JUST IN - Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Multiple people on the ground injured

A black guy in a SUV...........who would have guessed.

It's a Dem ran state, nothing will happen to the psycho. He will be patted on the back, given awards, and have statues erected in front of the governors office of him.

The N-crowd is out to get infamy and money any way possible in Dem ran states now. And they just don't give a damn how they get it.

Self admitted child sex trafficker.

Well, too bad more citizens weren't armed like Rittenhouse.

Then again, if there were more Rittenhouse types there and then prevented it and the negro pervert was shot and killed before he murdered innocent white people, what would cnn be saying today and what would lebron James say from one of his 2 palatial 25 million dollar mansions about how bad the blacks have it in this country compared to China?
why are so many people making this Waukesha incident racial? Is there any proof race was a motivating factor?

White ppl will you stop.............

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Condolences from the UK.

Its a fact that leaves us astonished over here. Millions of people of all creeds and colour live in the US, But crimes only seem to be committed by Black people.

As this one incident has proven.

I can understand why totally law abiding white folks get angry about this.

An act like this could not have been committed by a white man and his son with a friend following and filming it. They would have got out of the van and shot their victims. In a Christian way naturally.
A black guy in a SUV...........who would have guessed.

It's a Dem ran state, nothing will happen to the psycho. He will be patted on the back, given awards, and have statues erected in front of the governors office of him.

The N-crowd is out to get infamy and money any way possible in Dem ran states now. And they just don't give a damn how they get it.

Supposedly he was out of $1000 bail when he drove through the crowd.
Here's a thought. How about we wait until the information comes in before everyone starts throwing petty, childish accusations around and turning this thread into a food fight.
Christ....I went to bed and discover this is the kind of nonsense you were up to while I was gone.
Clearly there are some in this country that just cannot handle their own medicine.
Has the left brought up Charlottesville yet where that white guy was attacked and escaped being murdered as opposed to what this negro pervert did with intention?

Another example of millions of examples that show the left are always wrong and backwards.

Self admitted child sex trafficker.

Well, too bad more citizens weren't armed like Rittenhouse.

Then again, if there were more Rittenhouse types there and then prevented it and the negro pervert was shot and killed before he murdered innocent white people, what would cnn be saying today and what would lebron James say from one of his 2 palatial 25 million dollar mansions about how bad the blacks have it in this country compared to China?

Good to see someone saved that. The shithead's videos have all been removed from Youtube.
So, he is one of Beijing Bidens Best Buddies!!!

I think we all saw that coming.
The thing is all of this never would have happened if the media hadn't lied about Kyle Rittenhouse from the beginning....and then caused so many of their viewers to feel that the decision in court wasn't just. I blame the media directly for this attack. They're trying to walk on eggshells right now.....but we ultimately will discover that our suspicions are probably correct. Something has to be done about MSNBC and CNN.
They know exactly what they're doing.....and they're creating these events with their inflammatory rhetoric.
A black guy in a SUV...........who would have guessed.

It's a Dem ran state, nothing will happen to the psycho. He will be patted on the back, given awards, and have statues erected in front of the governors office of him.

The N-crowd is out to get infamy and money any way possible in Dem ran states now. And they just don't give a damn how they get it.

Wisconsin is 52 % Republican.

What is the "N crowd"?
See it will be spun as:
While White supremacist group was protesting in an anti Moslem demonstration....aka Christmas parade...when a peaceful counter protest broke out.
Why don't you tell me?

The driver was a shitbag criminal who had just stabbed someone when he was trying to buy drugs. He was running from the police and drove through the parade. Here are a couple items that were saved from his social media, before it was scrubbed...

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I’ll just wait until the facts come in. Was he provoked ? Was this payback for shittenhouse ? Who knows ?

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