JUST IN: House Democrats Introduce Contempt Resolution For AG Barr, Former WH Counsel McGhan

So stupid.

Barr wouldn’t allow questioning from outside counsel, and Nadler is too fucking stupid to question Barr himself.

Fuck that.
So stupid.

Barr wouldn’t allow questioning from outside counsel, and Nadler is too fucking stupid to question Barr himself.

Fuck that.
These people are clearly getting their orders from Hillary and Obama, to throw absolutely everything at the wall so something hopefully sticks.Their former ‘resistance movement’ has morphed into an outright usurpation.
For what? For not affirming their pathetic collusion fantasy?

They deserve contempt for that. It's fucking stupid.
Barr should arrest Nadler and crew if they go to court. Barr can't release Grand Jury redacted material by law. Barr is upholding the law.

Summary: Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
Everyone deserves a chance to swing at the pinata, its just that Jerry is swinging at a hornet's nest instead.
There it is, folks...Democrats are trying to criminalize disagreeing with them.

Democrats: Ideas So Great They Have To Be Mandatory
What's worse than holding the US AG in Contempt for refusing to break the law?

Proceeding with an OFFICIAL House vote to hold the US AG in Contempt of Congress AFTER being told / confirmed that releasing Grand Jury information IS illegal.

Nadler and Pelosi may have gotten away with it the 1st time by being able to claim they were stupid....

But a Constitutional law expert testified before Nadler and confirmed releasing Grand Jury information is a crime, adding that the DC Circuit Court had settled a case on this exact issue months ago. He finished by making sure Nadler knew what they had just done to the US AG was to hold him in Contempt for refusing to break the law.

They can't say now that they don't know...so if they go through with holding an OFFICIAL House vote to do so it will be recognized for what it is - a vindictive, unethical partisan move, and there will be a backlash.
So stupid.

Barr wouldn’t allow questioning from outside counsel, and Nadler is too fucking stupid to question Barr himself.

Fuck that.
These people are clearly getting their orders from Hillary and Obama, to throw absolutely everything at the wall so something hopefully sticks.Their former ‘resistance movement’ has morphed into an outright usurpation.
Oooooh look at the bright shiny Hillary Obama object!

Another Trumptard led by the nose by the thumb with hair Sean Hannity.
So stupid.

Barr wouldn’t allow questioning from outside counsel, and Nadler is too fucking stupid to question Barr himself.

Fuck that.
These people are clearly getting their orders from Hillary and Obama, to throw absolutely everything at the wall so something hopefully sticks.Their former ‘resistance movement’ has morphed into an outright usurpation.
Oooooh look at the bright shiny Hillary Obama object!

Another Trumptard led by the nose by the thumb with hair Sean Hannity.

Why are you so frightened of anyone or anything that shines the light on leftist cockroaches? One would think that if a person turned on the kitchen light at 2 am, exposing a bunch of cockroaches, the home owner would be thankful for exposing the problem. Instead, the 'homeowner' in this case is pissed that this person exposed the problem and disturbed the cockroaches.


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