Just doing my part to fight the insanity.

From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So that wasn't you a few weeks ago at my local bar and grill? What planet have you been on, all public toilets are piss poor rachet.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
princess, you will go to jail. You will be caught, go to jail over night, pay a fine of more than a $1000, and put under caution. Go for it.

Still banking on incoherently eh Jake?

Seek help.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So that wasn't you a few weeks ago at my local bar and grill? What planet have you been on, all public toilets are piss poor rachet.

I don't think that is true. At least not where I live.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So that wasn't you a few weeks ago at my local bar and grill? What planet have you been on, all public toilets are piss poor rachet.

I don't think that is true. At least not where I live.

Clearly you don't live in the HOOD
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

So that wasn't you a few weeks ago at my local bar and grill? What planet have you been on, all public toilets are piss poor rachet.

I don't think that is true. At least not where I live.

Clearly you don't live in the HOOD

Proudly, I do not. But I'm not going into the hood to protest gender neutral bathrooms, for many reasons but not the least of which is that I doubt seriously that any guy who identifies as a woman is going to use a women's restroom in the hood. If he does, the locals will likely give him the castration he would normally have paid a doctor for.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
princess, you will go to jail. You will be caught, go to jail over night, pay a fine of more than a $1000, and put under caution. Go for it.
Still banking on incoherently eh Jake? Seek help.
Yes, you are incoherent. Go ahead. You will be caught and punished.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
princess, you will go to jail. You will be caught, go to jail over night, pay a fine of more than a $1000, and put under caution. Go for it.

Still banking on incoherently eh Jake?

Seek help.
Given your posting history – this thread included – you’re in no position to admonish others to ‘seek help.’
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
princess, you will go to jail. You will be caught, go to jail over night, pay a fine of more than a $1000, and put under caution. Go for it.
Still banking on incoherently eh Jake? Seek help.
Yes, you are incoherent. Go ahead. You will be caught and punished.

Damn phone.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
princess, you will go to jail. You will be caught, go to jail over night, pay a fine of more than a $1000, and put under caution. Go for it.

Still banking on incoherently eh Jake?

Seek help.
Given your posting history – this thread included – you’re in no position to admonish others to ‘seek help.’

Lol, that's funny coming from the likes of you.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.
princess, you will go to jail. You will be caught, go to jail over night, pay a fine of more than a $1000, and put under caution. Go for it.

Still banking on incoherently eh Jake?

Seek help.
Given your posting history – this thread included – you’re in no position to admonish others to ‘seek help.’

Lol, that's funny coming from the likes of you.
This is typical of most on the reprehensible right – the ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry common to most conservatives.

The only insanity is the unwarranted hatred conservatives have for transgender Americans, and this moronic, childish, idiotic thread premise.
Normal people don't want transvestites using the women's restroom.
From now on, I am going to seek out every gender neutral toilet. When I go in there I'm going to piss all over the seat, floor, everywhere.

This nonsense has to stop.

Wow, that's just distasteful, surely there's a better way to show your disagreement?

Hmmm....got any ideas?

Yep - steal all the toilet paper.
another thing you can do which is perfectly legal in a men's room is to leave the stall door open while taking a shit so the ladies can see you sitting there.

ETA: oh, and be sure to give a toothy grin.
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How does a unisex bathroom effect you? The 'gender neutral toilets' are almost always single units. Meaning that no more than one person at a time i
No problem with them, but the government can't mandate businesses provide them and don't require men be allowed to use the women's restroom.
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Shots fired!

I found a gender-neutral bathroom. It is at my local Starbucks. Where the last time I was there there was a male and female bathroom, now there are two bathrooms labeled as both male and female. I was like Red Adair with a firehose in there.
Shots fired!

I found a gender-neutral bathroom. It is at my local Starbucks. Where the last time I was there there was a male and female bathroom, now there are two bathrooms labeled as both male and female. I was like Red Adair with a firehose in there.

As if.

If true, and you live in one of those states where Boyz swagger around Starbucks with their Very Special Toyz (one assumes this includes the manager), you may find a special welcome when you return.

I can see the headlines now. Will they hand you a mop, bucket, and a bottle of Lysol, or just shoot you? Maybe make you scrub the tile on your hands and knees with a toothbrush and then shoot you.

This is your RW, America - always classy.
I worked this nonsense to my advantage last weekend while in a bar. There was a long line for the men's room while the women's room was open (which is odd because it's usually always the other way around, but I was watching a heavy metal band so maybe that was the reason). Anyway... I can tell you at that moment standing in line I never felt more feminine and there's no doubt in my mind that I identified as a female. So yes, I went in the women's room. I had plenty of beer in me so who knows where it all went.
I worked this nonsense to my advantage last weekend while in a bar. There was a long line for the men's room while the women's room was open (which is odd because it's usually always the other way around, but I was watching a heavy metal band so maybe that was the reason). Anyway... I can tell you at that moment standing in line I never felt more feminine and there's no doubt in my mind that I identified as a female. So yes, I went in the women's room. I had plenty of beer in me so who knows where it all went.

Probably on your shoes.
Shots fired!

I found a gender-neutral bathroom. It is at my local Starbucks. Where the last time I was there there was a male and female bathroom, now there are two bathrooms labeled as both male and female. I was like Red Adair with a firehose in there.

As if.

If true, and you live in one of those states where Boyz swagger around Starbucks with their Very Special Toyz (one assumes this includes the manager), you may find a special welcome when you return.

I can see the headlines now. Will they hand you a mop, bucket, and a bottle of Lysol, or just shoot you? Maybe make you scrub the tile on your hands and knees with a toothbrush and then shoot you.

This is your RW, America - always classy.

And it pleases me that it displeases you.

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