Just as suspected: White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended or Arreste


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
I would much prefer my kids get their asses beaten rather than having them drugged into a stupor.
Interesting, since the kids getting suspended for biting Pop-Tarts, pointing fingers and playing imaginary war, wearing patriotic or religious T-shirts, plus those kissing their little girlfriends or hugging a school friend at age 6-7 and tagged "sexual offenders" are ... ahem, I'll say it slowly for you ... overwhelmingly white.
The black kids are already self medicating.
The black race is an inherently animalistic race and not fully evolved. So no surprise they are more violent and prone to violence.
I would much prefer my kids get their asses beaten rather than having them drugged into a stupor.

Ass beat? How about suspended and jailed and thrown away?

While I agree drugs isnt the answer, they are more likely to be given help (counseling etc.) than written off.
Interesting, since the kids getting suspended for biting Pop-Tarts, pointing fingers and playing imaginary war, wearing patriotic or religious T-shirts, plus those kissing their little girlfriends or hugging a school friend at age 6-7 and tagged "sexual offenders" are ... ahem, I'll say it slowly for you ... overwhelmingly white.

So? Whats your point? White kids get in trouble too?
Yeah, black culture is a terribly bad influence of children. As a result, black children have massive behavioral problems and are generally much more violent than everyone else. They are expected to behave badly, so they don't usually get suspended for minor things children of other races get suspended for. If teachers were handing out suspensions fairly, those statistics on black kids would be MUCH worse.
Interesting, since the kids getting suspended for biting Pop-Tarts, pointing fingers and playing imaginary war, wearing patriotic or religious T-shirts, plus those kissing their little girlfriends or hugging a school friend at age 6-7 and tagged "sexual offenders" are ... ahem, I'll say it slowly for you ... overwhelmingly white.

So? Whats your point? White kids get in trouble too?

Yes, and for nonsensical, non-violent offenses. No comparison.
Interesting, since the kids getting suspended for biting Pop-Tarts, pointing fingers and playing imaginary war, wearing patriotic or religious T-shirts, plus those kissing their little girlfriends or hugging a school friend at age 6-7 and tagged "sexual offenders" are ... ahem, I'll say it slowly for you ... overwhelmingly white.

So? Whats your point? White kids get in trouble too?

Yes, and for nonsensical, non-violent offenses. No comparison.

Yes there is, see the study included. No one ever said white kids never get in trouble.
parents and doctors recognize a problem and attempt to treat it.

Parents that don't care ignore the signs and then blame the system
Considering most white kids have insurance and both parents involved...yeah...I'd imagine they get treatment more than the kids whose mama had them just to get more welfare and dad is an anonymous Saturday night quickie.

But hey...maybe Obama care will fix it.
parents and doctors recognize a problem and attempt to treat it.

Parents that don't care ignore the signs and then blame the system

I dont know what that has to do with the teachers / administrators actions but thanks for contributing, I guess
Ass beat? How about suspended and jailed and thrown away?
Yeah, sending them to crime University is always the better answer.....NOT.

Just give them a session with the Board of Education, about 5 whacks across the buttside, and the problem will be cured.

While I agree drugs isnt the answer, they are more likely to be given help (counseling etc.) than written off.

I thought you start with a little informal counseling, and then do a kind of triage; sort out the thugs (whacked with a paddle till morale improves), erroneous penitent (harsh lecture and 'last warning'), then the folks with serious issues like problems at home, being targeted by a gang, etc. THEN whack his ass if he doesnt wise up.
Considering most white kids have insurance and both parents involved...yeah...I'd imagine they get treatment more than the kids whose mama had them just to get more welfare and dad is an anonymous Saturday night quickie.

I can only guess how many times I get 'whacks', more than fifty, but I dont remember. Got to where I hardly noticed them. We moved around a lot and when I would get whacked for the first time at my new school, I would wait for the inevitable query, 'I hope you learned your lesson, son'. I'd look around and then say, 'No I dont think I did, may we need a repeat.' Teachers hated that. They would double the quantity and quality of the Board session, and I would say, something to the effect of 'Yeah, I think that did it.'

But I would have seriously ratcheted up what the bad asses had to do and it was hilarious. One kid would refuse to say he learned his lesson and got paddled three additional times, breaking the paddle, so the teacher borrowed another one, lolol. I can still remember that stuff like it was yesterday.

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