Just in: Unofficial Democratic response to Devin's Dud

Compelling 6 page rebuttal from Jerry Nadler who unlike Little Devin, actually READ the underlying documents. The official response to come next week.

WASHINGTON — A top House Democrat is challenging the core conclusion of the memo released by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes on Friday, calling the allegation that the Justice Department and FBI withheld key details as they sought a secret surveillance warrant on former Trump adviser Carter Page “deliberately misleading and deeply wrong on the law.”

NBC News has exclusively obtained a six-page rebuttal to the Nunes memo from Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, which was to be circulated to all House Democrats on Saturday.

Given his senior position, Nadler is one of the small number of lawmakers who has viewed the highly-sensitive documents that are the basis of Nunes’ memo.​

Democratic rebuttal calls Nunes memo 'deliberately misleading'
Are you seriously suggesting that Devin Nunes just 'made up' the summation memo without reading the supporting documents? So the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is going to put his career on the line and just make shit up? That's what you are going with?

Nunes career as a Pol is over, and given past events one might assume Rep. Nunes will have a lucrative job in one of the far right "think" tanks. Good soldiers who put party over country usually are rewarded end up in one of the conservative "think" tanks.
Nunes career as a Pol is over, and given past events one might assume Rep. Nunes will have a lucrative job in one of the far right "think" tanks. Good soldiers who put party over country usually are rewarded end up in one of the conservative "think" tanks.

The Orange Panther can get a cush high six figure job over at Heritage Foundation or probably even more as a lobbyist. And/or he could be a weekend fill-in at Fox-n-Friends or one of their "analysts".

And you're correct - his pol career is seriously in danger. His opponent is reeling in the bucks at present:
Nunes memo furor helps one of his Democratic challengers raise $65,000 in one week


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