Just 3 more days.

How about all of those ignorant, shit-eating libs who said they'd leave the United States if Trump was elected President?

Amy Schumer, Barbara Streisand, Snoop Dogg, Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Handler, Raven-Symone, Eddie Griffin, Samuel L. Jackson, John Stewart; those lying fucks went nowhere...
I don't think they prognosticated Trump returning to office like some great warrior king.
The pillow guy promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away. Things should start happening really fast for this to occur. How do you think it will come about? Will the Supreme court just make a ruling? Will the military have to capture Biden, and remove him from the White House? I know there some Q followers that know how this will play out. Give us a hint at what will happen in the next few days.
View attachment 523857

“Life ... is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”​

― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
I don't think they prognosticated Trump returning to office like some great warrior king.

They said they would leave, and they didn't.

They're liars.

But they're shit-eating libs, so calling them liars is, I concede, redundant...
They said they would leave, and they didn't.

They're liars.

But they're shit-eating libs, so calling them liars is, I concede, redundant...
Then flush away your redundancy with self control. Yet, that will not help Lindell the Loon or Trump the Frump get back into the White House in August.
Then flush away your redundancy with self control. Yet, that will not help Lindell the Loon or Trump the Frump get back into the White House in August.

Well, count me among those who never thought that would even be a remote possibility...
Amy Schumer, Barbara Streisand, Snoop Dogg, Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Handler, Raven-Symone, Eddie Griffin, Samuel L. Jackson, John Stewart; those lying fucks went nowhere...
I'm hesitant to embarrass the poster Shooter, but......but I'm mildly sure if I recall correctly that all of the names listed above have been identified by one of my favorite posters on this venue as secret Zionist RINO's and 9/11 deniers, but good church people (actuallly, good 'temple' people).
I'm fairly sure I read that here.

And all the libs that claimed they'd move out of the US if Trump or Bush were elected are all still here wasting our air.

See above. Those ersatz RINOs (ps...PapaG., they were 'false flag' libs....well, they claimed they might leave if conditions were just so and so. Obviously, the conditions weren't what they expected. They were most afraid of Mike Pence as President, and Rudy G, as Attorney General.

I don't blame 'em for not leaving.
America right now is just too much fun.

"Well, count me among those who never thought that would even be a remote possibility..."

Yeah, sure. Let's got with that for today.
There's really no harm in accepting that one at face value.
I suppose.
Yeah, sure. Let's got with that for today.
There's really no harm in accepting that one at face value.
I suppose.
Look, dipshit, this will apparently be a monumental surprise to you, but there are conservatives in this country who don't believe the far-right idiocy that often gets spewed. Believing there aren't, as you apparently believe, is stupid. As much as I don't like the fact that Biden is President, I accept that he is. I never subscribed to the belief that he would magically be ousted in March, or August.

I never supported what happened on January6. That was a vulgar display if ever there was one. I don't know what I'd call it, but I sure the fuck wouldn't call it patriotism.

I do not believe that Trump will ever be President again, and I'd damn near bet the farm that he doesn't even get the nomination in 2024. And, if he did, I can assure you that I won't be voting for him.

But go ahead and keep believing that every person who doesn't vote for a democrat is a far-right jack-booted thug with and unwavering alliance to Donald Trump. Go ahead and do that because, if you do, you'll be so focused on looking for that that you won't see the real conservatives coming up behind you to pull the proverbial rug out from under your feet...
The pillow guy promised that trump will be reinstated as president on August 13. That's just three days away. Things should start happening really fast for this to occur. How do you think it will come about? Will the Supreme court just make a ruling? Will the military have to capture Biden, and remove him from the White House? I know there some Q followers that know how this will play out. Give us a hint at what will happen in the next few days.
View attachment 523857

No no no... He's already been inaugurated... back in March...

I guess Lindell wasn't invited...

“Life ... is a tale​

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,​

Signifying nothing.”​

― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
You either just compared me to the Bard, or called me an idiot. I'll try not to get overly excited, either way.
The Supreme Court isn't in session in August so they can't make any ruling.

For them to make any sort of ruling there must be a case before the Supreme Court. As far as I know, there aren't any 2020 election fraud case pending before the court.

The q person and Lindell have never made any prediction that ever actually happened and came true.
The Supreme Court will not have any say in the matter. Wanna know why?
The Supreme Court will not have any say in the matter. Wanna know why?
I'm pretty sure I know why the SC will not be involved, but I'm wondering what the people who believe the pillow guy have to say.
I predict nothing will happen. You probably won't hear anything about it from the republican side. Honestly, I think most either didn't pay attention to it, or have forgotten about it.
I didn't. But the difference here is an actual election took place in 2016. Where as now we're talking about weird low-functioning retard level conspiracy theories. And the best you can muster is doubt?

Actually, the "doubt" was somewhat sardonic than anything else. Some things are tough to convey on the internet.

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