump is culpable for what happened on Jan 6th last.

The big lie? You mean when people like you heard the president say, "not w.s." and told the nation that he said, "w.s."?

That big lie?
Hahaha. You don’t know what the “big lie” is?! Wow you are out of touch

I know what you people are pretending it the Big Lie. But I also know which lie(s) are really the big ones, tearing this nation apart.
The Big Lie still is a thing with knuckle dragging maga fuckups.
Everyone knows that you fuckers just want a fishing expedition to find shit to lie about.

I mean seriously you fuckers can watch the President say "not w.s." and insist you heard him say, "w.s.".

SO, you are all either completely soulless and shameless lying whores, or bat shit crazy fuckers.

Either way, FUCK NO.
That’s exactly what they want… A Fishing expedition. That would be great. Hopefully they dig up some incite about what happened. That’s the point. Why don’t you want that?

Because I don't trust them to be truthful about what they find.

Indeed, I trust them to lie.

These after all, are the people that listened to the President say, "not w.s." and to this day, insist he said, "w.s.".

THey are filthy liars. They will lie. It is what they do. It is all they do. They won't stop. EVER.
They don’t need to be truthful. They need to do interviews and present evidence so that we can decide what we want to believe.

THey interviewed people in Salem. They produced "evidence" in Salem.

Witchhunts are bad ideas. Even if they don't end in a literal witch burning, the abuse of power and the injustice are bad ideas, and bad for society.

That you need this explained, reveals a lot about you.

That you will disagree, reveals even more.
Dang, I guess I revealed myself then. Cats out of the bag. Now what?!

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