JUST IN: Chip Roy Explodes Over Latest Attempt To Avert Shutdown With A CR Ahead Of Key Vote

When exactly are we going to go bankrupt? Seems like the GOP has been saying this my whole life and I'm still waiting.

That's a good question. I think it's not going to be a dollar figure that does it. I think it's going to be BRICS getting enough countries to get off the USD tit. If they come up with a new currency, or go with something like China's, as the worlds reserve currency, it'll kills us monetarily and economically. China is dumping a lot of money in expanding industries in countries other than their own. Countries where labor costs are way better than ours.
It's a slow process. But if they can get enough countries on board, that can produce things they buy from us, at a cheaper cost, the USD being the worlds reserve currency will be over.
It'll happen in about 20-30 years and there wont be any coming back from it.

Maybe not even that long. Once Social Security is declared insolvent, it will be a domino effect from there. Maybe 10-15 years.

Remember that the current crop of people running our country will all be dead by then, so do you really think they care?
When exactly are we going to go bankrupt? Seems like the GOP has been saying this my whole life and I'm still waiting.

Interest is nearly more than defense spending at this point? It has been on an exponential increase since ~2007 with the new normal ($1T deficit on Continuing Resolution w/o budget).

$4T of todays' spending is Medicare (much fraud, waste, abuse), SS (paid for by workers) and Defense. Yet Obiden and all of them needs to spend another $2.1T on the credit card rather than cleaning up Medicare? or doing something? Cut Cut Cut...let the States handle it.
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Maybe not even that long. Once Social Security is declared insolvent, it will be a domino effect from there. Maybe 10-15 years.

SS still takes in more than it spends. Plus it owns like $2 trillion of the national debt. But it's unlikely that the treasury is ever going to pay SS back. With people like Trump, Biden and Johnson, they can't even pay the interest without borrowing.
Maybe not even that long. Once Social Security is declared insolvent, it will be a domino effect from there. Maybe 10-15 years.

Remember that the current crop of people running our country will all be dead by then, so do you really think they care?

Exactly, when interest payments begin to shut out other programs. There is only so much money they can confiscate in Taxes without destroying the GDP.....then commee DEM will feel pain. We all will.....but we already expect it. They think the money tree is endless.
I don't know any republican voter that doesn't want the government to reduce spending. I know a lot of republican politicians who LOVE all the spending. But not one voter.
They do however love their government benefits and PPP payoffs.
Why, are democrats going to suddenly stop printing money because Chip Roy is president? Until democrat voters decide to make their politicians stop wasting money, we will continue to go bankrupt, quickly. Just having one side try to balance the budget will never be enough.

The Repubs had control of the House, Senate and White House for two years, did they cut spending at all or did they grow the deficit from what it was when they took power?

The problem is not that just one side is trying to balance the budget, it is that neither side tries to.
That's a good question. I think it's not going to be a dollar figure that does it. I think it's going to be BRICS getting enough countries to get off the USD tit. If they come up with a new currency, or go with something like China's, as the worlds reserve currency, it'll kills us monetarily and economically. China is dumping a lot of money in expanding industries in countries other than their own. Countries where labor costs are way better than ours.
It's a slow process. But if they can get enough countries on board, that can produce things they buy from us, at a cheaper cost, the USD being the worlds reserve currency will be over.
All that may happen but it won't mean bankruptcy for us. I don't worry about competing with the rest of the world, it will keep us lean and healthy.
Interest is nearly more than defense spending at this point? It has been on an exponential increase since ~2007 with the new normal ($1T deficit on Continuing Resolution w/o budget).

$4T of todays' spending is Medicare (much fraud, waste, abuse), SS (paid for by workers) and Defense. Yet Obiden and all of them needs to spend another $2.1T on the credit card rather than cleaning up Medicare? or doing something? Cut Cut Cut...let the States handle it.
Our economy is big and strong so I'd think all our numbers would be big. What is too big is not obvious to me.
All that may happen but it won't mean bankruptcy for us. I don't worry about competing with the rest of the world, it will keep us lean and healthy.

We'd better compete with the rest of the world. Isolationism is destroy manufacturing, farming, mining and a lot of industries in this country.
The Repubs had control of the House, Senate and White House for two years, did they cut spending at all or did they grow the deficit from what it was when they took power?

The problem is not that just one side is trying to balance the budget, it is that neither side tries to.
Do you want to compare spending in the years when democrats held Congress with Pelosi at the helm?? Furthermore, i see a huge push for less spending on the right. Democrats on the other hand use every chance they get to blame "shutting down the government" if the GOP doesnt agree to their wild money printing budgets.
Do you want to compare spending in the years when democrats held Congress with Pelosi at the helm?? Furthermore, i see a huge push for less spending on the right. Democrats on the other hand use every chance they get to blame "shutting down the government" if the GOP doesnt agree to their wild money printing budgets.

Let's dance.

Since 1980, the Republicans have increased the debt ceiling more times and spent more money than the democrats. I know... I know.... That sounds absurd. When I heard that the first time, I just laughed it off. No way that could be true. So I researched it and found that the GOP is the big spenders.

Now since Biden has been president, the gap has closed some. But I guarantee you, that even with Biden's spending, there's not going to be $1 trillion difference in the two.
Do you want to compare spending in the years when democrats held Congress with Pelosi at the helm??

You did not answer the question. I wonder why.

Furthermore, i see a huge push for less spending on the right.

There is always a huge push for less spending on the right when they do not have the power to make it happen. That is how they get rubes like you to keep voting for them.

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