Just Curious. And nosey.

49 years old next month, and then I'm gonna be staring the big 50 in the face.

Hope I can continue to be able to ride a bicycle 10 miles in less than 45 minutes by then.

Thank the Big Man Upstairs that at almost 49, I still can.

I hope to still be riding bicycles by the time I'm 80.
32 which I forgot today. Many tell me I look 24 or 25. I don't wear a lot of make up, and I will sit out a little and tan in the summer but I never go to tanning beds, or just lay out much.
My dad also has always looked young for his age, and went grey very late. I assume I take after him except in the hair department.
49 years old next month, and then I'm gonna be staring the big 50 in the face.

Hope I can continue to be able to ride a bicycle 10 miles in less than 45 minutes by then.

Thank the Big Man Upstairs that at almost 49, I still can.

I hope to still be riding bicycles by the time I'm 80.

You and I think so much alike.

Your prior Navy. You ran the prt (screw calling it pfa:)

You were a 9502 if memory serves

You are almost my age.

We both did 20.

Oh and here is my next one. Currently on a Cannondale, but gong back to Bianchi's.

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Garsh..... some old fuckers around here!!

Proud of every year past 30, given my past
(posted on my profile page)
46....47 next month
Same birthday as Alex Trebek....we were both hitch-hikers in our past

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