Just Another RW Hypocrite

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Na, he just grew up...
Carson points out the system failure of the left's welfare policies on blacks and liberals vent hate, got it. Go ahead OP tell us how well off blacks are today after 50+ years of the lefts stupidity.
...and she's a loopy kunt
Here's another Teabagger hypocrite, Phil Drake, rallies against necessary programs, who was once on food stamps.

i love the way you live in a time warp. that you cant make a distinction between eras that span decades makes the point for the other side. You see people are perpetual victims that need Big Nanny government to take care of them. You recognize no "change" over even generations despite the best attempts and the oh-so pious good intentions of the best Progressive minds and hearts.

you make the point for the other side

and your policies CREATE poor people to "help"

ur an idiot, pure and simple
speaking of hypocrisy though:


Unions seek exemption from LA minimum wage law they ...
Fox News Channel
May 31, 2015 - Union leaders in Los Angeles are being accused of hypocrisy after being caught trying to ... Unions seek exemption from LA minimum wage law they helped pass ..... I don't want to be unionized, I would get paid less if I were!
Everything is situational with the progressives, no spine.
All you've got are lies and myths, straight from the Republican bubble.

Deflection, answer the question or admit you are a gutless lib.

You're a waste of time. Go find a link to support your claim that assistance to needy families has a 1% success rate, then we'll talk.

More deflection, its a pattern with you. Answer the question or admit you libs are once again being intentionally dishonest.

What? Still no link? Go play in the street.

Here it is again, so you can only challenge the high failure rate of Democrats public assistance policies if they failed you personally? Carson can't? You won't answer it destroyed your posts and this dishonest lib thread.

WTF are you blabbering about? Public assistance didn't fail Carson and his family.

You don't get to admit that you couldn't have made it without assistance, while advocating against it, Dingbat.

"She couldn't have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy."--Ben Carson
If we were demanding Carson go back to Africa, posting racist photo's of him, and claiming he's not a US citizen, you might have a point.

So far, I've only heard of his policies being criticized, and no one on the left has called him the Messiah, or a Magic Negro.





You won't see shit like this from the left.
Hey, didn't the "not a citizen" ordeal originate in a lefties campaign?

Only in the Republican bubble.
LOL how quaint

Keep the lie going! RWer's do an excellent job of keeping lies alive.

There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at Factcheck.org reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
Not her campaign, but her supporters. My mistake :D

Name the supporters.
Deflection, answer the question or admit you are a gutless lib.

You're a waste of time. Go find a link to support your claim that assistance to needy families has a 1% success rate, then we'll talk.

More deflection, its a pattern with you. Answer the question or admit you libs are once again being intentionally dishonest.

What? Still no link? Go play in the street.

Here it is again, so you can only challenge the high failure rate of Democrats public assistance policies if they failed you personally? Carson can't? You won't answer it destroyed your posts and this dishonest lib thread.

WTF are you blabbering about? Public assistance didn't fail Carson and his family.

You don't get to admit that you couldn't have made it without assistance, while advocating against it, Dingbat.

"She couldn't have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy."--Ben Carson

the only one babbling is you leftard; living in a time warp as you are
can this left-wing nutjob actually provide a quote where Carson calls for eliminating the whole food stamp program?

i doubt it

yes loon; see that as a challenge.......................
Here's another Teabagger hypocrite, Phil Drake, rallies against necessary programs, who was once on food stamps.
{sigh} Public education I guess. See, food stamps and all the money spent on educating people is a complete waste.

They don't call you Meathead for nothing. I guess we should quit educating people so they can all be dumb as a box of rocks.
Hey, didn't the "not a citizen" ordeal originate in a lefties campaign?

Only in the Republican bubble.
LOL how quaint

Keep the lie going! RWer's do an excellent job of keeping lies alive.

There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at Factcheck.org reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
Not her campaign, but her supporters. My mistake :D

Name the supporters.
Try reading your own link :lol:
Only in the Republican bubble.
LOL how quaint

Keep the lie going! RWer's do an excellent job of keeping lies alive.

There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at Factcheck.org reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
Not her campaign, but her supporters. My mistake :D

Name the supporters.
Try reading your own link :lol:

I did read it.

If they can't name the supporter, which you can't either, you've got nothing.
Carson points out the system failure of the left's welfare policies on blacks and liberals vent hate, got it. Go ahead OP tell us how well off blacks are today after 50+ years of the lefts stupidity.

So much of a failure that he, someone who benefited from the very assistance he says he's against, went on to become a brain surgeon and candidate for President. That sort of failure?
LOL how quaint

Keep the lie going! RWer's do an excellent job of keeping lies alive.

There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at Factcheck.org reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
Not her campaign, but her supporters. My mistake :D

Name the supporters.
Try reading your own link :lol:

I did read it.

If they can't name the supporter, which you can't either, you've got nothing.
From YOUR link you DIDNT read
The allegation about Obama’s birthplace tracks back to the bruising 2008 Democratic primary between Obama and Clinton. According to a Telegraph article, as early as April 2008, a Clinton supporter passed around an email that questioned where Obama was born.
"Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy," it said. "She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth."
The cry that Obama was not a legitimate candidate grew much louder in June 2008.
On June 7, 2008, Clinton conceded and called for all Democrats to rally behind Obama. Some in her party did not care to listen. By June 10, 2008, opponents to Obama were posting on a website called Pumaparty.com. PUMA stood for Party Unity My Ass. The website encouraged frustrated Clinton supporters to back the Republican nominee.

John Avlon, editor-in-chief of the Daily Beast, explored the roots of the birther movement in his book Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America. Avlon described a posting on the PUMA website with the heading "Obama May Be Illegal to Be Elected President!" He wrote that a Clinton volunteer in Texas, Linda Starr, played a key role in spreading the rumor
LOL how quaint

Keep the lie going! RWer's do an excellent job of keeping lies alive.

There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at Factcheck.org reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
Not her campaign, but her supporters. My mistake :D

Name the supporters.
Try reading your own link :lol:

I did read it.

If they can't name the supporter, which you can't either, you've got nothing.

good one leftard!! i got a few of those instances then

who actually says he or she was present when Bush allegedly said that "godamn piece of paper" comment about the Constitution????

and again. is Carson calling for ending all food stamps??

i've got others too..................

idiots and hypocrites
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