Just doing my part to fight the insanity.

From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

Wow, that's just distasteful, surely there's a better way to show your disagreement?
it’s also moronic and pointless – it will no more ‘compel’ transgender Americans to ‘stop being’ transgender than the idiotic laws enacted by conservatives seeking to discriminate against those transgender.

No, moronic and pointless is denying the need for separate bathrooms and ignoring that transgendered people need mental help.

It isn't pointless at all in that it directly targets the offending people. Likely, a normal sane person won't be using the Gender Neutral toilets. That IS the point.
You should consider that these twisted sisters (and brothers) will be using the toilets typically designated for use by the opposite gender (male/female). If you're an otherwise normal male, who just happens to feel "confused" on any particular day, you might attend to toilet facilities to which you feel entitled that day and exercise the same care in your use of said facilities. And since you feel "woman-ish", you don't have to bother lifting the seat...

I'm not going to go into the ladies room, and I won't do it in the men's. I will do it in any gender neutral bathroom I find. So far, I haven't found any, btw.

Perhaps this is another case of media driven hysterics and the real world isn't going along with it.
No doubt. Of course, the media would most love to divert public attention from Hillary sweeping the Dem/libtard primaries by tossing in the transgender bs card.
In Alaska, one often finds gender non-specific facilities. We call them outhouses. Close the door for privacy. What's a real scream is when a tour bus full of tourpests pulls up and all that's available is that outhouse. Amazing how quickly a nearby bush or tree becomes "gender neutral".
There may be a kink in my plan. I know it's only been like three days since I posted this thread, but I haven't yet seen one gender neutral restroom. I admit that I haven't been out searching for them and I hear they can be found at Target. My problem is that I am boycotting Target anyway because they don't allow open carry and they caved in to union demands a while back. Unlike Walmart.

I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

I got an idea -- thank me later.

Combine your two pet projects..... strew loaded guns all over your house, and when you've done that, systematically go around in a circle and piss on each one.

Fun for the feebleminded.

Well, you are right about one thing, doing that would be feebleminded. no surprise that you would think of it.

Oh and btw, I pleases me greatly that you are still butthurt over my long ago thread.

You mean threads plural. You did it again when the first one wasn't bringing enough attention, remember?

And you participated in both, can't help yourself can you? Can't let it go. Your butthurt is very strong.
There may be a kink in my plan. I know it's only been like three days since I posted this thread, but I haven't yet seen one gender neutral restroom. I admit that I haven't been out searching for them and I hear they can be found at Target. My problem is that I am boycotting Target anyway because they don't allow open carry and they caved in to union demands a while back. Unlike Walmart.

I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

You are so rugged!

Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...
Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...

Transgenderd women don't bother women or children, dummy. There are about zero cases of transgendered women assaulting women or children.....anywhere. The exact reason that they want to use the ladies room is that they risk getting "thumped" by going into a men's room. There are lots of cases of insecure assholes beating transgendered women, though.
Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...

Transgenderd women don't bother women or children, dummy. There are about zero cases of transgendered women assaulting women or children.....anywhere. The exact reason that they want to use the ladies room is that they risk getting "thumped" by going into a men's room. There are lots of cases of insecure assholes beating transgendered women, though.
Doesn't matter...

Here's hoping that most who try, get their heads busted for their trouble...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it afterwards...

Idiot LibTards have taken this a step too far, as the rest of us always knew they would...

The little assholes just don't know when to leave well enough alone...


America will laugh, as you whine...
Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...

Transgenderd women don't bother women or children, dummy. There are about zero cases of transgendered women assaulting women or children.....anywhere. The exact reason that they want to use the ladies room is that they risk getting "thumped" by going into a men's room. There are lots of cases of insecure assholes beating transgendered women, though.
Has it ever occurred to even one of these "trannies" that their perversity quite naturally incites a "thumping" by normal men? Insecurity? I think not. A normal animal response to abnormality...much more understandable. At least by anyone who owns their human connection with normal animal response.
Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...

Transgenderd women don't bother women or children, dummy. There are about zero cases of transgendered women assaulting women or children.....anywhere. The exact reason that they want to use the ladies room is that they risk getting "thumped" by going into a men's room. There are lots of cases of insecure assholes beating transgendered women, though.
Has it ever occurred to even one of these "trannies" that their perversity quite naturally incites a "thumping" by normal men? Insecurity? I think not. A normal animal response to abnormality...much more understandable. At least by anyone who owns their human connection with normal animal response.

Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...

Transgenderd women don't bother women or children, dummy. There are about zero cases of transgendered women assaulting women or children.....anywhere. The exact reason that they want to use the ladies room is that they risk getting "thumped" by going into a men's room. There are lots of cases of insecure assholes beating transgendered women, though.
Has it ever occurred to even one of these "trannies" that their perversity quite naturally incites a "thumping" by normal men? Insecurity? I think not. A normal animal response to abnormality...much more understandable. At least by anyone who owns their human connection with normal animal response.

I understand that they would be quite insecure in their assertion that they are "women". Hell, wouldn't they much prefer the mens' room where they could troll for dates?
Nothing wrong with unisex bathrooms, so long as they are single-occupant with lock-able doors...

But... let a tranny into a women's restroom?

With any luck, after a few trannies get their skulls thumped by Men-Folk outside, the Tranny-Freaks will stop using them...

While the cops look the other way, and laugh about it, over beers, after the shift...

Transgenderd women don't bother women or children, dummy. There are about zero cases of transgendered women assaulting women or children.....anywhere. The exact reason that they want to use the ladies room is that they risk getting "thumped" by going into a men's room. There are lots of cases of insecure assholes beating transgendered women, though.

If they are actually transgendered, that is, they are missing a penis then fine. Otherwise anyone with any sense knows you cannot trust that penis.
Well after not being able to find gender neutral bathrooms in my regular travels, I have to consider other options. The obvious one is Target. Problem is though that I already have a self imposed boycott of that store because of their gun policy from a while back.

There is a solution to my dilemma it seems. My boycott is meant to cause harm to their bottom line, not necessarily to impact my presence there, which doesn't matter to them. So, I will only go there when I need to use the restrooms.

I would suggest to anyone in the Central Florida area to avoid the Target restrooms here. It could get messy.
Well after not being able to find gender neutral bathrooms in my regular travels, I have to consider other options. The obvious one is Target. Problem is though that I already have a self imposed boycott of that store because of their gun policy from a while back.

There is a solution to my dilemma it seems. My boycott is meant to cause harm to their bottom line, not necessarily to impact my presence there, which doesn't matter to them. So, I will only go there when I need to use the restrooms.

I would suggest to anyone in the Central Florida area to avoid the Target restrooms here. It could get messy.

We all klnow that you will not do anything. You talk. That is all you do.
Well after not being able to find gender neutral bathrooms in my regular travels, I have to consider other options. The obvious one is Target. Problem is though that I already have a self imposed boycott of that store because of their gun policy from a while back.

There is a solution to my dilemma it seems. My boycott is meant to cause harm to their bottom line, not necessarily to impact my presence there, which doesn't matter to them. So, I will only go there when I need to use the restrooms.

I would suggest to anyone in the Central Florida area to avoid the Target restrooms here. It could get messy.

We all klnow that you will not do anything. You talk. That is all you do.

Lol, moron. I never say anything that isn't true. I'll admit that I haven't been able to yet, but it's coming, and wether you believe it or not is of no consequence.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

you could always do your part to "fight the insanity" by resisting the urge to do such insane things.

this nonsense has to stop!! ;)
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

you could always do your part to "fight the insanity" by resisting the urge to do such insane things.

this nonsense has to stop!! ;)

Except that that won't stop the insanity I was referring to will it? Don't like it? Tell Target to change their policy then.
My dearest fucking wish is that the powers that be on this board delete every thread that begins or wanders into the bathroom. I'm done with it.
Well after not being able to find gender neutral bathrooms in my regular travels, I have to consider other options. The obvious one is Target. Problem is though that I already have a self imposed boycott of that store because of their gun policy from a while back.

There is a solution to my dilemma it seems. My boycott is meant to cause harm to their bottom line, not necessarily to impact my presence there, which doesn't matter to them. So, I will only go there when I need to use the restrooms.

I would suggest to anyone in the Central Florida area to avoid the Target restrooms here. It could get messy.

We all klnow that you will not do anything. You talk. That is all you do.

Lol, moron. I never say anything that isn't true. I'll admit that I haven't been able to yet, but it's coming, and wether you believe it or not is of no consequence.

There are Target stores near you. Go. Do it. Take a picture.

You won't do shit.
This is typical of most on the reprehensible right – the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most conservatives.

The only insanity is the unwarranted hatred conservatives have for transgender Americans, and this moronic, childish, idiotic thread premise.

It’s the nonsense of rightwing bigotry that must stop.

Waa waaaaa waaaa "the ignorance, hate, stupidity and bigotry"! :crybaby: ...waaaaaaa :itsok:

Grow up baby. Delusions :cuckoo: can be observed, commented on and resisted by others. It's the law.

If you have a dick and testicles. You're a guy. That's it. Final. Deal with it, get help or end it all and start over. But don't drag everyone else into your insanity.
Well after not being able to find gender neutral bathrooms in my regular travels, I have to consider other options. The obvious one is Target. Problem is though that I already have a self imposed boycott of that store because of their gun policy from a while back.

There is a solution to my dilemma it seems. My boycott is meant to cause harm to their bottom line, not necessarily to impact my presence there, which doesn't matter to them. So, I will only go there when I need to use the restrooms.

I would suggest to anyone in the Central Florida area to avoid the Target restrooms here. It could get messy.

We all klnow that you will not do anything. You talk. That is all you do.

Lol, moron. I never say anything that isn't true. I'll admit that I haven't been able to yet, but it's coming, and wether you believe it or not is of no consequence.

There are Target stores near you. Go. Do it. Take a picture.

You won't do shit.

I didn't say I would shit. I said piss. Using shit would be more than I'm willing to do to fix the insanity.

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