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Just curious...do the democrats realize...they still own obamacare? And they are happy about that?

Democrats own Obamacare......Republicans own DHS

If families start to suffer and lose insurance, it is up to Republicans to do something about it. Darwinism is not a solution.
So Americans will contact their Congressman and ask him to do something
Blame Obamacare does not pay the doctor
Passing the buck on your BS law isn't gonna work...................... And unlike you I'm against one man having the authority to change any damned thing he wants in the rules.................That should be done by the Congress and 3 branches of Gov't.......Not a single dang group within the executive.

If they can't pass laws to fix the dang thing then they all need to be fired until we find someone that can. Problem is we still have the paid shrills in office still......who are beholding to those who give them money.

Just addressing the realities

Obamacare will not collapse in a heap. It will fail one state at a time. The states that will fail first will be those that did the worst job in setting up exchanges and rejected Medicaid expansion
What most people know as "red states"

Those people will not contact Obama, they will contact their Representative and demand he do something

Of course the Representative will say.....blame Obamacare
To which the voter will say.......You were elected to repeal and replace Obamacare
As you admit that it is a failure.......Noted.
Americans lost today. A man who was suppose to cut through DC double speak and self dealing did not deliver. Republicans who told us it was a new day lied. Democrats who have nothing to offer still look pathetic.
You are questioning a great arch strategist, his chess move today has cornered the dems to now stop their childs play and vote on value of restructuring plan instead of all conspiring to vote party line sabotage-'hinderers'(sawtawns).
That never bodes well especially if it exposes Obama care failures they structured forced on the people on the first place.

It was the repubs that sank their bill yesterday, they did not have the votes on their side. But if Trump would have asked or reached across the aisle and asked dems to help fix the law just maybe they would have extended some suggestion's and it could have ended up bipartisan. But no the repubs destroyed themselves on this one.
Dems reaching across the Isle............pfft..................Remember get on the back of the bus...............They will not negotiate..............

You don't read very well I didn't say dems reaching across I said trump and the repubs. Dems know it has to be fixed, but no one asked for their input. This is on the orange dildo now.
Not one republican voted for it.

So what?
Mechanisms For Preventing Tyranny of the Majority in a Democracy

In any institution in which a majority of citizens or members can pass laws or rules that apply, not just to themselves, but to all members of the group, judgment is required to distinguish potential laws which are reasonable and fair from those which are tyrannical because they are unnecessary, unfair, and justifiably intolerable to the minority that opposed them. And formal mechanisms need to be in place, wherever feasible, to prevent tyrannical laws from being passed by those whose judgment in such matters might fail.

The founding fathers of the American republic were not unaware of this problem, and some of the provisions of the U.S. Constitution can be viewed as ways of addressing it even if that is not necessarily their expressed or realized intention. James Madison wrote in Federalist Paper 51: "It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard the society against the oppression of its rulers but to guard one part of the society against the injustice of the other part. If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure." Many of the features of the Constitutional organization of the Federal government are meant to keep any branch or department from attaining domination of the others, but in fulfilling that function, they also serve as a safeguard against any popular majority, as represented then by the House of Representatives (and now by the Senate and the House of Representatives in partnership), from being able to oppress other citizens. Again Madison from the same work: "In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions."
Baloney..................Dems law still in place unchanged..............Your side owns it..........Lock Stock and Barrel............and this isn't over...........Not by a long shot.

Yeah, buddy, it is.

Trump has just proven that he can be rolled by 30 fanatics in the Freedom Carcass. He's not in the driver seat and neither is creepy-ass Paul Ryan.

If it breaks now, they broke it.

It was broken from the start, possibly by design.

You're giving them too much credit and letting them off the hook at the same time. The same Dems that made a big production over how they weren't dadgum socialists and didn't want anything to do with socialism now stand back and claim they were really for something they were never for.

Now, you may not see this but I am a liberal. You're letting them talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Democrats own Obamacare......Republicans own DHS

If families start to suffer and lose insurance, it is up to Republicans to do something about it. Darwinism is not a solution.
So Americans will contact their Congressman and ask him to do something
Blame Obamacare does not pay the doctor
Passing the buck on your BS law isn't gonna work...................... And unlike you I'm against one man having the authority to change any damned thing he wants in the rules.................That should be done by the Congress and 3 branches of Gov't.......Not a single dang group within the executive.

If they can't pass laws to fix the dang thing then they all need to be fired until we find someone that can. Problem is we still have the paid shrills in office still......who are beholding to those who give them money.

Just addressing the realities

Obamacare will not collapse in a heap. It will fail one state at a time. The states that will fail first will be those that did the worst job in setting up exchanges and rejected Medicaid expansion
What most people know as "red states"

Those people will not contact Obama, they will contact their Representative and demand he do something

Of course the Representative will say.....blame Obamacare
To which the voter will say.......You were elected to repeal and replace Obamacare
As you admit that it is a failure.......Noted.
It is quite successful in blue states
They actually worked at setting up strong healthcare exchanges

Those in red states where they held an "Obamacare must fail" mindset, will be the first to see it fail

What are you going to do Republicans?
A temporary majority passing laws from either party was not how the Constitution intended it to be.............Obama was part of a Populist movement because of the War in Iraq................Promising us a Liberal Utopia but giving us crap.

Since Obamacare was passed under this type of TEMPORARY MAJORITY.........it was doomed to not be the will of all the people but of 50% of the people just 1.

We should NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE...........and come up with a plan that everyone could agree on...................Not 1 side or the other........

Do WE BECOME what the Dems were.................................by doing the same under a TEMPORARY MAJORITY.......

This law needs to be a law written via compromise so we get the best law possible................Just as the Constitution prescribes.
Time for the Repubs to work with the Democratic members to FIX the problems in the ACA....

That, or the protesters will continue piling up at their town halls all the way to election day 2018 and 2020....

We must give a standing ovation to the citizens who finally became active with their government, and poured in to these town halls everywhere.


At this point fixing Obamacare would be like trying to put a band aid on the Titanic. It's just a disaster of a bill
well your weak kneed lilly livered repub moron friends had a chance to end it ,,And guess what??? lol lol

Yeah and now America is stuck with a fucked up bill...be proud moron, you quacks own it lock stock and barrel. But it will implode, it's inevitable
yeah implode ,,,that's what dump said ,,,,,repubs had a chance ,,,,why can't you admit they BLEW IT?

You're barking up the wrong tree with me, I'm glad it failed this week and I'm looking forward to Obamacare imploding, get government out of it.

I would love for the Democrats to take credit for blowing up that poorly-reasoned Trumpcare bill and maintaining the master-crafted Obamacare. But, alas, I simply cannot no matter how much I wished it to be true.
Baloney..................Dems law still in place unchanged..............Your side owns it..........Lock Stock and Barrel............and this isn't over...........Not by a long shot.

Yeah, buddy, it is.

Trump has just proven that he can be rolled by 30 fanatics in the Freedom Carcass. He's not in the driver seat and neither is creepy-ass Paul Ryan.

If it breaks now, they broke it.

It was broken from the start, possibly by design.

You're giving them too much credit and letting them off the hook at the same time. The same Dems that made a big production over how they weren't dadgum socialists and didn't want anything to do with socialism now stand back and claim they were really for something they were never for.

Now, you may not see this but I am a liberal. You're letting them talk out of both sides of their mouths.

I would love for the Democrats to take credit for blowing up that poorly-reasoned Trumpcare bill and maintaining the master-crafted Obamacare. But, alas, I simply cannot no matter how much I wished it to be true.
Baloney..................Dems law still in place unchanged..............Your side owns it..........Lock Stock and Barrel............and this isn't over...........Not by a long shot.

Yeah, buddy, it is.

Trump has just proven that he can be rolled by 30 fanatics in the Freedom Carcass. He's not in the driver seat and neither is creepy-ass Paul Ryan.

If it breaks now, they broke it.

It was broken from the start, possibly by design.

You're giving them too much credit and letting them off the hook at the same time. The same Dems that made a big production over how they weren't dadgum socialists and didn't want anything to do with socialism now stand back and claim they were really for something they were never for.

Now, you may not see this but I am a liberal. You're letting them talk out of both sides of their mouths.

I would love for the Democrats to take credit for blowing up that poorly-reasoned Trumpcare bill and maintaining the master-crafted Obamacare. But, alas, I simply cannot no matter how much I wished it to be true.
No you wouldn't. You are so head deep into an us versus them that this is all a game. Obamacare sucks. Has sucked. That doesn't go away.

You don't give a fuck if it works or not. It's more important to make it a Republican problem.

Because as everyone knows.............the Democrats would take care of shit if they were in the drivers seat. Amiright?
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....
Like I said, the progressives have not answered the question. I have never bought insurance in my life why should I? I'm guessing so-called healthcare would cost me between $2000 ~ $3000 a month.
That buys a shit load of preventive care… :lmao:
Democrats own Obamacare......Republicans own DHS

If families start to suffer and lose insurance, it is up to Republicans to do something about it. Darwinism is not a solution.
So Americans will contact their Congressman and ask him to do something
Blame Obamacare does not pay the doctor
Passing the buck on your BS law isn't gonna work...................... And unlike you I'm against one man having the authority to change any damned thing he wants in the rules.................That should be done by the Congress and 3 branches of Gov't.......Not a single dang group within the executive.

If they can't pass laws to fix the dang thing then they all need to be fired until we find someone that can. Problem is we still have the paid shrills in office still......who are beholding to those who give them money.

Just addressing the realities

Obamacare will not collapse in a heap. It will fail one state at a time. The states that will fail first will be those that did the worst job in setting up exchanges and rejected Medicaid expansion
What most people know as "red states"

Those people will not contact Obama, they will contact their Representative and demand he do something

Of course the Representative will say.....blame Obamacare
To which the voter will say.......You were elected to repeal and replace Obamacare
As you admit that it is a failure.......Noted.
It is quite successful in blue states
They actually worked at setting up strong healthcare exchanges

Those in red states where they held an "Obamacare must fail" mindset, will be the first to see it fail

What are you going to do Republicans?

The Red State exception being Kentucky (under a democratic governor).
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....
Like I said, the progressives have not answered the question. I have never bought insurance in my life why should I? I'm guessing so-called healthcare would cost me between $2000 ~ $3000 a month.
That buys a shit load of preventive care… :lmao:

I'm sure you're lying about nobody answering the question. You've never had a catastrophic illness or accident yet, obviously. How old are you? Two days in the hospital for a ruptured appendix will run you about $50k. You'll be able to pay that out of pocket? If so, you're right, you don't need insurance, but if you can slap down that much for an unexpected hospital Bill, a couple grand a month for insurance is chump change.
At this point fixing Obamacare would be like trying to put a band aid on the Titanic. It's just a disaster of a bill
well your weak kneed lilly livered repub moron friends had a chance to end it ,,And guess what??? lol lol

Yeah and now America is stuck with a fucked up bill...be proud moron, you quacks own it lock stock and barrel. But it will implode, it's inevitable
yeah implode ,,,that's what dump said ,,,,,repubs had a chance ,,,,why can't you admit they BLEW IT?

You're barking up the wrong tree with me, I'm glad it failed this week and I'm looking forward to Obamacare imploding, get government out of it.

I would love for the Democrats to take credit for blowing up that poorly-reasoned Trumpcare bill and maintaining the master-crafted Obamacare. But, alas, I simply cannot no matter how much I wished it to be true.
RUMOR is that Dump is blaming Ryan ,,for placing health care in front of a more palatable tax reform
Baloney..................Dems law still in place unchanged..............Your side owns it..........Lock Stock and Barrel............and this isn't over...........Not by a long shot.

Yeah, buddy, it is.

Trump has just proven that he can be rolled by 30 fanatics in the Freedom Carcass. He's not in the driver seat and neither is creepy-ass Paul Ryan.

If it breaks now, they broke it.

It was broken from the start, possibly by design.

You're giving them too much credit and letting them off the hook at the same time. The same Dems that made a big production over how they weren't dadgum socialists and didn't want anything to do with socialism now stand back and claim they were really for something they were never for.

Now, you may not see this but I am a liberal. You're letting them talk out of both sides of their mouths.

I would love for the Democrats to take credit for blowing up that poorly-reasoned Trumpcare bill and maintaining the master-crafted Obamacare. But, alas, I simply cannot no matter how much I wished it to be true.
No you wouldn't. You are so head deep into an us versus them that this is all a game. Obamacare sucks. Has sucked. That doesn't go away.

You don't give a fuck if it works or not. It's more important to make it a Republican problem.

Because as everyone knows.............the Democrats would take care of shit if they were in the drivers seat. Amiright?
And republicans will do all in their power to make it fail Patriots?? Cowards traitors is more like it
At this point fixing Obamacare would be like trying to put a band aid on the Titanic. It's just a disaster of a bill
well your weak kneed lilly livered repub moron friends had a chance to end it ,,And guess what??? lol lol

Yeah and now America is stuck with a fucked up bill...be proud moron, you quacks own it lock stock and barrel. But it will implode, it's inevitable
yeah implode ,,,that's what dump said ,,,,,repubs had a chance ,,,,why can't you admit they BLEW IT?

You're barking up the wrong tree with me, I'm glad it failed this week and I'm looking forward to Obamacare imploding, get government out of it.

I would love for the Democrats to take credit for blowing up that poorly-reasoned Trumpcare bill and maintaining the master-crafted Obamacare. But, alas, I simply cannot no matter how much I wished it to be true.
Democrats just sat there and watched Republicans destroy themselves
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....
Like I said, the progressives have not answered the question. I have never bought insurance in my life why should I? I'm guessing so-called healthcare would cost me between $2000 ~ $3000 a month.
That buys a shit load of preventive care… :lmao:

I'm sure you're lying about nobody answering the question. You've never had a catastrophic illness or accident yet, obviously. How old are you? Two days in the hospital for a ruptured appendix will run you about $50k. You'll be able to pay that out of pocket? If so, you're right, you don't need insurance, but if you can slap down that much for an unexpected hospital Bill, a couple grand a month for insurance is chump change.
And there is the problem............1 hour surgery......couple hours recovery.......sit in hospital bed 2 days and it's $50k..........

So why is it so much..............many reasons.................uninsured.............Malpractice Insurance................etc.............

Anything that doesn't cut this cost doesn't solve anything........

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