Just how dumb is the "Pro Israel Christian?"

It's ironic that you have a bot as an avatar. You're just a bit of simple code, aren't you? :auiqs.jpg:

I am actually someone who can define the word "conservative." FYI conservative doesn't mean banning abortion, cheering Zionist Fascist Treason against America, selling out the US military to serve Israel, bankrupting America in the process, and popping taxpayer funded Pfizer pills all day thanks to W socializing senior drugs...

Indeed, W's credibility was really outed while socializing senior drugs...

Tell Congress about the true cost estimate, and you and your family will "disappear"

and this is who you are and what you worship, a scumbag brat traitor who is THE WORST TRAITOR IN US HISTORY for being 100% ANTI CONSERVATIVE and has proven that ever since by doing nothing but cheering THE DEMOCRATS

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

Michelle Obama and George W. Bush's friendship through the years
For months we have been told here over and over that Kamala is anti-Israel. OVER AND OVER...

and now that all of the "Republican" 911 Traitors have endorsed Kamala, did the "Pro Israel Christian" learn anything.... of course not.

Does anyone think Dick Cheney is "anti Israel?" No, he is just one of the WORST TRAITORS in US history, orchestrating the 911 false flag hate hoax to sell out our troops for 2 wars over total lies and nothing in US national interest, all while making those behind 911, including himself, above the law.

What does Dick Cheney want?

1. NO re-opening of the 911 investigation

2. a US war with Iran by any means necessary

And now back to the unimaginably STUPID "Pro Israel Christians," who loved Dick Cheney and worshipped him and W, and have been telling us Kamala is "anti israel."

These people claim to have "values" and "character"

Well, in this case, CHARACTER would be to ADMIT YOU WERE COMPLETELY WRONG!!!

and we will get NONE of that, because the "Pro Israel Christian" is not a high character person, not a patriotic American, not a conservative...

It's funny. Every Repulsivcan I've never liked endorse kamel'stoe.
It's funny. Every Repulsivcan I've never liked endorse kamel'stoe.

Good, you don't like the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" PRO ISRAEL RINOs.


They are the worst traitors alive today in America.
Col Tim Osman was never in Saudi. The Saudis were in on 911, because the Saudi Royal Family is really Jewish.

OBL went to school in Jeddah and to a Quaker school in Lebanon.

Osama bin Laden studied business administration at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah.
OBL went to school in Jeddah and to a Quaker school in Lebanon.

Osama bin Laden studied business administration at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah.

Another "conservative" "Pro israel Christian" who supports CENSORSHIP... in part because she cannot define the word conservative...

You are mentally ill. Get help for your own sake. Take your stupid shit threads to the conspiracy forum for everyone else's sake.
Nobody said Israel was going anywhere. Israel wanted religious fanatics to oppose the secular PLO. Bibi Netanyahu has been funding them through Qatar until last fall. Hamas is essential to Bibi's strategy to prevent any 2 state solution ever.

He wants Hamas to take over Gaza so he can declare Gaza a hostile state and continuing to kill Palestinians.

That's why Israelis are protesting against Bibi.
You are one mixed up lady,
The 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens. But, Saddam had WMDs, everywhere.

Nope they weren't all Saudis. Atta was Egyptian.. there are six that had false identification so we don't know who they were... and there were 3 from other countries.

Saddam Hussein didn't have any wmds . Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Read Clean Break Strategy. Israel wanted Saddam deposed.

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