Just How Many Things Was Romney Right About And Obama Wrong?

Given that Obama has shown his true colors (red) with Syria, I'm surprised all of the anti war Democrats would vote for such a trigger happy moron.
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.

I love when asshats like this pretend to be national security experts... :bang3:

You don't have a fuck'n clue what's going on in Russia's government, stop pretending like you do. You come across like a fuck'n idiot when you pretend like you have a source inside Putin's office.
Our top geo political threat is clearly extremist Muslims like al Qaeda who Republicans gave a home in Iraq when they turned Iraq into another Iran.

I can't believe Republicans are sad they didn't get a "pioneer of outsourcing" whose policy was to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees and help them get jobs. Did someone mention "tards"?

A "pioneer of outsourcing" is exponentially better than a marxist who kills business until they are forced to outsource, then kills them further until they are forced to shit down completely - all so he can force people to live off of the government and thus live under his will...
Which Romney are we talking about here?

The Romney in the Republican debates? Or the one that showed up to debate Obama?

The one that showed up when Candy Crowley had to pull obama's ass out of the heat.
Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

And calling them a geo political threat would have strengthened our relationship with them? :doubt:

Yeah asshat... Reagan called them "the Evil Empire" and by making them realize he would destroy them at all costs, he collapsed them.

Obama has built them back up again because libtards are too ignorant to comprehend that WEAKNESS INVITES AGGRESSION. And nobody is weaker than Mr. Limp-Wrist himself, Barack Obama.
Who is this Romney you speak of?

Oh yeah, the guy who didn't write the concession speech even though everyone and their dog knew he was going to get his ass handed to him.


332-206 is what you get with Dumbocrat, Chicago-style voter fraud politics! Any wonder the left so vehemently opposes ensuring legal elections with voter ID? :lol:

(on a side note, how appropriate that Candy-ass here chose the color purple for Mr. Limp-Wrist himself :lmao:)
Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

And calling them a geo political threat would have strengthened our relationship with them? :doubt:

Yeah asshat... Reagan called them "the Evil Empire" and by making them realize he would destroy them at all costs, he collapsed them.

Obama has built them back up again because libtards are too ignorant to comprehend that WEAKNESS INVITES AGGRESSION. And nobody is weaker than Mr. Limp-Wrist himself, Barack Obama.

Yes, Reagan called them the Evil Empire, and they magically collapsed. :cuckoo:

By that logic the Iraq war should have been over before it started.
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i get it.

Obamas won.

And that makes it a win for everyone.

Fact is obama winning was a loss for america. You just can't admit it regardless how much he screws up.

332-206...screw on that.

It is awesome watching Candy corn raise the white flag. She has been so thoroughly owned with facts - and is so furious that those facts prove what an inept little asshat marxist Oabama is - that she can't even make an intelligent argument anymore. All she is left with is posting "332-206" over and over and over.

(by the way, she actually proved voter fraud in a other thread - and boy did that set her little panties on fire when I pointed out in her desperation to defend her idol that she proved fraud :lol:)
I find it fascinating that the right has to constantly go back in history and come up with new interpretations of words, and now these words have a new meaning and significance. The right excels at rewriting history to mean whatever the current whine is about our democratically elected president. Losing is such a great trauma when you have all the answers, they never get over the loss. http://freakoutnation.com/2013/05/1...-republicans-have-mentioned-impeaching-obama/

Would that be anything like libs going back in history and still blaming bush?
obama addressing democrat convention.

If you put your ears just right, it sounds like "buuuussshhhh, buuuusssshhhh."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcE5aDTszrY]Sheep Protest! - FREAKING HILARIOUS!! - YouTube[/ame]
i get it.

Obamas won.

And that makes it a win for everyone.

Fact is obama winning was a loss for america. You just can't admit it regardless how much he screws up.

332-206...screw on that.

It is awesome watching Candy corn raise the white flag. She has been so thoroughly owned with facts - and is so furious that those facts prove what an inept little asshat marxist Oabama is - that she can't even make an intelligent argument anymore. All she is left with is posting "332-206" over and over and over.

(by the way, she actually proved voter fraud in a other thread - and boy did that set her little panties on fire when I pointed out in her desperation to defend her idol that she proved fraud :lol:)

Voter Fraud---Obama won by 5,000,000 votes. It was an easy victory.

If you have proof of voter fraud, go through the courts and have the landslide victory overturned.

If not, join the ranks of the 9/11 truthers as our resident nutjobs.


Earned it!
Given that Obama has shown his true colors (red) with Syria, I'm surprised all of the anti war Democrats would vote for such a trigger happy moron.

Not really "trigger happy" so much as "jumping the gun" in my opinion. Like all politicians Obama tried to use the ""momentum of the outrage" over the gas attack on civilians. (As in never let a good crisis go to waste.) He badly misjudged where the people stand when it comes to military involvement in yet another middle east nation. Then the Brits handed him an "exit strategy". So Obama punted it Congress and either way it goes he can evade responsibility.

Not exactly his "finest hour" in my opinion but McCain's "nation building" clause is going to mean bipartisan opposition towards intervening in Syria. This is going to end up being a NATO mission instead with France taking the lead.
Given that Obama has shown his true colors (red) with Syria, I'm surprised all of the anti war Democrats would vote for such a trigger happy moron.

Obama was always 'red'.

Not as in "Republican" but as in "Communist".
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

and what do you think Russia would have done when Romrom went after Iran?
say "hey at least you are not Obama so go ahead"!

i loves these type of threads because it shows people who are the hypocrites for when they bash Obama yet support this turd.
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

and what do you think Russia would have done when Romrom went after Iran?
say "hey at least you are not Obama so go ahead"!

i loves these type of threads because it shows people who are the hypocrites for when they bash Obama yet support this turd.

So your defense of Obama is that Russia wouldn't be scared of Romney if he attacked Iran?

I don't think it's effective to defend Obama with a highly unlikely hypothetical. Besides, Obama is the one doing the attacking, so what makes you think Russia won't retaliate? Has Barry scared the pants off of them?

The Soviets themselves said the only reason they got away with putting up the Iron Curtain was because nobody stopped them. Obama has let them take islands off the coast of Alaska in the Aleusians. Why do you think Russia isn't bold enough to try something else?
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Romney is not the president.

So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

and what do you think Russia would have done when Romrom went after Iran?
say "hey at least you are not Obama so go ahead"!

i loves these type of threads because it shows people who are the hypocrites for when they bash Obama yet support this turd.

So your defense of Obama is that Russia wouldn't be scared of Romney if he attacked Iran?

I don't think it's effective to defend Obama with a highly unlikely hypothetical. Besides, Obama is the one doing the attacking, so what makes you think Russia won't retaliate? Has Barry scared the pants off of them?

The Soviets themselves said the only reason they got away with putting up the Iron Curtain was because nobody stopped them. Obama has let them take islands off the coast of Alaska in the Aleusians. Why do you think Russia isn't bold enough to try something else?

Russia is already starting to back down. they are just trying to flex to see what they can get away with. Take away their nukes and they dont even rate.

Russia and Iran are allies in the sense of Oil....so is China and Iran. So naturally they would back Iran to a point. Same for Syria. Russia is playing hardass because they've been weak for so long.

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