Just 3 more days.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
The pillow guy promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away. Things should start happening really fast for this to occur. How do you think it will come about? Will the Supreme court just make a ruling? Will the military have to capture Biden, and remove him from the White House? I know there some Q followers that know how this will play out. Give us a hint at what will happen in the next few days.
The only question is what the excuse will be used when it doesn't happen.

Most likely some combination of:
  • George Soros
  • The Deep State
  • The Swamp
  • Hillary
  • China
  • Commie Hitler Democrats
  • CNN

I doubt Trump will be prez in 3 days and doubt many will use any of your list of excuses.

Hell, Biden still won't be a real prez in 3 days or 3,000. Those who hold his puppet strings are the real prez.

But you sure conjured up a nasty list of really bad things.
The pillow guy* promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away.
Well, glad you brought that up poster Bulldog.
As you know, I have been somewhat fretting over poster Rancid's* assertion that former AG Wm. Barr was going to be executed for treason on August 3rd.
It didn't happen that day, but I am not going to be critical of poster Rancid as he may have just in haste misread his calendar app. He could have have mistaken "13" for just "3". And if that is the case, well, Friday, August 13th. could be a portentous day for America. Biden is removed, Trump is installed, and Barr is hung (gassed? electrocuted? shot? starved?).
A big day. Friday the 13th!
It could be so portentous that poster Rancid shows up on his "See?-I-told-you-so" one-man tour.
Time will tell.
Most likely some combination of:
Poster Mac inadvertently left off:
  • BLM
  • Antifa
  • MS-13
  • Migrant Caravans
  • Capitol Police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Mask wearers
  • Dr. Fauci
  • The Squad
  • Marxist Leftie Al Queda
  • ISIS
  • Zionist 9/11 Deniers
  • Homosexual Oathkeepers
  • Gun Grabbers
  • False Flag Imposters

    There may be others.
    Oh like, a gabillion others that could be trotted out.
** who here thinks that poster 'Rancid' could be the doppelganger for PillowBoy?
The pillow guy promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away. Things should start happening really fast for this to occur. How do you think it will come about? Will the Supreme court just make a ruling? Will the military have to capture Biden, and remove him from the White House? I know there some Q followers that know how this will play out. Give us a hint at what will happen in the next few days.
View attachment 523857

That would be awesome.

The damage Quid Pro and his Nazi party have done to this nation is incalculable.

But sadly, it isn't going to happen.

Consider this Herr Himmler, when the American's retake the House and Senate in '22 - what are the odd of an inquiry into the treatment of the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire and the denial of due process by the Gestapo and Department of Injustice?
That would be awesome.

The damage Quid Pro and his Nazi party have done to this nation is incalculable.

But sadly, it isn't going to happen.

Consider this Herr Himmler, when the American's retake the House and Senate in '22 - what are the odd of an inquiry into the treatment of the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire and the denial of due process by the Gestapo and Department of Injustice?
Oh NO!!! Yo aren't saying the pillow guy was just making shit up, are you?
"Poster Mac inadvertently left off:"

OOOOOPsie!! Dammit!

Like Mac, I too left at least one inadvertently off of that list of excuses that the world may see.

Mac and I both should have include: The American Girls Soccer Team!

Mac, whadahell were we thinking?

There is no excuse for us missing that insidious enemy to MAGA-think.
Well, glad you brought that up poster Bulldog.
As you know, I have been somewhat fretting over poster Rancid's* assertion that former AG Wm. Barr was going to be executed for treason on August 3rd.
It didn't happen that day, but I am not going to be critical of poster Rancid as he may have just in haste misread his calendar app. He could have have mistaken "13" for just "3". And if that is the case, well, Friday, August 13th. could be a portentous day for America. Biden is removed, Trump is installed, and Barr is hung (gassed? electrocuted? shot? starved?).
A big day. Friday the 13th!
It could be so portentous that poster Rancid shows up on his "See?-I-told-you-so" one-man tour.
Time will tell.

Poster Mac inadvertently left off:
  • BLM
  • Antifa
  • MS-13
  • Migrant Caravans
  • Capitol Police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Mask wearers
  • Dr. Fauci
  • The Squad
  • Marxist Leftie Al Queda
  • ISIS
  • Zionist 9/11 Deniers
  • Homosexual Oathkeepers
  • Gun Grabbers
  • False Flag Imposters

    There may be others.
    Oh like, a gabillion others that could be trotted out.
** who here thinks that poster 'Rancid' could be the doppelganger for PillowBoy?

I used to argue with Rancid about his predictions that so many Dem leaders would be executed. Then he talked about Trump time traveling and showed that he actually believe that Reptiloids are ruling the Earth. He believes all of the powerful families in China are headed by half-Reptile people.

No point in arguing with that kind of crazy.
I doubt Trump will be prez in 3 days and doubt many will use any of your list of excuses.

Hell, Biden still won't be a real prez in 3 days or 3,000. Those who hold his puppet strings are the real prez.

But you sure conjured up a nasty list of really bad things.
You doubt? Whoa, such strong words.

I can state emphatically that Trump won't be president today or anytime throughout Biden's term to run through 2024.
The only question is what the excuse will be used when it doesn't happen.

Most likely some combination of:
  • George Soros
  • The Deep State
  • The Swamp
  • Hillary
  • China
  • Fauci
  • Commie Hitler Democrats
  • CNN
I can think of at least one poster who might consider Zionist space lasers. I shall not speak their name.



“God has not forgotten. There are many that are still standing on the premise of what’s happening with President Trump,” he said. “As a matter of fact, I know for a fact that he has already been inaugurated.”

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You doubt? Whoa, such strong words.

I can state emphatically that Trump won't be president today or anytime throughout Biden's term to run through 2024.

Well, good for you, Shirely!

It is with fondness I remember y'all saying the same thing with just as much certainty in 2016.
The pillow guy promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away. Things should start happening really fast for this to occur. How do you think it will come about? Will the Supreme court just make a ruling? Will the military have to capture Biden, and remove him from the White House? I know there some Q followers that know how this will play out. Give us a hint at what will happen in the next few days.
View attachment 523857

The Supreme Court isn't in session in August so they can't make any ruling.

For them to make any sort of ruling there must be a case before the Supreme Court. As far as I know, there aren't any 2020 election fraud case pending before the court.

The q person and Lindell have never made any prediction that ever actually happened and came true.
Well, good for you, Shirely!

It is with fondness I remember y'all saying the same thing with just as much certainty in 2016.
I didn't. But the difference here is an actual election took place in 2016. Where as now we're talking about weird low-functioning retard level conspiracy theories. And the best you can muster is doubt?
The pillow guy promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away. Things should start happening really fast for this to occur. How do you think it will come about? Will the Supreme court just make a ruling? Will the military have to capture Biden, and remove him from the White House? I know there some Q followers that know how this will play out. Give us a hint at what will happen in the next few days.
View attachment 523857
And you believed it? You are dumber than I thought. Thanks for sharing.
Mike needs to go away..He claimed that if Trump twas not reinstated he would go to Heaven(Paradise)...One can only wish.

How about all of those ignorant, shit-eating libs who said they'd leave the United States if Trump was elected President?

Amy Schumer, Barbara Streisand, Snoop Dogg, Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Handler, Raven-Symone, Eddie Griffin, Samuel L. Jackson, John Stewart; those lying fucks went nowhere...

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