Just doing my part to fight the insanity.

From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So you're going to go into a situation that works and doesn't hurt you in anyway........and piss all over it because you can.

Sounds like a conservative to me.

Actually it does hurt me. I am the father of 5 daughters. Yes they are all grown now but they might have daughters, and I respect women too much and care about their future too much to let this stupidity slide.

How does a unisex bathroom effect you? The 'gender neutral toilets' are almost always single units. Meaning that no more than one person at a time is going into them anyway.

All you're doing is making the world worse than when you found it. And benefiting no one. Not even yourself.

This is just another brain dead conservative wedge issue.....encouraging idiots to cause real harm to 'prevent' imaginary harm.

This is so typical of most on the right: to blindly and thoughtlessly lash out in anger and childish emotion, rather than address the issue in a thoughtful, intelligent, and constructive manner like an adult.

But to expect a conservative to address such an issue in a thoughtful, intelligent, and constructive manner like an adult would be too much to expect from most on the right.
This just seems to be the latest meaningless, stupid, Liberal distraction. There a way more important things to be discussing than who goes in what bathroom.

How many nutbags will characterize the actions of conservative politicians in backward states as a liberal distraction? So far....every fucking last one of you. Try harder.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

Gender neutral??? Fuck it....go into the women's restroom and piss everywhere. No one can stop you. And once women get angry enough this shit will stop.

Piss on it. Shit and don't flush.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

Gender neutral??? Fuck it....go into the women's restroom and piss everywhere. No one can stop you. And once women get angry enough this shit will stop.

Piss on it. Shit and don't flush.
Did you have a mother? A sister? Wtf is wrong with you guys? This kind of nonsense is no better than the bullshit you claim to be fighting. It's akin to being mad at TimeWarner cable & going into BestBuy & spraying paint on all the TVs
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
You do that before my daughter takes her son in to pee & you'll be moping it with your hair.

Ooooooh! An Internet tough guy battle! Fun!
I'm not my daughter. And if she walked in while he was doing that he would walk out limping. If I was lucky enough to witness it I would just laugh.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
You do that before my daughter takes her son in to pee & you'll be moping it with your hair.

Ooooooh! An Internet tough guy battle! Fun!
I'm not my daughter. And if she walked in while he was doing that he would walk out limping. If I was lucky enough to witness it I would just laugh.

I see. I misunderstood. Apologies.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So you're going to go into a situation that works and doesn't hurt you in anyway........and piss all over it because you can.

Sounds like a conservative to me.

Actually it does hurt me. I am the father of 5 daughters. Yes they are all grown now but they might have daughters, and I respect women too much and care about their future too much to let this stupidity slide.

How does a unisex bathroom effect you? The 'gender neutral toilets' are almost always single units. Meaning that no more than one person at a time is going into them anyway.

All you're doing is making the world worse than when you found it. And benefiting no one. Not even yourself.

This is just another brain dead conservative wedge issue.....encouraging idiots to cause real harm to 'prevent' imaginary harm.

This is so typical of most on the right: to blindly and thoughtlessly lash out in anger and childish emotion, rather than address the issue in a thoughtful, intelligent, and constructive manner like an adult.

But to expect a conservative to address such an issue in a thoughtful, intelligent, and constructive manner like an adult would be too much to expect from most on the right.

You're right Clayton. We should address things in an intellectual, adult manner like liberals do:

[QUOTE t: 14091172, member: 41527"]
Wow, that's just distasteful, surely there's a better way to show your disagreement?

You should see what he does in his trailer. Leaves loaded guns all over the place and then comes here to wank over them.

I have a loaded gun on every level of my home. The basement, the 1st floor and the second floor. Your point? Whats a matter little fella? Afraid of a loaded gun? Pussy. I bet you are a "Grey's anatomy" fan, aren't you?

I have no idea what "Grey's Anatomy" is, nor am I in the habit of visiting poster's homes, and certainly not in the habit of going to Florida without getting paid to do it.

You have all the guns you want. At least you're not so insecure about your fetish that you lay them all over the house and then run to USMB to tell everybody what a manly-man you are.


I'm sure "Grey's Anatomy" is a television programme.

Television...... I think I've heard of that....[/QUOTE]

Indeed. Thatshow
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

Wow, that's just distasteful, surely there's a better way to show your disagreement?

You should see what he does in his trailer. Leaves loaded guns all over the place and then comes here to wank over them.

I have a loaded gun on every level of my home. The basement, the 1st floor and the second floor. Your point? Whats a matter little fella? Afraid of a loaded gun? Pussy. I bet you are a "Grey's anatomy" fan, aren't you?

I have no idea what "Grey's Anatomy" is, nor am I in the habit of visiting poster's homes, and certainly not in the habit of going to Florida without getting paid to do it.

You have all the guns you want. At least you're not so insecure about your fetish that you lay them all over the house and then run to USMB to tell everybody what a manly-man you are.


I have been around guns all my life - and I mean ALL my life. Honest to God - I cut my teeth on my father's 45 (unloaded, of course). The biggest "problem" we face in America today is simple ignorance. The reason I inserted "Grey's anatomy" is because my Wife loves that stupid show and Thursday night was a "bridge too far". They focused on a young fellow who accidentally shot his best friend with the Mother's gun.

Accidents do - and will happen. But the crux of the story was how bad guns are and how no one needs them. It's PC bullshit run amok. Had this Mother properly trained her Son (as 99% of older folks learned by THEIR parents) then the Son might have had the proper respect for the weapon and would have left it alone. That's the problem. Parents who REFUSE to do their jobs as PARENTS.

I had a 410 shotgun in my bedroom when I was 8 years old. I knew it was there - my Father gave it to me. I knew exactly how to use it and what it could do to another person. I was also taught that you can NOT put the bullet, shell, round or whatever, back in the barrel once it has been fired. A Gun is NOT a video game.

I have a Son and a Daughter - both of whom were raised to use, own and respect firearms. They are both avid hunters and sportsmen.

Get it together liberals - quit blaming the weapon for your own damned shortcomings.
Ugh, that kind of BS is going to put cameras in public bathrooms - I'm sooo happy I am almost never forced to use them.

I would consider that a small victory. Who is going to use a bathroom that has cameras in it?

idk according to the "theory of all things" by the hard right, transgenders are only "playing" the opposite sex for attention, they are also supposedly completely obsessed with sex and "flaunting their perversion" in public - Thus, would not transgender bathrooms with camera's become even more appealing?

Yes, and that is my point. Then my targets would be the only ones I inconvenienced.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So you're going to go into a situation that works and doesn't hurt you in anyway........and piss all over it because you can.

Sounds like a conservative to me.

Actually it does hurt me. I am the father of 5 daughters. Yes they are all grown now but they might have daughters, and I respect women too much and care about their future too much to let this stupidity slide.

How does a unisex bathroom effect you? The 'gender neutral toilets' are almost always single units. Meaning that no more than one person at a time is going into them anyway.

All you're doing is making the world worse than when you found it. And benefiting no one. Not even yourself.

This is just another brain dead conservative wedge issue.....encouraging idiots to cause real harm to 'prevent' imaginary harm.

Lol, because YOU say so?

You are more ignorant than I had previously thought.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

You gonna do that before or after you spark the revolution? You ain't gonna do shit.

What revolution are you brain dead morons talking about? Are you talking about my resistance thread? If so you're just too stupid and illiterate to be talking.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
You do that before my daughter takes her son in to pee & you'll be moping it with your hair.

1. Why would she do that in a gender neutral bathroom?
2. Make me, Internet tough guy.
3. I'm bald.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

Gender neutral??? Fuck it....go into the women's restroom and piss everywhere. No one can stop you. And once women get angry enough this shit will stop.

Piss on it. Shit and don't flush.

Nah, it has to be the gender neutral ones.

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