Just do as you are told an no one gets hurt.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
How many times have this been the argument? 15 year old girl who was kidnapped by her father is gunned down complying to police demands.

Then we have the police lie about it.

1. The officers should have had body camera's on and recording.

2. Police should never be able to investigate themselves.

3. Video needs to be public property. Not always immediately released but immediately available to members of the public.
How many times have this been the argument? 15 year old girl who was kidnapped by her father is gunned down complying to police demands.

Then we have the police lie about it.

1. The officers should have had body camera's on and recording.

2. Police should never be able to investigate themselves.

3. Video needs to be public property. Not always immediately released but immediately available to members of the public.

Let's put you in a situation involving a car chase with a desperate man who has multiple weapons, ammunition, flash-bangs, smoke grenades, body armor, and tactical helmets, and see if you don't fuck up.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to do their job.
Let's put you in a situation involving a car chase with a desperate man who has multiple weapons, ammunition, flash-bangs, smoke grenades, body armor, and tactical helmets, and see if you don't fuck up.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to do their job.

But they did. Their job is not to lie to the public either.
It is a real tragedy.

Some cops are not trained well.

That cop took an innocent girl's life.

If he were a man of honor, he would resign and find another profession.

Or -- at the very least -- ask for a desk job so that he no longer deals directly with the public.
Seems to me the blame should be on the guy who murdered his wife, kidnapped his daughter and shot it out with police with a semi-automatic weapon.

But by all mean, let's demonize the cops here. Just like they did with Breonna Taylor after her dirtbag boyfriend decided to answer the door with a gun.
Seems to me the blame should be on the guy who murdered his wife, kidnapped his daughter and shot it out with police with a semi-automatic weapon.

But by all mean, let's demonize the cops here. Just like they did with Breonna Taylor after her dirtbag boyfriend decided to answer the door with a gun.
Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe...once again you're WRONG about the facts.

Please refrain from comparing the atrocity that happened to Breonna Taylor to anything else, you clearly have no clue of what went on there.

Starting w/the fact that her boyfriend didn't answer the door w/a gun.

They were both fired upon WHILE in their beds.

That's the cops you defend so blindly.

Just stop.
Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe...once again you're WRONG about the facts.

Please refrain from comparing the atrocity that happened to Breonna Taylor to anything else, you clearly have no clue of what went on there.

Starting w/the fact that her boyfriend didn't answer the door w/a gun.

They were both fired upon WHILE in their beds.

That's the cops you defend so blindly.

Just stop.
No, HE fired the first shot. In fact, he claims he shot because the police never announced themselves. She was not in bed when hit by the bullet, she was in the hall.

On the evening of March 12, 2020, Taylor invited her aunt, 38 year old Bianca Austin, out for drinks. Austin, a nursing student at the time, declined.[15] Breonna and her boyfriend Kenneth "Kenny" Walker III stayed home and watched movies instead. After midnight, three plain clothes Louisville Metro police officers used a battering ram to enter Taylor's apartment in search of a suspect wanted for drug trafficking.[16] They were investigating a man, Jamarcus Glover, that Taylor had previously dated.[17] Taylor and Walker were in bed at the time.[10] Believing that they were being robbed, Walker, a licensed gun-owner, fired his gun at the officers, striking one of them, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, in the leg.[17] The officers returned fire—32 shots total—striking Taylor several times, though she was unarmed. One of the bullets was fatal, and Taylor's body was found in the hallway.[8][16] No drugs were ever found in the apartment.

Now, I'm the first one to criticize cops when they are in the wrong. I haven't been on speaking terms with my brother for seven years because on of his friends is a cop who was involved in a shooting incident in Chicago. I've been very strong in criticizing the cop who killed George Floyd.

These two cases... um, no, you shoot at cops, and a loved one is killed, it's your own damned fault.
Seems to me the blame should be on the guy who murdered his wife, kidnapped his daughter and shot it out with police with a semi-automatic weapon.

But by all mean, let's demonize the cops here. Just like they did with Breonna Taylor after her dirtbag boyfriend decided to answer the door with a gun.

Why do you feel the need to lie about things like this?
Why do you feel the need to lie about things like this?
Why do you feel the need to demonize cops?

I'm all for holding the cops accountable when they screw up.

These cops were fired on by a crazy dirtbag with a semi-automatic weapon. Sad this girl got caught in the crossfire, but... stuff happens.
Why do you feel the need to demonize cops?

I'm all for holding the cops accountable when they screw up.

These cops were fired on by a crazy dirtbag with a semi-automatic weapon. Sad this girl got caught in the crossfire, but... stuff happens.

Noted.......no comment on your lying about the Taylor issue.
Noted.......no comment on your lying about the Taylor issue.
We've been over the Taylor thing.

The cops suspected her because Dirtbag Boyfriend #1 implicated her in her drug business on prison tapes. Not to mention one of his minions was found dead in HER car with a trunk full of drugs.

The cops shot her because dirtbag boyfriend #2 thought that shooting at cops was a neat idea.

A black Attorney General investigated and cleared the cops of wrongdoing.

In a case of pandering, the Biden DOJ indicted the cops for technicalities about the warrant. That failed miserably because the jury smelled bullshyte.

Let's put you in a situation involving a car chase with a desperate man who has multiple weapons, ammunition, flash-bangs, smoke grenades, body armor, and tactical helmets, and see if you don't fuck up.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to do their job.
Agreed. I don't think anyone is pretending mistakes don't happen. But when it's egregious, it should be dealt with.

And, in my view, it should not be dealt with by "defunding" or otherwise revoking support for the police. It should be dealt with by better training, better pay, more safety measures for officers - but coupled with near zero-tolerance for officers abusing their position.

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