Just do us all a favor and kill yourselves.

Do you honestly think they should die?

Die? No. I think we all agree that something needs to be done. And there are better things they can do with our money.

I may have missed a post or two on this thread, but what I have not heard is anyone voicing their concerns about what Grassley said, which I find shocking. A U.S. senator, implying that these U.S. citizens should die. Was there a crime committed? (greed) Grassley judged and prosecuted them. So the verdict is guilty, and the penalty is death?.....OK.

Bring out the guillotines!!!!!!
again, he gave 2 options
Actually when the US income tax was first passed the top rate and there was only one rate was four percent and affected only the top one percent.
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Lets introduce another nice Japanese concept, the top earner of the company cannot earn more than 100 times the money of the lowest earner.

Grand idea...

...except that reasonable idea runs counter to everything this nation REALLY stands for -- concepts which are built into our system like:

Greed is good;
whatever the market will bear;
never give a sucker an even break...
This is the sort of thing that I agree with, as well. There is something seriously wrong with the system when the divide between the rich and the poor keeps growing at such a rapid pace.
Anyone remember the show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"?

THAT represents the value system of this nation, folks.

We worship MAMMON, and our nation will die from that unspoken, but obvious affection for that religion.

When this nation decided that we could IGNORE the outcomes of our trade and taxation policies on the working class, we set ourselves on the path to becoming a THIRD WORLD NATION.

This current crises really has it roots in those decisions, even though NOBODY in power has yet to admit that because EVERYBODY in power benefitted from fucking the American PEOPLE.
I do not believe that our founding fathers wanted to create a system, or envisioned that this country would someday become one, in which a few wealthy people at the top of the food chain subvert government of the many for their own financial interests. In fact, our founding fathers stringently resisted such attempts, and tried to create a balance of power that would be resistant to such attempts.

The current system makes a mockery of the origins of this nation.
I do not believe that our founding fathers wanted to create a system, or envisioned that this country would someday become one, in which a few wealthy people at the top of the food chain subvert government of the many for their own financial interests. In fact, our founding fathers stringently resisted such attempts, and tried to create a balance of power that would be resistant to such attempts.

The current system makes a mockery of the origins of this nation.

I think you're right, Catz.

There is just no way in hell that our floundering fathers could possibly have imagined what our world would be like.

I respect the Constitution they created, but it is not REALLY up the task of keeping our nation as it exists today, on an even keel.
I'm not really pondering armed revolution or trashing the constitution, but some additions may be necessary to enforce some kind of congressional ethics.
I really wish Grassley hadn't backed away from these comments. They're brilliant:

Senator suggests AIG execs should kill themselves

What I love about this is that we are seeing a Senator that gives a rat's ass about the people of this nation come forward for once. Granted he would have been lashed by every spokesperson the White House has behind closed doors but his feelings on the matter are endearing in my mind. ^_^

This point of view towards people who would hurt this nation is Change I can believe in and would support. :tongue:

Explain why they didn't do something about contractual bonuses BEFORE they gave AIG the money? Explain why they wrote legislation into the stimulus bill to protect these contractual bonuses then? They knew about these bonuses whenever they gave AIG the money and said not a damn thing. Now all of a sudden, they're white knights riding into the rescue? Don't you people get it, they are just as complicit in all of this, if not more so, than the AIG executives are.

-Sighs- Can't even let me have a few minutes of feeling alright about the nation? I know it is going to hell in a handbasket. I have a 5 month old.. believe me I have been watching things. It was a hillarious statement and not one that often makes it through screenings which meant it was off the cuff and honest since he later repealed it. Not a single member of the House read the stimulus bill and since Dodd made the change that allowed for this to happen, no one realized it or cared. Reality sucks.. let me have a little bit of a smile from time to time though please? :banghead:
This is the sort of thing that I agree with, as well. There is something seriously wrong with the system when the divide between the rich and the poor keeps growing at such a rapid pace.

I said in the 80's that the increasing income gap was going to lead to another great depression, just like it did in the 20's. Nobody would listen. It's not the housing bubble that caused this, the housing bubble was just the last straw.
I'm not really pondering armed revolution or trashing the constitution, but some additions may be necessary to enforce some kind of congressional ethics.

Up until the last election, when so many people were disgusted with the two parties, I had hope that this could be solved without violence...now, I honestly don't see a way for our country to survive and the only question is if the revolution or the civil war will come first.
I sincerely hope Im not the only one disturbed by the calls for people to commit suicide. We dont need people to kill themselves. We need them to reform.

We need to keep this from devolving into violence. I dont think everyone realizes how very possible that is.
I sincerely hope Im not the only one disturbed by the calls for people to commit suicide. We dont need people to kill themselves. We need them to reform.

We need to keep this from devolving into violence. I dont think everyone realizes how very possible that is.

He gave two choices, resign or commit suicide. I think that's reasonable. IMO, anyone that drives a company into the ground doesn't deserve bonuses, especially paid by the tax payers.
He gave two choices, resign or commit suicide. I think that's reasonable. IMO, anyone that drives a company into the ground doesn't deserve bonuses, especially paid by the tax payers.

And how do we know every single person was failing to do their job?

They shouldn't have recieved tax money to begin with. Was anyone really surprised that Obama administration allowed them to do with for campaign contributions?

I really don't see why the outrage should be at the executives recieving their contracted bonus. They never should have recieved tax money. And politicians shouldnt be taking campaign contributions from companies that are asking for government assistance.

Oh, and asking someone to kill themselves is never reasonable.
I sincerely hope Im not the only one disturbed by the calls for people to commit suicide. We dont need people to kill themselves. We need them to reform.

We need to keep this from devolving into violence. I dont think everyone realizes how very possible that is.

I'm not particularly disturbed by these calls. Grassley is calling for a return to the concept of SHAME and HONOR, two things that have been lost in the past few decades. He is saying that there was a time (and there are still places) where people would have rather DIED than have behaved as the greedy scoundrels these people have been.

Remember death before dishonor? Some of us still believe in honor and integrity, and take it seriously.
You are all damn delusional. What the hell makes it the governments business how much anyone makes? You want the government to ream the ass of every rich person in America and half of you idiots define rich as having more than you do. God help us indeed if this is a sampling of America's best and brightest.
He gave two choices, resign or commit suicide. I think that's reasonable. IMO, anyone that drives a company into the ground doesn't deserve bonuses, especially paid by the tax payers.

And how do we know every single person was failing to do their job?

They shouldn't have recieved tax money to begin with. Was anyone really surprised that Obama administration allowed them to do with for campaign contributions?

I really don't see why the outrage should be at the executives recieving their contracted bonus. They never should have recieved tax money. And politicians shouldnt be taking campaign contributions from companies that are asking for government assistance.

Oh, and asking someone to kill themselves is never reasonable.

you know they failed to do their job because they FAILED TO DO THEIR JOB, and brought the near entire WORLD down to its knees because of it...

let me get this straight, president bush and paulson and the federal reserve bails out aig in september 08 with 85 BILLION then another 65 billion from the federal reserve again in november of 08, then some 20 billion in tarp money also in 08, (that's $170 billion so far in case you weren't counting) and the obama administration just gave aig $20 billion in tarp money..... hmmmm, Bush admin. to Aig $170 billion, Obama admin to AIG $20 billion...

and somehow YOU manage to say obama's campaign contributions from aig is what caused this ....that's a mighty mighty leap!!!!!!!!????????????

boy, that's just amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how smart you are to put that 2 and 2 together! NOT!

so avatar when did the politicians take aig's money? you said politicians should not be taking contributions from people they are bailing out....so let me ask you, did they take these contributions before the federal reserve and paulson bailed them out or afterwards?

you are implying afterwards, can you link support to why you said such?

or are you saying these politicians in jan, feb, mar 08 etc...BEFORE the bailout, should have used their preminitional powers and known the gvt was going to bailout aig months ahead of time and should have refused their money?

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