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Just curious...do the democrats realize...they still own obamacare? And they are happy about that?

Baloney..................Dems law still in place unchanged..............Your side owns it..........Lock Stock and Barrel............and this isn't over...........Not by a long shot.

Yeah, buddy, it is.

Trump has just proven that he can be rolled by 30 fanatics in the Freedom Carcass. He's not in the driver seat and neither is creepy-ass Paul Ryan.

If it breaks now, they broke it.
No dice.............The law was a one party deal that was passed by the Dems...............Laying in clauses for one executive groups to change it without so much as a by your leave in Congress...................That isn't how the Constitution intended laws to be passed..............but the left doesn't give a rats azz about the Constitution any more.
Americans lost today. A man who was suppose to cut through DC double speak and self dealing did not deliver. Republicans who told us it was a new day lied. Democrats who have nothing to offer still look pathetic.
You are questioning a great arch strategist, his chess move today has cornered the dems to now stop their childs play and vote on value of restructuring plan instead of all conspiring to vote party line sabotage-'hinderers'(sawtawns).
That never bodes well especially if it exposes Obama care failures they structured forced on the people on the first place.
No silly, trump allowed this failure to hurt the Repubs not lock stepping with him....to bring THEM in line....

What gives Trump the power to "allow" this to happen? Why do you post on a political site when it doesn't appear you know how the U.S. government even works?

I suggest you take a class called 7th grade Civics sometime.

Yes, 7th grade level knowledge, and apparently you missed it.

Trump did what he could on 1/20/2017 . That's really most of what he has the power to do. This was up to Congress, and they failed. Ryan especially.
Ryan is done in politics after this, unless he becomes a lobbyist.

(Thanks edthecynic)

Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the heads of all other executive departments and agencies (agencies) with authorities and responsibilities under the Act shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.
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Dems reaching across the Isle............pfft..................Remember get on the back of the bus...............They will not negotiate..............

No reason they have to. Trump and his boys can't get their shit together, and 30 nuts in the House or three prima-donnas in the Senate can derail anything he wants to do.

Now, compare this with Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. He had a Democratic run house and Speaker Tip O'Neill who openly hated him. Yet he was still able to get things done in terms of building up the military, cutting taxes, etc.
Nah you righties spent years sabotaging the fuck out of it and now you control everything and brag about how Democrats are irrelevant. You replace it, or GFY. I'm sure Democrats will come to the table when you realize it's time to stop sabotaging the ACA and enact it as it was intended.

Asswipe....it was enacted exactly as intended.....it was created to destroy the private healthcare industry....the problem....? It was supposed to do it when a democrat was President so they could take over the healthcare system.....Trump won.....and you morons own obamacare...
Never enacted as intended. Republicans fucked it at every stage. Trump wanted to enact a plan, and change it as needed as the years went on. Sound familiar? Fuck you, fuck the GOP, and fuck Trump.
Nope the democrats pulled it through without one republican.
Baloney..................Dems law still in place unchanged..............Your side owns it..........Lock Stock and Barrel............and this isn't over...........Not by a long shot.

Yeah, buddy, it is.

Trump has just proven that he can be rolled by 30 fanatics in the Freedom Carcass. He's not in the driver seat and neither is creepy-ass Paul Ryan.

If it breaks now, they broke it.

It was broken from the start, possibly by design.
Dems reaching across the Isle............pfft..................Remember get on the back of the bus...............They will not negotiate..............

No reason they have to. Trump and his boys can't get their shit together, and 30 nuts in the House or three prima-donnas in the Senate can derail anything he wants to do.

Now, compare this with Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. He had a Democratic run house and Speaker Tip O'Neill who openly hated him. Yet he was still able to get things done in terms of building up the military, cutting taxes, etc.
Aka.........Dems wouldn't have voted for this bill lock stock and barrel...................Dems want Obamacare to remain..............and then when it fails they want to say the GOP did it..................by putting in a law that allows one Secretary to change it as he sees fit.............

When it implodes........and it will...............the shouts of Single Payer is the only answer........which was the intent all along.
No dice.............The law was a one party deal that was passed by the Dems...............Laying in clauses for one executive groups to change it without so much as a by your leave in Congress...................That isn't how the Constitution intended laws to be passed..............but the left doesn't give a rats azz about the Constitution any more.

Guy, you work on the assumption that people are going to care how it was passed when it fails.

Trump runs it. Whether or not it fails is on him.
But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?
Not quite, pinhead!
Tramp took ownership of the PPACA on Jan 20, 2017 the moment he signed his "Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal" it then officially became Trumpcare.
Nope....you morons have been screeching all night.....the Republicans failed to repeal it.....obamacare lives....it is obamacare, not Trump care....and you fucking own it.....and when you choke on it...you won't be able to afford the deductible to pay for treatment....
It's Trumpcare now, Tramp has OWNED it since Jan 20, 2017
Nope you keep obamacare it is going to fail like all things liberals do.
But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?
We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan.

They were given the White House, the House, the Senate, and the State Houses, and it turns out they were lying.

This is on them now.

Regardless Obamacare is still on the dems, they own it. All this fiasco the right pulled does is give the left what they view as an out. But yeah the dems own Obamacare

Nope, when a CEO takes over an under performing company the shit falls on him and he/she is solely responsible from that point on. No difference Repubs own WH, Congress and senate, it is on them now.
No dice.............The law was a one party deal that was passed by the Dems...............Laying in clauses for one executive groups to change it without so much as a by your leave in Congress...................That isn't how the Constitution intended laws to be passed..............but the left doesn't give a rats azz about the Constitution any more.

Guy, you work on the assumption that people are going to care how it was passed when it fails.

Trump runs it. Whether or not it fails is on him.
Guy you go to a building and kick out the structural supports............turn it over to someone else......then say look at what he did when you are the dumb azz who kicked the supports out to begin with.........

Your a tool.
What is amazing........well really not............is the liberals already trying to shift blame for their lame azz law.
No dice.............The law was a one party deal that was passed by the Dems...............Laying in clauses for one executive groups to change it without so much as a by your leave in Congress...................That isn't how the Constitution intended laws to be passed..............but the left doesn't give a rats azz about the Constitution any more.

Guy, you work on the assumption that people are going to care how it was passed when it fails.

Trump runs it. Whether or not it fails is on him.
Nope it's obamacare till the end, and not one republican voted for it.
But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?
We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan.

They were given the White House, the House, the Senate, and the State Houses, and it turns out they were lying.

This is on them now.

Regardless Obamacare is still on the dems, they own it. All this fiasco the right pulled does is give the left what they view as an out. But yeah the dems own Obamacare

Nope, when a CEO takes over an under performing company the shit falls on him and he/she is solely responsible from that point on. No difference Repubs own WH, Congress and senate, it is on them now.

You keep right on believing that BS. Dems passed it and they own it, in fact many of them paid the price in the midterms due to it
Aka.........Dems wouldn't have voted for this bill lock stock and barrel...................Dems want Obamacare to remain..............and then when it fails they want to say the GOP did it..................by putting in a law that allows one Secretary to change it as he sees fit.............

When it implodes........and it will...............the shouts of Single Payer is the only answer........which was the intent all along.

except Dems didn't vote for it lock, stock and barrel.

If we had done the House Version of his bill, the one with a medicare buy in for those over 55 and a public option for those who couldn't get private insurance through their employers or individually, we wouldn't have a lot of these problems we have now.

Instead we got the Senate Version without a conference because Joe Leiberjew (D-Israel) wasn't interested in those things.
Math isn't spin...obamacare was designed to fail...designed to fail with hilary clinton as President so that they could take over American healthcare with single payer healthcare....as if the same morons who can't run the Veteran's Administration medical system can now run the healthcare for 320 million people.....

But now Trump won....and now the democrats still own obamacare........and they really think they won something today?

I hope they enjoy the next 8 years....

Hillary Clinton has always opposed single payer. She made that perfectly clear during the election.

Twit....she created obamacare before their was obamacare...it was called hilarycare in the 1990s.....they lost control of congress after 40 years because of it......

Here is a little clue for you....she fucking lied.......all of the left wingers want single payer......they want complete control over your life......
Single-payer health-care activists are used to being disappointed by Democrats, especially those with presidential ambitions. In 2003, Barack Obama said he was a "proponent of a single-payer, universal health-care plan," but as president he refused to even engage in a discussion on the issue when he was working to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2009-10.

But at least Obama took the same approach as most establishment Democrats and merely ignored an idea that would save the country billions, while covering every single American, regardless of employment or ability to pay. Hillary Clinton, however, hasn't ignored the policy in recent months on the campaign trail. Instead, despite broad popular support for Medicare for All, Clinton has declared war on single-payer health care.

History will no doubt remember that the United States was, for a time, the only "developed" nation on the planet that didn't guarantee health care to its people as a right. And Clinton's name will now forever be associated with this shameful fact.

A Window of Opportunity

There is good news in this story. The reason Clinton - and several of her liberal allies in politics and media - have engaged in this misinformation campaign is because she knows Sanders' proposal for Medicare for All is one of several reasons why many voters are choosing him over her. Plus, the challenges single-payer supporters now face also provide an opportunity to educate the public about this type of reform.

Hillary Clinton Declares War on Single-Payer Health Care
Don't forget EIGHT YEARS means TWO more SCOTUS picks and one liberal is in her 80s {Ginsburg} and the other high 70s. Can you imagine the impact of THREE PRO-gun SCOTUS picks by Trump?

Imagine how many more cops will be killed. Don't you think they get shot enough already?
The KEY to reducing crime in America is to REMOVE the criminal NOT an item.

Like the Bill Clinton crime bill?

What is the key to reducing dead cops? Countries with gun control don't have that problem.
TOTAL bullsh#t statement, more then enough stats FROM those countries SHOW their murder rate is as bad or WORSE. And this issue IS murder NOT by what means. NOW that being said lets EDUCATE your ass.

I said cops being killed. We have many shot and killed here. That isn't a problem in counties with gun control.

Well for the past eight years we had a president that didn't care about cops getting killed, even sided with the thugs.
You keep right on believing that BS. Dems passed it and they own it, in fact many of them paid the price in the midterms due to it

Not really.

Here was the problem with the 2010 midterms. Most of those guys who got thrown out were conservative Democrats barely distinguishable from Republicans who got elected because by 2006, everyone realized what a complete and total clusterfuck Bush's war in Iraq was.

Once that was resolved, those districts went back to form.

Now those same districts have Republicans who promised for years they would get rid of ACA, and they didn't.
Aka.........Dems wouldn't have voted for this bill lock stock and barrel...................Dems want Obamacare to remain..............and then when it fails they want to say the GOP did it..................by putting in a law that allows one Secretary to change it as he sees fit.............

When it implodes........and it will...............the shouts of Single Payer is the only answer........which was the intent all along.

except Dems didn't vote for it lock, stock and barrel.

If we had done the House Version of his bill, the one with a medicare buy in for those over 55 and a public option for those who couldn't get private insurance through their employers or individually, we wouldn't have a lot of these problems we have now.

Instead we got the Senate Version without a conference because Joe Leiberjew (D-Israel) wasn't interested in those things.
Not one republican voted for it.
Democrats own Obamacare......Republicans own DHS

If families start to suffer and lose insurance, it is up to Republicans to do something about it. Darwinism is not a solution.
So Americans will contact their Congressman and ask him to do something
Blame Obamacare does not pay the doctor
Passing the buck on your BS law isn't gonna work...................... And unlike you I'm against one man having the authority to change any damned thing he wants in the rules.................That should be done by the Congress and 3 branches of Gov't.......Not a single dang group within the executive.

If they can't pass laws to fix the dang thing then they all need to be fired until we find someone that can. Problem is we still have the paid shrills in office still......who are beholding to those who give them money.

Just addressing the realities

Obamacare will not collapse in a heap. It will fail one state at a time. The states that will fail first will be those that did the worst job in setting up exchanges and rejected Medicaid expansion
What most people know as "red states"

Those people will not contact Obama, they will contact their Representative and demand he do something

Of course the Representative will say.....blame Obamacare
To which the voter will say.......You were elected to repeal and replace Obamacare

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