Just how often does the Comrade lie?

Sorry, I'm not into your proclivities, sploogy.

You misunderstand. I told *you* to blow the goat.

Oh? Do yo identify as a Stalinist, then?



Spicer mentioned no numbers at all. See, YOU are lying.

Spicer said: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration". He had no forethought nor knowledge to spew such nonsense. Where I'm from, that's called a LIE. You want to spin that away too, or shall we play it back for you? Because fiction sure seems to be how orangeworld prefers to communicate these days.

Look at you Khmer Rouge fucks call women "cvnts." Misogynistic pile of shit that you are.

Yep, she's a lying manipulative ****. I just calls it as I sees it. Unbunch your panties, snowflake.

CNN is welcome to George Soros opinion, but when they report the opinion of their master as fact, they will be called on it.

Look, you're a hack troll posting fake news on the internet on behalf of a foreign billionaire, so as to corrupt out democracy and put his international group in power, I get it. But the ONLY way you and your fellow traitorous fucks will win is if you pick up weapons and go at if for real.

I don't work for Soros, or any rich boogeyman you'd like to invent as a foil to American problems. I'm a working class voter telling you that you and the other turds elected a dud. I'm holding you accountable. Barring impeachment, I'll have at least four years of reasons to do so.

You want to end the US Constitution, you want a socialist authoritarian state? Then you're going to have to fight for it, Comrade.

The constitution is fine. You just elected an authoritarian that wipes his ass with it, dipshit.[/QUOTE]

You misunderstand. I told *you* to blow the goat.

Yes, but you're an impotent little pervert.

No one gives a flying fuck what you "tell." Though what you do with goats could be of interest to the authorities, perv boi...

Spicer said: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration". He had no forethought nor knowledge to spew such nonsense. Where I'm from, that's called a LIE. You want to spin that away too, or shall we play it back for you? Because fiction sure seems to be how orangeworld prefers to communicate these days.

Look, you're a Stalinist, chances are you didn't complete third grade. You don't know what a 'lie" is. Where you're from people are apparently ignorant and uneducated hacks.

Yep, she's a lying manipulative ****. I just calls it as I sees it. Unbunch your panties, snowflake.

Classy, just part of the left war on women.

I don't work for Soros,

You're the property of Soros, you do exactly as he orders you to do, even if you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

or any rich boogeyman you'd like to invent as a foil to American problems. I'm a working class voter telling you that you and the other turds elected a dud. I'm holding you accountable. Barring impeachment, I'll have at least four years of reasons to do so.

What you are is a butthurt little fuckwad, throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get your way.

The constitution is fine.

Yep, and with Trump appointing the next three SCOTUS justices, it will remain that way.

You just elected an authoritarian that wipes his ass with it, dipshit.

You grasp that Hillary had vowed to appoint a Ginsburg type Marxist to the court, right retard? IF Hillary had won, the Bill of Rights was over. If you're too fucking stupid to grasp that, well then that's why you're a leftist.
Who the hell researches "exaggerations", George Soros? Maybe researching errors and exaggerations in the Trump administration will keep the psychotic left out of trouble for the next couple of years. Go for it lefties.

I loved number 5.Broke his promise to close Guantanamo prison. He would have is the nutty repubs would have let. Really? You post a blog from a HACK? Most are actions h err took thay the KKK GOP didn't like.""

Trump is in a league of his own. NOBODY can create "alternate facts" like the demented Comrade.

Did you teach Comrade to lie?
Yes, but you're an impotent little pervert.

Right back at ya, goat-blower.

Look, you're a Stalinist,

Oh NO, not a Stalinist! *feigning outrage* You keep using that word. I'm not sure that means what you think it means.

chances are you didn't complete third grade. You don't know what a 'lie" is. Where you're from people are apparently ignorant and uneducated hacks.

I know lies and obfuscation. Your guy lies and obfuscates. They all do, but yours has an especially nasty addiction to it. He's done it his whole life. I find him repugnant. Sorry about the fee fees.

Classy, just part of the left war on women.

Ah, so you're *really* confused.

You're the property of Soros, you do exactly as he orders you to do, even if you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

Whatever you say, orange brain. I'm not the chucklehead spewing lies.

What you are is a butthurt little fuckwad, throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get your way.

I love this country. I'm simply illustrating to the deplorable nation why they blew it. That mistake likely won't affect me personally either way.

Yep, and with Trump appointing the next three SCOTUS justices, it will remain that way.

Until he appoints one you don't agree with. Then you're in for a rude awakening, orange brains.

You grasp that Hillary had vowed to appoint a Ginsburg type Marxist to the court, right retard? IF Hillary had won, the Bill of Rights was over. If you're too fucking stupid to grasp that, well then that's why you're a leftist.

Why are you talking about Hillary, shitlord? I didn't vote for that **** either. I'm simply saying that if you went orange, you're responsible for the forthcoming damage to our once great nation is all. Hope you're proud of yourselves, deplorables.
I loved number 5.Broke his promise to close Guantanamo prison. He would have is the nutty repubs would have let. Really? You post a blog from a HACK? Most are actions h err took thay the KKK GOP didn't like.""

Trump is in a league of his own. NOBODY can create "alternate facts" like the demented Comrade.

Did you teach Comrade to lie?

Lies by Trump, BAD, lies by Obama, GOOD

Yes, but you're an impotent little pervert.

Right back at ya, goat-blower.

Look, you're a Stalinist,

Oh NO, not a Stalinist! *feigning outrage* You keep using that word. I'm not sure that means what you think it means.

chances are you didn't complete third grade. You don't know what a 'lie" is. Where you're from people are apparently ignorant and uneducated hacks.

I know lies and obfuscation. Your guy lies and obfuscates. They all do, but yours has an especially nasty addiction to it. He's done it his whole life. I find him repugnant. Sorry about the fee fees.

Classy, just part of the left war on women.

Ah, so you're *really* confused.

You're the property of Soros, you do exactly as he orders you to do, even if you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

Whatever you say, orange brain. I'm not the chucklehead spewing lies.

What you are is a butthurt little fuckwad, throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get your way.

I love this country. I'm simply illustrating to the deplorable nation why they blew it. That mistake likely won't affect me personally either way.

Yep, and with Trump appointing the next three SCOTUS justices, it will remain that way.

Until he appoints one you don't agree with. Then you're in for a rude awakening, orange brains.

You grasp that Hillary had vowed to appoint a Ginsburg type Marxist to the court, right retard? IF Hillary had won, the Bill of Rights was over. If you're too fucking stupid to grasp that, well then that's why you're a leftist.

Why are you talking about Hillary, shitlord? I didn't vote for that **** either. I'm simply saying that if you went orange, you're responsible for the forthcoming damage to our once great nation is all. Hope you're proud of yourselves, deplorables.

Two things sploogy, learn to back-quote, and I voted for Johnson.

Doesn't mean I don't enjoy your raging butthurt, though.

1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval.

Seriously? This is what you are comparing Trumps lies to?

Not like Trump they don't.


What a fucking retard.


Yea, he got ONE.

With Trump they had so many they had to put the whole pile in:

2015 Lie of the Year: Donald Trump's campaign misstatements


2017 looks prime for him to repeat the feat.

And lets just take an exerpt out of it:

"People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts," Trump wrote in his 1987 best-seller The Art of the Deal. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion."

He sees his ridiculous windbaggery as a means to his car salesman ends.
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1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval.

Seriously? This is what you are comparing Trumps lies to?


Shit fer brains, Obama DID spawn the creation of ISIS through his gross negligence and incompetence.

What was secret until the release of this August 2012 defense intelligence report is that the United States knew that the Syrian opposition was dominated by al Qaeda in Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq, groups that merged and morphed into what today we call ISIS.

So Donald Trump is literally correct. Obama and Hillary created ISIS. They figure among the founding fathers of the world’s most brutal terrorist organization. They deserve ISIS Most Valuable Player awards for their efforts.

Some of America’s enemies, such as Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, have also accused the United States of creating ISIS – but as a tool for encroaching on Iran’s efforts to dominate the Muslim world. In fact, Obama and Hillary’s policies have simultaneously favored Iran and its rise to regional dominance, standing aside as Iran filled the vacuum in Iraq with its own militias and allowing Iranian troops and weapons to flow onto battlefields in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and beyond.

Other documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that the United States was also complicit with arms shipments from Benghazi to the jihadi rebel groups in Syria.

These particular shipments were distinct from the more publicized case of al Entisar, a Libyan fishing vessel that arrived in Iskanderiyah, Turkey, crammed with weapons in late August 2012.

The shipments described in this recently declassified document were sent directly to small Syrian ports under rebel control and included RPG grenade-launchers, sniper rifles, and ammunition for 125mm and 155mm howitzers.}

Fact Check: Were Obama and Hillary Founders of ISIS? You Bet

Politifraud is a fucking hack site, fake news.
1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval.

Seriously? This is what you are comparing Trumps lies to?


Shit fer brains, Obama DID spawn the creation of ISIS through his gross negligence and incompetence.

Nono idiot, Trump VERY SPECIFICALLY claimed that Obama, started ISIS.

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally - CNNPolitics.com

Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."
Trump objected.

"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do.".

He lies, repeatedly, obviously, and without any shame.
You said Soros, the man who owns your filthy party, is a "conspiracy theory," stupid fuck.

Then I went back and saw how he was introduced to the thread, which was by you, and wondered "What does that have to do with what i said?" Nothing. You just pulled him out of your arse. Why? Who knows, you're a dumb fuck Deplorable...

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