Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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Federal gun laws are different. The supremacy clause means that federal laws override state and local laws. Sheriffs do not interpret the Constitution. The courts do. If the courts uphold the laws then they are required to enforce them or face arrest. They do not have a choice.

The Constitution explicitly forbids government from violating the people's right to keep and bear arms.

It is any legislature that passes a bill intending to do so, any President or governor who signs any such bill into law, any judge who upholds any such law, and any enforcement offer who attempts to enforce any such law, that are all acting illegally.

The Constitution itself is the highest law in this nation, and none of the commonly-stated excuses for violating it have any legitimacy at all.
The Constitution explicitly forbids government from violating the people's right to keep and bear arms.

It is any legislature that passes a bill intending to do so, any President or governor who signs any such bill into law, any judge who upholds any such law, and any enforcement offer who attempts to enforce any such law, that are all acting illegally.

The Constitution itself is the highest law in this nation, and none of the commonly-stated excuses for violating it have any legitimacy at all.

Mormon Bob, the notion that the Militia Amendment is a right to gun ownership is just silly.

Why can't I own a mortar or a small tactical nuke? I mean, those are "Arms", right?

Oh, that's right. Because the Militia Amendment says, "WELL REGULATED".
There are four gun stores in my town of 12,000 folks....99% of us are Trump fans and patriots....and you can walk downtown after midnight in total safety....kids can play in the park and not step on needles and human waste....I still live in America not some unrecognizable blue city from hell....
Same here. You cannot walk into a restaurant where I live without hearing people discuss what kind of firearm they have on their hip and what "load" they are using.

And like you, we have 0 crime. No human feces on our sidewalks. No heroin needles on our streets. No repulsive "Gay Pride Parades" where queers walk 98% naked while making obscene gestures. It's a clean, safe, free, thriving society. In other words, the polar opposite of what the left-wing ideology produces.

The figures prove you are a liar.

Here are the 10 states with the highest homicide rates:

  1. Louisiana (12.4 per 100,000 people)
  2. Missouri (9.8 per 100,000 people)
  3. Nevada (9.1 per 100,000 people)
  4. Maryland (9 per 100,000 people)
  5. Arkansas (8.6 per 100,000 people)
  6. Alaska (8.4 per 100,000 people)
  7. Alabama (8.3 per 100,000 people)
  8. Mississippi (8.2 per 100,000 people)
  9. Illinois (7.8 per 100,000 people)
  10. South Carolina (7.8 per 100,000 people)
7 of the top 10 states are red states. Most of those red states are near the bottom in per capita income.

States with the Lowest Crime Rates​

Maine has the lowest crime rate of 1,360.72 incidents per 100,000 people. In 2018, the total number of crimes reported in Maine dropped for the seventh straight year. Since 2009, the total number of reported crimes has fallen by more than 40%. Law enforcement credits the community for working closely with them to achieve this.

New Hampshire has the second-lowest crime rate in the United States of 1,361.76 incidents per 100,000. New Hampshire's safest cities boast crime rates that are less than 100 incidents per 100,000 people. New Hampshire, however, does have a higher-than-average reported rape rate of 49.4 per 100,000 people. Researchers are not sure whether this reflects a culture of sexual assault or a culture of accurate reporting.

Idaho has a crime rate of 1,443.32 per 100,000 people, making it the state with the third-lowest crime rate. Some of Idaho's safest cities are Rexburg, Hailey, and Middleton. According to Safewise, about 2% of Idaho residents reported a personal experience with violent crime in the past year, 10 points below the national average. Aggravated assault is the most common violent crime in Idaho.

Massachusetts has the fourth-lowest crime rate in the U.S. at 1,507.36 incidents per 100,000. Massachusetts's property crime rate of about 1,260 per 100,000 is significantly lower than the national average of 2,200. About 39% of participants in the state's Safewise survey reported worrying about crime daily, down from 55% in 2019. Hopkinton is the safest city in Massachusetts, reporting only 170 crimes per 100,000 people in 2020.

New Jersey's crime rate of 1,542.55 is the fifth-lowest nationwide. New Jersey's violent crime rate falls year over year and currently sits around 210 incidents per 100,000 people. In 2019, 30 New Jersey cities made it onto Safewise's 100 Safest Cities in America list, including Bergenfield, Bernards Township, and Monroe Township.

3 red states, 1 blue state and 1 swing state make up the states with the lowest crime rate.

Blue city crime affects every state....
Daily Observation:
Democrat Voters are the sludge of our society.
They are violent fanatics who murder policemen.
They block traffic and pull people out of their cars and beat them.
They burn and loot people's businesses.
They burn people's cars.
They burn people's homes.
They assault people who are just walking down the sidewalk.
They are the backwards cretins who cause about 95% of our problems.
....and the Democrat Politicians are even worse
Anyone who supports the above needs to be throat punched.
You just proved the point of the post you were replying to,
That Democrats support chaos, crime, and terrorism?
Yes.....thank you.

Republicans are the terrorists. Right wing Republicans have killed more people than Islamic terrorists since Trump took office. The Jan 6 attack on the capitol showed that.
The only person that was killed on Jan 6th was a female Republican who was shot by a Brazilian immigrant dressed up as a Capital police officer.
140 cops on 1/6.... Who assaulted them?
Uh…nobody. Because they weren’t assaulted. Well, at least not by Trump supporters in DC. The Brian Sicknick autopsy proved that much. :laugh:
Put your tap dancing shoes on...time to dance.
Put your tinfoil hat on…apparently it’s time for conspiracies for you :laugh:
Ahh...more denial.

Dozens of blob supporters are charged with assault. Explain.
There is a huge difference. States are not required to enforce immigration laws.
Bwahaha! You’re going to hurt yourself stretching that much, buttercup. Nobody said states are “required” to enforce immigration laws. In fact, nobody even implied it.

But states cannot violate federal law. And that’s exactly what they did by aiding and abetting illegal aliens.

Thanks for playing BB. If that’s the best you can do, you really shouldn’t even try.
Federal gun laws are different. The supremacy clause means that federal laws override state and local laws.
Bingo! Ding! Ding! Ding! Which means “sanctuary cities” are illegal.
Sheriffs do not interpret the Constitution. The courts do.
No kidding? Really? Please cite for the class the Article & Section of the US Constitution which states courts have the power to “interpret” the constitution itself.

Take your time, cupcake. We’ll wait. :popcorn:
Dozens of blob supporters are charged with assault. Explain.
Same exact reason the Dumbocrat-controlled House impeached Trump twice when the Senate exonerated him: that’s just what you fascists do :dunno:

You people love to silence and imprison anyone who refuses to Nazi goose-step with you.
Dozens of blob supporters are charged with assault. Explain.
Same exact reason the Dumbocrat-controlled House impeached Trump twice when the Senate exonerated him: that’s just what you fascists do :dunno:

You people love to silence and imprison anyone who refuses to Nazi goose-step with you.
Well I guess we'll make our way around to you once the important people are addressed....stand by. LOL Dumbfuck.
No they are not. Right wing fascists are attacking our democracy.
There is no such thing as “right-wing fascism”, Nazi. The right believes in small, limited government. The polar opposite of fascism. It’s you totalitarian dickhead leftists that fight so hard for big, powerful, unconstitutional government.


They are attacking our free speech rights.
Bwahahaha! The left continues to accuse the right of their own crimes. The left is literally making it a crime to acknowledge basic science and speak the truth.

You can’t provide a single example of the right “attacking free speech”.
Republicans are the terrorists. Right wing Republicans have killed more people than Islamic terrorists since Trump took office. The Jan 6 attack on the capitol showed that.
Except that not one single person died on January 6th, Nazi propaganda pig.

Meanwhile, you fascist assholes started killing people in 2015 after President Trump merely announced his candidacy. You fascists assholes actually shut down his campaign rally in Chicago. Just think about that for a moment. In America. The land of the free. You fascists shut down a campaign rally because you cannot tolerate free speech.

Blob insurrectionists are being hunted down like dogs. Good Times!
Whose gonna tell her that there was no “insurrection”? :lmao:

Note how excited the fascists are that anyone who doesn’t bow to their fascist ideology is “hunted down like dogs”. Just like Fidel Castro. Just like Adolf Hitler. Just like Saddam Hussien.
Wow. Crazy Mormon News.

If you knew anything about Aurora, you'd understand this story in context.
There are Mormons hiding under your bed, as you sleep every night, just waiting for the right time to get you.
You are spot-on, Bob Blaylock! That dude has such an irrational obsession/fear of Mormons. 10-to-1 odds a Mormon touched Joe when he was little. That would explain his hate, his atheism, his misery, and his obsession with Mormons.
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