Just Curious. And nosey.

49 years old next month, and then I'm gonna be staring the big 50 in the face.

Hope I can continue to be able to ride a bicycle 10 miles in less than 45 minutes by then.

Thank the Big Man Upstairs that at almost 49, I still can.

I hope to still be riding bicycles by the time I'm 80.

How are your knees holding up?

Bad knees are, I am informed, the bane of serious bikers.

I love my bike.

I do so wish the USA had a bike path highway that mirrored (better yet surpassed) our interstate system.

I live a block from route 1.

I ought to be able to Bike (or hike) from my hometown here in Maine to Key West FLA without ever having to share the road with a car.

1% of all road funding for bike n' hike roads would do that for the entire nation.

1% and we could be free from the tyranny of having to be in an automobile to safely get from place to place.
49 years old next month, and then I'm gonna be staring the big 50 in the face.

Hope I can continue to be able to ride a bicycle 10 miles in less than 45 minutes by then.

Thank the Big Man Upstairs that at almost 49, I still can.

I hope to still be riding bicycles by the time I'm 80.

How are your knees holding up?

Bad knees are, I am informed, the bane of serious bikers.

I love my bike.

I do so wish the USA had a bike path highway that mirrored (better yet surpassed) our interstate system.

I live a block from route 1.

I ought to be able to Bike (or hike) from my hometown here in Maine to Key West FLA without ever having to share the road with a car.

1% of all road funding for bike n' hike roads would do that for the entire nation.

1% and we could be free from the tyranny of having to be in an automobile to safely get from place to place.

I still ride and have bad knees fromn an accident years ago but I can ride just fine.
49 years old next month, and then I'm gonna be staring the big 50 in the face.

Hope I can continue to be able to ride a bicycle 10 miles in less than 45 minutes by then.

Thank the Big Man Upstairs that at almost 49, I still can.

I hope to still be riding bicycles by the time I'm 80.

How are your knees holding up?

Bad knees are, I am informed, the bane of serious bikers.

I love my bike.

I do so wish the USA had a bike path highway that mirrored (better yet surpassed) our interstate system.

I live a block from route 1.

I ought to be able to Bike (or hike) from my hometown here in Maine to Key West FLA without ever having to share the road with a car.

1% of all road funding for bike n' hike roads would do that for the entire nation.

1% and we could be free from the tyranny of having to be in an automobile to safely get from place to place.

Interestingly enough, my knees are holding up quite well. However, I learned a long time ago (like around 3 years into my bike career) that certain "clipless" pedals didn't work as well as others. I rode clips, and I've been one of those that was laughed at because I couldn't get the clips opened quickly enough and fell down on my side. After that particular experience, I decided to go with Look pedals and shoes. Only problem is, they held my foot and leg in a certain position when I was pedaling and it resulted in knee pain.

I then heard about a pedal called Speedplay (some called them "lollipop pedals"), which allowed your feet to "float" and greatly reduced pain in the knees.

Over 15 years later? I couldn't ask for a better set of pedals. Not only do they reduce knee pain (because you have the ability to "float" and let your legs work naturally), but they also provide a pretty firm platform for speed.

As far as the rails to trails thing? I think that there should be a bike path between every town, one that is void of cars or anything else other than bikes and pedestrians.

Matter of fact, I've ridden from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL, and from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI, and from Newport RI to Norfolk VA. Why? Simple...................I knew how to ride and wanted to see how far I could go.

It got me several accolades (and a billet as a Navy PRT Coordinator), everywhere I went.

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