Just Like His Brother George, Jeb Bush Smoked Pot and Drank.

Sure...So how did the Teleprompter Dependent Celebrity work out for ya?

The work I've done running them over the years has worked out fine but Your Kenyan Emperor needs to find a better operator. Might help with those pregnant pauses through which He labours mightily to bring forth..........yet another mouse.

Yeah....cause when people speak of the great orators of the 21st century, the Yammering Teabilly Fukstick from Wasilla surely tops the list, eh?
Why are you so hateful toward Sarah? It's not like she's that piece of shit Barrack Hussein Obama.
Wait a minute!

Looks like liberals are beginning to fear Governor Walker almost as much as they fear Governor Palin!

Since their little minds are allowed to focus on only one thing at a time maybe the memo told them to hate on the word "Governor" this week.

Libtards are deathly afraid of even the appearance of fiscal responsibility because that would cause their socialist paradise to collapse.

Walker has certainly delivered on fiscal responsibility better than any Democrat and the Moon Bats are deathly afraid of him. The filthy unions really hate him.
Booze is more respectable than pot so it's natural there would be more cases of use. One thing is alcohol isnt a gateway to heroin use like marijuana.

You can buy alcohol legally in a store, where there is no heroin.

(Where it's still illegal) Marijuana is bought from a drug dealer (no, not a pharmaceutical company), where most of the time you can also buy heroin.

I wonder why some claim that marijuana is a gateway to other harder drugs.

Having been around both alcohol and marijuana for over 20 years, my experience has been that alcohol is far, far more damaging than marijuana.

Pot destroys lungs, its worse than tobacco in that regard. But you should be free to destroy your body with any substance you choose. Smoke pot, die young, stay off the medicare rolls.

Here ya go, Red....

Effects of Marijuana Smoking on the Lung
Donald P. Tashkin1

In summary, the accumulated weight of evidence implies far lower risks for pulmonary complications of even regular heavy use of marijuana compared with the grave pulmonary consequences of tobacco.

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who the hell is Tashkin? a pot farmer? as I said, do as you wish, destroy your body, save the medicare fund.

Desist from doubling up on Dumbass, Festus....


great, I am sure I can find the opposite opinion from someone with equal credentials. But you believe him so thats just fine. Smoke, inhale deeply, hold it in as long as possible. Die young.[/QUOTE]

So far you have resisted doing so....but your faith, though unfounded, is strong....
You guys must love earning that DNC money.... heh heh heh
Today Bush leads in the polls so you get your email to attack Bush....
A few days from now Scott Walker might start to move up a bit....
And we will know that because people like you will begin to go after Walker....

Knock yourself out...
Scott Walker has shown he can kick Democrats in the balls and make it hurt. Three elections won in four years in a freaking blue state., can't touch that! sssst.

Scott Walker is a sockpuppet.....even dumber than Dubya......
He wow'd the crowd in Des Moines baby. Don't forget that Iowans decide who you people get to vote for!

Since its founding, the winner of the Ames Straw Poll has gone on to win the Iowa caucuses 3 times out of 6 for that same election cycle. The winner of the straw poll has won the Republican presidential nomination 2 times out of 6 for that same election cycle. Two additional winners of the straw poll (George H.W. Bush and Mitt Romney) would win the Republican nomination, but not in the same election cycle that they won the straw poll. It should also be noted that historically, either the winner or the one in second place has gone on to win the Iowa Caucuses.

On a more local level, the Ames Straw Poll gives a major boost to the local economy.[4] Thousands of people, including journalists, campaign staffers, and voters, arrive in town around the time of the poll. The Ames Straw Poll is one of the Iowa Republican Party's most lucrative fundraising events.[4]

Ames Straw Poll - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

. I'm talking about the caucus, not that stupid straw poll. Michelle Bachmann won it the last time.

And what is the record of the caucus in that respect?
Sure...So how did the Teleprompter Dependent Celebrity work out for ya?

The work I've done running them over the years has worked out fine but Your Kenyan Emperor needs to find a better operator. Might help with those pregnant pauses through which He labours mightily to bring forth..........yet another mouse.

Yeah....cause when people speak of the great orators of the 21st century, the Yammering Teabilly Fukstick from Wasilla surely tops the list, eh?
Why are you so hateful toward Sarah? It's not like she's that piece of shit Barrack Hussein Obama.

What's not to hate?

Then you can tell us what you find so offensive about Obama....
Wait a minute!

Looks like liberals are beginning to fear Governor Walker almost as much as they fear Governor Palin!

Since their little minds are allowed to focus on only one thing at a time maybe the memo told them to hate on the word "Governor" this week.

Libtards are deathly afraid of even the appearance of fiscal responsibility because that would cause their socialist paradise to collapse.

Walker has certainly delivered on fiscal responsibility better than any Democrat and the Moon Bats are deathly afraid of him. The filthy unions really hate him.

This would be a good time for you to list the POTUS for whom you have voted with BETTER fiscal records than Obama......

Go on, Flush.........don't be a fuking coward......
Wait a minute!

Looks like liberals are beginning to fear Governor Walker almost as much as they fear Governor Palin!

Since their little minds are allowed to focus on only one thing at a time maybe the memo told them to hate on the word "Governor" this week.

Libtards are deathly afraid of even the appearance of fiscal responsibility because that would cause their socialist paradise to collapse.

Walker has certainly delivered on fiscal responsibility better than any Democrat and the Moon Bats are deathly afraid of him. The filthy unions really hate him.

This would be a good time for you to list the POTUS for whom you have voted with BETTER fiscal records than Obama......

Go on, Flush.........don't be a fuking coward......
You'd have to be old enough to have voted for Hoover to have voted for someone with a worse record.
So much of the "Yeah But About" going on here. The free ride has already started.

Clinton and Obama were plain out and out Un American for smoking pot. The shrub and jebbie smoke pot, drink and snort coke and its so what.

Love your hypocrisy guys on the ConJob/NeoNut/RePu/TeaHadist side. It is after all what your good at.

I think anyone that does drugs is an idiot, but it is ingrained in culture. Gary Hart was the first Presidential candidate to admit to having an affair and the Democrats, inspire of being the front runner at the time, didn't get the nomination, Clinton was the first to admit smoking pot, which he didn't inhale, was elected President. Obama admits to taking coke and gets elected.

The bottom line the first to admit or discovered, gets the brunt. Now, I don't think it matters what you do earlier in life it is what you have done recently. Pointless to go back more than 25 years, I don't see it relevant unless the pattern is continuing.
Wait a minute!

Looks like liberals are beginning to fear Governor Walker almost as much as they fear Governor Palin!

Since their little minds are allowed to focus on only one thing at a time maybe the memo told them to hate on the word "Governor" this week.

Libtards are deathly afraid of even the appearance of fiscal responsibility because that would cause their socialist paradise to collapse.

Walker has certainly delivered on fiscal responsibility better than any Democrat and the Moon Bats are deathly afraid of him. The filthy unions really hate him.

This would be a good time for you to list the POTUS for whom you have voted with BETTER fiscal records than Obama......

Go on, Flush.........don't be a fuking coward......
You'd have to be old enough to have voted for Hoover to have voted for someone with a worse record.

So list the POTUS for whom you have voted under whom federal spending grew at a lower rate, and deficits shrank at a greater one.....

Go on.......I'll be right here.....
Pretty much every one since I made the youthful folly of voting for Carter in 76 had better economic performances.
Pretty much every one since I made the youthful folly of voting for Carter in 76 had better economic performances.

Why don't you dial back on the assertions and put up some data......

Just the numbers, please........I'll apply the Ordinal Property of Numbers - 'k?
Ronald Reagan




Any questions?
Pretty much every one since I made the youthful folly of voting for Carter in 76 had better economic performances.

Why don't you dial back on the assertions and put up some data......

Just the numbers, please........I'll apply the Ordinal Property of Numbers - 'k?
Reagan x 2, Bush 1 x 2 and Bush 2 x2. Clinton also had better economic performance than Obama did. Admittedly from 1988 to 2007 all presidents rode on Reagan.s economic revolution Twenty years is a hell of a ride, eh?
Pretty much every one since I made the youthful folly of voting for Carter in 76 had better economic performances.

Why don't you dial back on the assertions and put up some data......

Just the numbers, please........I'll apply the Ordinal Property of Numbers - 'k?
Reagan x 2, Bush 1 x 2 and Bush 2 x2. Clinton also had better economic performance than Obama did. Admittedly from 1988 to 2007 all presidents rode on Reagan.s economic revolution Twenty years is a hell of a ride, eh?

I asked you to forgo the bullshit in favor of numbers.....

I'd be pleased to move on to "Economic Performance" after you take your beating on Fiscal Responsibility.....
I'd be pleased to move on to "Economic Performance" after you take your beating on Fiscal Responsibility.....

take 9/11 and katrina out of Bush's numbers and show us what they would look like.

your chart is meaningless without looking at causes and affects.
I'd be pleased to move on to "Economic Performance" after you take your beating on Fiscal Responsibility.....

take 9/11 and katrina out of Bush's numbers and show us what they would look like.

your chart is meaningless without looking at causes and affects.

You think the fiscal effects of 9/11 and Katrina are worse than those of The Great Recession?

Remember the scene in the original Godfather where Sonny is talking about stashing the gun in the restaurant bathroom?
This would be a good time for you to list the POTUS for whom you have voted with BETTER fiscal records than Obama......

Go on, Flush.........don't be a fuking coward......

I stopped voting for bad government ten years ago.

This would be a good time for you to tell us when you are going to stop voting for bad government. Are you ever going to pull your head out of your ass?

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