Just published, already withdrawn!:The study '5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Just published, already withdrawn!
US authority (NIH) confirmed:5G radiation can cause corona diseases!
An international study recently published on the website of the National Institute of Health found that 5G radiation is absorbed by skin cells and can alter DNA in such a way that corona disease is actually caused in the human body.
The study, conducted jointly by scientists from Guglielmo Marconi University, Central Michigan University and First Moscow State Medical University, concluded that 5G millimeter waves stimulate DNA in such a way that cells become diseased in the way one would expect from COVID-19.
It becomes more and more obvious: Mankind is exposed to a war of extermination by the NWO elite
So 5G is obviously not as harmless as we are led to believe. What makes 5G particularly suspicious is the rapid speed with which masts are being erected worldwide for this fifth generation of mobile communications. There is probably much more to the introduction of 5G standards than we are told.
Bang on the drum: 5G can cause corona
As a scientific study conducted by the USA in cooperation with Russia has now found out beyond doubt, 5G radiation is absorbed by skin cells and changes the DNA in such a way that corona diseases are actually caused in the human body. In view of the global Coroana pandmia (which in reality is a political pandemic of the NWO for the purpose of achieving their targeted world domination), this is not just a discovery, but a discovery under the sign of the Corona Age and the massive restrictions of our freedom rights that have been made in this regard, which should lead to an immediate stop of the installation of 5G.
Corona plus 5G are the NWO means to the planned 95% reduction of the world population

"In this study we show that 5G millimeter waves can be absorbed by dermatological cells, which act like antennas, are transmitted to other cells and play the major role in the production of corona viruses in biological cells.
DNA consists of charged electrons and atoms and has an inducer-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroidal and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and generate some additional waves within the cells.
The shapes of these waves resemble the shapes of the hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves create some holes in fluids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some additional hexagonal and pentagonal bases are created. These bases could combine to form virus-like structures such as coronavirus.

To produce these viruses in a cell, the wavelength of the external waves must be shorter than the size of the cell. Therefore, 5G millimetre waves might be good candidates for use in the construction of virus-like structures such as coronaviruses (COVID-19) in cells.

Just published, already withdrawn!
US authority (NIH) confirmed:5G radiation can cause corona diseases!
An international study recently published on the website of the National Institute of Health found that 5G radiation is absorbed by skin cells and can alter DNA in such a way that corona disease is actually caused in the human body.
The study, conducted jointly by scientists from Guglielmo Marconi University, Central Michigan University and First Moscow State Medical University, concluded that 5G millimeter waves stimulate DNA in such a way that cells become diseased in the way one would expect from COVID-19.
It becomes more and more obvious: Mankind is exposed to a war of extermination by the NWO elite
So 5G is obviously not as harmless as we are led to believe. What makes 5G particularly suspicious is the rapid speed with which masts are being erected worldwide for this fifth generation of mobile communications. There is probably much more to the introduction of 5G standards than we are told.
Bang on the drum: 5G can cause corona
As a scientific study conducted by the USA in cooperation with Russia has now found out beyond doubt, 5G radiation is absorbed by skin cells and changes the DNA in such a way that corona diseases are actually caused in the human body. In view of the global Coroana pandmia (which in reality is a political pandemic of the NWO for the purpose of achieving their targeted world domination), this is not just a discovery, but a discovery under the sign of the Corona Age and the massive restrictions of our freedom rights that have been made in this regard, which should lead to an immediate stop of the installation of 5G.
Corona plus 5G are the NWO means to the planned 95% reduction of the world population

"In this study we show that 5G millimeter waves can be absorbed by dermatological cells, which act like antennas, are transmitted to other cells and play the major role in the production of corona viruses in biological cells.
DNA consists of charged electrons and atoms and has an inducer-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroidal and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and generate some additional waves within the cells.
The shapes of these waves resemble the shapes of the hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves create some holes in fluids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some additional hexagonal and pentagonal bases are created. These bases could combine to form virus-like structures such as coronavirus.

To produce these viruses in a cell, the wavelength of the external waves must be shorter than the size of the cell. Therefore, 5G millimetre waves might be good candidates for use in the construction of virus-like structures such as coronaviruses (COVID-19) in cells.

Sounds more like science fiction than actual science. If the editors pulled it, that's probably why.

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