Just another day in a Muslim hellhole (Iran killing stray dogs with acid)

If we caught someone torturing animals we say he was a serial killer in waiting.

Now we have an entire population of budding serial killers.

IDGAF about religion but people torturing innocent dogs for fun really pisses me off
If we caught someone torturing animals we say he was a serial killer in waiting.

Now we have an entire population of budding serial killers.

IDGAF about religion but people torturing innocent dogs for fun really pisses me off

They're not doing it for fun. It's state controlled animal control; and as Muslims generally consider dogs to be vile creatures, they don't give a sh*t that they're making the dogs suffer. They see non-muslims in the same way.
If we caught someone torturing animals we say he was a serial killer in waiting.

Now we have an entire population of budding serial killers.

IDGAF about religion but people torturing innocent dogs for fun really pisses me off

They're not doing it for fun. It's state controlled animal control; and as Muslims generally consider dogs to be vile creatures, they don't give a sh*t that they're making the dogs suffer. They see non-muslims in the same way.

Sorry if they didn't like torturing dog they would euthanize them humanely

And the fact that muslims think dogs are vile creatures is just one more reason to dislike them
And yet, there are those who care and are trying to make a difference. Instead of empty villifying, because this thread is really just a vehicle - why don't you support those who are trying to change things? Street dogs are horribly treated in most 3rd world countries - and even in supposedly civilized countries like Russia (remember what they did to prepare for the Olympics?). In China - dog's are meat, packed into tiny areas like battery chickens and abuse of street dogs is rampant. Animal cruelty in China exposed as dogs killed in street by laughing mob including police World News Daily Express

In my state's shelters we have dogs and cats still stuffed into gas chambers or shot. Muslim countries are among the worst but hardly alone. However - there are people despertely trying to change the culture (and yes, they too are Muslims).

This is a shelter I support: Vafa Animal Shelter
Vafa Animal Shelter Facebook

They do an incredible job, against incredible odds in a country living under a strict theocratic government. The people trying to make a difference - and many of the adopters of these dogs - are also Muslims. It is not uncommon for dogs to be found injured by cars and left there to survive. The culture is quite callous to stray dogs. Anyone willing to put their money where their mouths are and help these wonderful people make a difference?



Who says I'm not for any of the things you speak of? But what you speak of is completely contrary to the point. People who do these things lack character. What is the root of character in Iran and the Middle East in general?
Who says I'm not for any of the things you speak of? But what you speak of is completely contrary to the point. People who do these things lack character. What is the root of character in Iran and the Middle East in general?

The root of the character lies in the very people trying to change the culture.

What is the root of character in China? Russia? Rural backwoods USA? Dog fighting rings? Do you think we were always kind to animals?
Many areas in the US use worse methods. I've seen it.

Do some research.

I despise this but we need to clean up our own backyard before we judge others.
Who says I'm not for any of the things you speak of? But what you speak of is completely contrary to the point. People who do these things lack character. What is the root of character in Iran and the Middle East in general?

The root of the character lies in the very people trying to change the culture.

What is the root of character in China? Russia? Rural backwoods USA? Dog fighting rings? Do you think we were always kind to animals?

I think real men have respected God's creatures since the start of time.
Who says I'm not for any of the things you speak of? But what you speak of is completely contrary to the point. People who do these things lack character. What is the root of character in Iran and the Middle East in general?

The root of the character lies in the very people trying to change the culture.

What is the root of character in China? Russia? Rural backwoods USA? Dog fighting rings? Do you think we were always kind to animals?

I think real men have respected God's creatures since the start of time.

coyote is right----she may find out of more than a billion muslims------five or six who object to the Islamic view on dogs as crap to be eliminated by any means no matter
how cruel. Muhummad did not like dogs to the extent that some very very adherent muslims will not so much as GAZE upon one. The rapist pig liked cats. ---thus adherent muslims all but worship them. To know what muslims actually do believe and support-----talk to muslims---not coyote
Many areas in the US use worse methods. I've seen it.

Do some research.

I despise this but we need to clean up our own backyard before we judge others.

Shut up, you sanctimonious d-bag.

I know plenty of cases of animal cruelty in the US; so, don't be telling me to do research. Secondly, that's not the f'ing issue. And I won't stay silent just because you want to look the other way to protect your Muslim cohorts.
Many areas in the US use worse methods. I've seen it.

Do some research.

I despise this but we need to clean up our own backyard before we judge others.

My back yard is already clean so I'll judge away.

Anyone who tortures animals is a piece of shit and should be put down
Many areas in the US use worse methods. I've seen it.

Do some research.

I despise this but we need to clean up our own backyard before we judge others.

My back yard is already clean so I'll judge away.

Anyone who tortures animals is a piece of shit and should be put down

good point. SO? I understand the POV muslims have regarding dogs because I learned about it from muslims. For muslims dogs are as disgusting as
are pigs. --------an interesting reality. The attitude of jews regarding both dogs and pigs is actually not at all similar to the muslim POV For jews-----dogs and pigs are simply----NOT EDIBLE. Lots of animals are not edible----camels, horses, donkeys, elephants, dinosaurs (interestingly enough -----GIRAFFES are edible----if you can manage to slit its carotid fast enough----once you FIND it)

for muslims pigs and dogs are SO DETESTABLE that they deserve no consideration--------they are sorta the JOOOOS of the animal world----just LOOKING at a dog can be a problem for a good muslim. Jews do not harbor such a problem-----one can look at---pet, and even like a dog------but there is a bit of advice that shows up in the literature------that advises "do not keep dogs in your house because they frighten beggars from your door" (sounds not so bad to me----but that writing does exist) In any case----if you are a dog-----do not expect to get away in a muslim area unmutilated
Many areas in the US use worse methods. I've seen it.

Do some research.

I despise this but we need to clean up our own backyard before we judge others.

My back yard is already clean so I'll judge away.

Anyone who tortures animals is a piece of shit and should be put down

good point. SO? I understand the POV muslims have regarding dogs because I learned about it from muslims. For muslims dogs are as disgusting as
are pigs. --------an interesting reality. The attitude of jews regarding both dogs and pigs is actually not at all similar to the muslim POV For jews-----dogs and pigs are simply----NOT EDIBLE. Lots of animals are not edible----camels, horses, donkeys, elephants, dinosaurs (interestingly enough -----GIRAFFES are edible----if you can manage to slit its carotid fast enough----once you FIND it)

for muslims pigs and dogs are SO DETESTABLE that they deserve no consideration--------they are sorta the JOOOOS of the animal world----just LOOKING at a dog can be a problem for a good muslim. Jews do not harbor such a problem-----one can look at---pet, and even like a dog------but there is a bit of advice that shows up in the literature------that advises "do not keep dogs in your house because they frighten beggars from your door" (sounds not so bad to me----but that writing does exist) In any case----if you are a dog-----do not expect to get away in a muslim area unmutilated

Well to me it's an absolutely ridiculous and downright stupid attitude.

Tell me if these people are so devout and god loving why torture the creatures they must believe god put on the planet?

It's just one more conflicting attitude the religious idiots in the world have
Yup, Iran killing dogs with acid injections. Motherfuckers!

Then again if the Saudis did it, you wouldn't hear about it.

Always bad stories from Iran, it's a way of vilifying Iran to make it easier to invade at some point in the future with a Republican President in the White House.
Yup, Iran killing dogs with acid injections. Motherfuckers!

Then again if the Saudis did it, you wouldn't hear about it.

Always bad stories from Iran, it's a way of vilifying Iran to make it easier to invade at some point in the future with a Republican President in the White House.

It's not just Iran

It's Muslims.

Dogs are better than Muslims

Well, I doubt anything I could say would change your ignorance, so probably no point, hey?

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