JUST IN: Tim Russert, DEAD!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Just hearing on the radio, Meet The Press host Tim Russert has collapsed and is dead.
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June 13, 2008 --

Updated at 3:36 p.m.

Tim Russert, NBC journalist and political heavyweight host of "Meet the Press," has died after collapsing at NBC's Washington news bureau, a source said. He was 58 years old.

Russert, who rose from the inside world of politics where he was former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo's press secretary and one-time chief of staff to the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, was able to successfully cross over to political journalism and rise to become one of its leading lights.

In his role as host of the seminal Sunday morning political program "Meet the Press" - which he took over in 1991 - he became renowned for his hard-nosed interviews where he frequently cornered some of Washington's cagiest political figures with tough questions.

Russert joined NBC News in 1984. In April 1985, he supervised the live broadcasts of the Today program from Rome, negotiating and arranging an appearance by Pope John Paul II - a first for American television. In 1986 and 1987 Russert led NBC News weeklong broadcasts from South America, Australia and China.

In 2008, Time Magazine named him one of the world's 100 most influential people.

oh my goodness Pale, i just heard! he was only 58 or so! :(


He did have a fat pie face... he was out of shape. But still, he was young.

How ya doin jd? Nice to see you.
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He did have a fat pie face... he was out of shape. But still, he was young.

How ya doin jd? Nice to see you.

doing good! pretty busy though, with gardening and yard work!

i'm still freaking out on all of your earthquakes though.....and i heard they started up again? is this true Pale?

doing good! pretty busy though, with gardening and yard work!

i'm still freaking out on all of your earthquakes though.....and i heard they started up again? is this true Pale?


Yup... we had another 3.7 followed seconds later by a 3.9. They had slowed down, but they've picked back up after those two. I'm getting used to it. I mean there's been THOUSANDS of quakes and tremors. You either get used to it or go crazy.

And I'm just hearing that Russert had a massive heart attack. I'll tell ya, whether you WANT to or not, you just HAVE to exercise. I do every day.
Yup... we had another 3.7 followed seconds later by a 3.9. They had slowed down, but they've picked back up after those two. I'm getting used to it. I mean there's been THOUSANDS of quakes and tremors. You either get used to it or go crazy.

And I'm just hearing that Russert had a massive heart attack. I'll tell ya, whether you WANT to or not, you just HAVE to exercise. I do every day.
that is key to a strong heart, and keeping the saturated fats in line!

you are leaving there soon though, right....gonna retire somewhere else soon, right? hahahaha!

GET OUT OF DODGE young man! What good is exercise if the house falls and crushes you? :eek: lol
sorry folks but Tim Russert may have been the best of a sorry lot. If I had to hear about his dad Big Russ, and 'the greatest' generation one more time...but he up and goes and dies on my B-Day? (I feel bad for his kid...just celebrating graduation)

I think he was a mediocre talent, but a decent fellow. He will be missed ---for a very short time. It isn't like he is 'our' Chet Huntley, David Brinkley or Walter Cronkite.

58? jeezuz, did he have a primary care doctor?
That's too bad.

I liked his interviewing style.

58, huh?

Man, that's young for somebody with big bucks to check out.

Heart attack and a quick death, though.

Well, he was too young, but that's the way to go.
I guess that's the way to go. You know, quick and not a bother to anyone. But dying at the office....uugghhh

I would rather just drop off in my sleep.
OBAMA is personally devastated by this! '

what a self serving jerk:

"I am grief stricken with the loss..." said the lightbeing known as Obama. Obama met Russert for the first time in Boston at the DNC Convention in 2004.

Speaking in Columbus, Ohio, Barack Obama recalled meeting Russert for the first time at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. “He’s somebody who overtime I came to consider not only a journalist but a friend,” Obama told reporters, “There wasn’t a better interviewer in television, a more thoughtful analyzer of politics and he was also one of the finest men I knew, somebody who cared about America, cared about the issues, cared about his family. I am grief stricken with the loss and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family. And I hope that even though Tim is irreplaceable that the standard that he set in his professional life and family life are standards that we’ll all carry with us in our own lives.”
YouTube - Bush in Skull and Bones
Play VideoBones admits he's in Skull-and-Bones on the Tim Russert Show. ... George Bush and John Kerry Admit Skull and Bones

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=y1yFQfJ8P5A&feature=related]YouTube - bush and then kerry admit to membership of skull and bones[/ame]
Ravi and Mianeman ....

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When I was a Washington journalism intern I was sent to Capitol Hill to cover "Catholic Schools Week" activities. Tim Russert was there, warmly holding court with a group of school kids on the capitol steps. He was so friendly and so gracious -- the kind words about him, I think, are true. And, he always grilled everyone pretty well -- he was a Democrat but pretty level-headed.

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