Just how often does the Comrade lie?

First, go blow a goat.

Sorry, I'm not into your proclivities, sploogy.

Second, I'm not a democrat, you fucktard.

Oh? Do yo identify as a Stalinist, then?

Third, Sean Spicer LIED (#1) to the press about orange's inauguration numbers.


Spicer mentioned no numbers at all. See, YOU are lying.

Kellyann Cuntway called them "alternative facts" (LIE #2).

Look at you Khmer Rouge fucks call women "cvnts." Misogynistic pile of shit that you are.

Now these are verifiable - but only if you live on earth. You can even use this marvel called 'the internet' to see them for yourself. You might find even more lying liars in the orange administration.

Those are FACTS. If you can't see them, it's a good chance you probably voted for the current scumbag in chief. Congratulations, you're really fucking dumb.

CNN is welcome to George Soros opinion, but when they report the opinion of their master as fact, they will be called on it.

Look, you're a hack troll posting fake news on the internet on behalf of a foreign billionaire, so as to corrupt out democracy and put his international group in power, I get it. But the ONLY way you and your fellow traitorous fucks will win is if you pick up weapons and go at if for real.

You want to end the US Constitution, you want a socialist authoritarian state? Then you're going to have to fight for it, Comrade.
Womens march was a paid for event...speaking of women hubba hubbba

But wait there is more! She then changed her mind and said he will release them after IRS audit:

Conway: Trump will release tax returns after audit

I guess her first answer wasn't to someone's liking lol

That's what Trump has said all along.

Just because you Soros Soldiers are dumb, doesn't mean Trump is lying. You're just too fucking stupid to follow along.

Yes, it is what Trump has been shamelessly fucking lying about all along.

He at one point was saying that IRS audits him perhaps because he is such a devout Christian.

It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad for our country to have elected this buffoon. It is especially sad for you, since he insults your intelligence daily and you ask if you may have another please.
Politicians lie. And guess what? Both Democrats and Republicans do it. It's hardly 'breaking news.' Ya gotta grow up Snowflakes. The world's a harsh place. There are no 'Safe Spaces.'
Politicians lie. And guess what? Both Democrats and Republicans do it. It's hardly 'breaking news.' Ya gotta grow up Snowflakes. The world's a harsh place. There are no 'Safe Spaces.'
No group lies more than the democrats in office today but it's true politicians do lie...that is why we smartly elected a non politician as president.
But wait there is more! She then changed her mind and said he will release them after IRS audit:

Conway: Trump will release tax returns after audit

I guess her first answer wasn't to someone's liking lol

That's what Trump has said all along.

Just because you Soros Soldiers are dumb, doesn't mean Trump is lying. You're just too fucking stupid to follow along.

Yes, it is what Trump has been shamelessly fucking lying about all along.

He at one point was saying that IRS audits him perhaps because he is such a devout Christian.

It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad for our country to have elected this buffoon. It is especially sad for you, since he insults your intelligence daily and you ask if you may have another please.

I feel Obama should have been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses. But he got away with it all. So i feel your anger and frustration. I suffered through eight long years of it. Good luck.
Politicians lie. And guess what? Both Democrats and Republicans do it. It's hardly 'breaking news.' Ya gotta grow up Snowflakes. The world's a harsh place. There are no 'Safe Spaces.'
No group lies more than the democrats in office today but it's true politicians do lie...that is why we smartly elected a non politician as president.

You say this based on...what exactly? Your feelings?

No it's true, the guy lies absolutely shamelessly on the daily.

His whole launch into Republican sphere was off of birther bullshit, which he admitted to be lies just recently.

He lied about crowd sizes at his inauguration, he lied about tons of shit he promised to do in his first day in office, he lied about releasing his tax returns, he lied about his net worth, he lied about 1000s of people dancing in NJ on 9/11, he lied and lied and lied and lied...the list doesn't end.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

This is different from your regular run out of the mill politician, quite different.
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No it's true, the guy lies absolutely shamelessly on the daily.
Where? when? oh my God we had better impeach him. We can't have a liar in the White House....that may cause us to lose our doctor and our plan. Give us a break dude.
Politicians lie. And guess what? Both Democrats and Republicans do it. It's hardly 'breaking news.' Ya gotta grow up Snowflakes. The world's a harsh place. There are no 'Safe Spaces.'

You are right, BUT this guy is taking it to a whole new level. I have NEVER seen someone lie on video, deny it even though the video is presented to him, and his cult doesn't see a thing.

Comrade has taken LYING to a new level. The man is an unabashed Serial Liar.

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