Just 5 days later: Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives

That was faster than I thought it would be... by a couple of months, but here is it:

"A Montana man has applied for a marriage license so he can legally wed his second wife.

Nathan Collier of Billings said Wednesday that last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage inspired him to try to force the acceptance of polygamous marriages.

He says he’ll sue the state if his application is rejected.

Collier says Yellowstone County Courthouse officials initially denied the application Tuesday. When he told officials he planned to sue, they said they would consult with the county attorney before giving him a final answer."

Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives TheBlaze.com
Now he gets to litigate this. He will lose because, unlike laws banning gay marriage, there are compelling governmental interests in not permitting legally recognized plural marriages. He can be "married" to as many women as he wants, but he can only have one legally recognized, with all of the rights and responsibilities that go with it.

Yes... LOL! He will lose.. because the SCOTUS did not just unleash degeneracy and there is a VAST difference between the ANTITHESIS of sound sexuality and the vastly less, virtually indistinguishable deviancy common to the Polygamist.

Reader, understand what the above degenerate is saying: "WE RECOGNIZE EVEREST AS NORMAL... but there will be no recognition of the mole-hill..., 'cause those fuckers are SICK!"
Nothing screams 'hippie' like a fundamentalist Mormon. lol
Sheesh, if I wanted another wife, I would not advertise it that way. Much more fun to live openly in sin and drive the prudes around me nuts. And, remember, that is Montana. The only state where people are more independent than Oregon.


Hippies are as independent as ticks.

A Montana? Hippie?

A Hippie is a hippie, is a hippie... even when they're standing in Montana. They're as independent as a Tick.

Nice rebuttal, hippies typically dont live in Montana ...

They don't usually live int he White House either, yet for the last 25 years, you can't throw a dead cat without hitting one.

The thing to understand here is that it doesn't matter where a hippie is, it's still a parasite.

Uh ok, but Montana is a place where you have to be independent. Calling someone a hippie doesnt mean they are...you just made it up. But thats what con artists do...And I konw you're a con artist because I just said so. Thats all thats needed apparently
What's next? They will apply for license to marry a goat. Or a cat. If only they can train animals to sign a prenup.agreement. Thanks SCOTUS for your incompetence. We will see many other strange variations. I'm sure.
Since the definition of marriage has forever been legally changed, it's only right that other ways of joining people in a marriage be allowed.

If you do not agree, you are a bigot.
"Just 5 days later: Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives"

Which won't be issued – the same as before the Obergefell ruling.

“He says he’ll sue the state if his application is rejected.”

A suit which will be dismissed because it is absent grounds or merit.


If Ted loves Sue and Sue loves Mary, why can Ted Marry Sue, but Sue can't Marry Ted and Mary?

Don't their children deserve the dignity of marriage?
That was faster than I thought it would be... by a couple of months, but here is it:

"A Montana man has applied for a marriage license so he can legally wed his second wife.

Nathan Collier of Billings said Wednesday that last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage inspired him to try to force the acceptance of polygamous marriages.

He says he’ll sue the state if his application is rejected.

Collier says Yellowstone County Courthouse officials initially denied the application Tuesday. When he told officials he planned to sue, they said they would consult with the county attorney before giving him a final answer."

Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives TheBlaze.com
Now he gets to litigate this. He will lose because, unlike laws banning gay marriage, there are compelling governmental interests in not permitting legally recognized plural marriages. He can be "married" to as many women as he wants, but he can only have one legally recognized, with all of the rights and responsibilities that go with it.

Why? Who are you to say that? Who is the state to define his marriage?

The government could say it has interests in banning gay marriage too. Like population reproduction. Or both sex role models for a child.

It didnt. It said...the state cant define marriage.

You fags wanted it. You got it. And the aftermath will lay squarely on your shoulders in history books 150 years from now when men marry a goat and a stunning hot supermodel has 7 husbands...one for each day of the week who each play a specific want of hers.
It's some righty wingnut trying to make a point, pubes.

Do you really expect anyone to be surprised that some clown would do this?
Is that guy hurting you by having two wives? Liberals claimed that the reason gays should marry is because they don't bother anybody and nobody gets hurt by their love.

I agree. If more than two consenting adults want to marry, so be it. We should all be free to pursue our own definition of happiness. :D
What's next? They will apply for license to marry a goat. Or a cat. If only they can train animals to sign a prenup.agreement. Thanks SCOTUS for your incompetence. We will see many other strange variations. I'm sure.

Nope, animals cannot consent and they are not human beings. I think you are hyperboling.
That was faster than I thought it would be... by a couple of months, but here is it:

"A Montana man has applied for a marriage license so he can legally wed his second wife.

Nathan Collier of Billings said Wednesday that last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage inspired him to try to force the acceptance of polygamous marriages.

He says he’ll sue the state if his application is rejected.

Collier says Yellowstone County Courthouse officials initially denied the application Tuesday. When he told officials he planned to sue, they said they would consult with the county attorney before giving him a final answer."

Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives TheBlaze.com
Now he gets to litigate this. He will lose because, unlike laws banning gay marriage, there are compelling governmental interests in not permitting legally recognized plural marriages. He can be "married" to as many women as he wants, but he can only have one legally recognized, with all of the rights and responsibilities that go with it.

Why? Who are you to say that? Who is the state to define his marriage?

The government could say it has interests in banning gay marriage too. Like population reproduction. Or both sex role models for a child.

It didnt. It said...the state cant define marriage.

You fags wanted it. You got it. And the aftermath will lay squarely on your shoulders in history books 150 years from now when men marry a goat and a stunning hot supermodel has 7 husbands...one for each day of the week who each play a specific want of hers.

Think how many wives Bill Clinton and other Rich dudes will have!

We may need a whole new reality show.

Wife Horders
Do you people really think that MOST people would choose this lifestyle for themselves?
Yeah,so, what's the big deal?

That is my question.

So many people threw a hissy fit because gays are an abomination according to the Bible, and because marriage has always been....yada yada yada

But plural marriages are all over the place in the Bible, and were common up until the last few hundred years.
What's next? They will apply for license to marry a goat. Or a cat. If only they can train animals to sign a prenup.agreement. Thanks SCOTUS for your incompetence. We will see many other strange variations. I'm sure.

Once again, the benchmark of "consenting adults" takes care of all this "they will marry their dog! they will marry their mailbox!" ect ect ect ad nauseam.
Most women of today in America would probably not choose this type of relationship anyways. We don't like sharing!!! :lol:
That was faster than I thought it would be... by a couple of months, but here is it:

"A Montana man has applied for a marriage license so he can legally wed his second wife.

Nathan Collier of Billings said Wednesday that last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage inspired him to try to force the acceptance of polygamous marriages.

He says he’ll sue the state if his application is rejected.

Collier says Yellowstone County Courthouse officials initially denied the application Tuesday. When he told officials he planned to sue, they said they would consult with the county attorney before giving him a final answer."

Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives TheBlaze.com
Now he gets to litigate this. He will lose because, unlike laws banning gay marriage, there are compelling governmental interests in not permitting legally recognized plural marriages. He can be "married" to as many women as he wants, but he can only have one legally recognized, with all of the rights and responsibilities that go with it.

Why? Who are you to say that? Who is the state to define his marriage?

The government could say it has interests in banning gay marriage too. Like population reproduction. Or both sex role models for a child.

It didnt. It said...the state cant define marriage.

You fags wanted it. You got it. And the aftermath will lay squarely on your shoulders in history books 150 years from now when men marry a goat and a stunning hot supermodel has 7 husbands...one for each day of the week who each play a specific want of hers.

Think how many wives Bill Clinton and other Rich dudes will have!

We may need a whole new reality show.

Wife Horders

What if it's a woman who wants to marry two or more men? :D
Most women of today in America would probably not choose this type of relationship anyways. We don't like sharing!!! :lol:

If men can have two wives, a woman can have two husbands. After a certain age, this makes more sense.

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