Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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The Democrats have created the new era of a lawless society…
Americans continue to suffer because Democrats have intentionally created a lawless society…
I’ve said it a gazillion times long before this report was published: if you drill down, you will find the crime and poverty of “red states” are coming completely from deep blue counties and deep blue cities in those “red states”.

Give the devil his due - the Democrats know this. But they use propaganda like that to mask their failures. They know their followers/voters aren’t very bright and thus can be easily duped into not realizing red states have massive pockets of deep blue shit-holes (example: New Orleans is a deep blue shit-hole in red Louisiana).

Daily Observation:
Democrat Voters are the sludge of our society.
They are violent fanatics who murder policemen.
They block traffic and pull people out of their cars and beat them.
They burn and loot people's businesses.
They burn people's cars.
They burn people's homes.
They assault people who are just walking down the sidewalk.
They are the backwards cretins who cause about 95% of our problems.
....and the Democrat Politicians are even worse
Yeah, right. If I believed half of what the right say about Democrats, I'd still be a Republican.

I got your bullshit strawman right here:

It wasn't Democrats who elected Trump, a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.
Yeah, right. If I believed half of what the right say about Democrats, I'd still be a Republican.

I got your bullshit strawman right here:

It wasn't Democrats who elected Trump, a 4x indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

Bulllshit.........for 7 years not one act of violence from Trump supporters.......while the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, burned, looted and murdered Americans for a year......burning police stations, court houses, setting up their own governments in cities....murdering Americans.....rioting at the White House, burning down a church...........

Then, the FBI, with the help of blm and antifa started the riot on Jan. 6........you can tell who they are because they are the people in maga outfits wearing face masks....the first time anyone wearing maga gear covered their faces...
Yeah, right. If I believed half of what the right say about Democrats, I'd still be a Republican.
In other words, you’re fully committed to denying reality. That is the fundamental tenant of liberalism.
  • Someone with a penis and testicles is a “real woman”
  • Someone violently assaulting others is the “victim”
  • The person being violently assaulted to stop their speech is the “fascist”
  • Someone burning entire cities to the ground is “oppressed”
It’s insane how the left just manufactures their own alternate reality.
The Democrats intentionally refuse to secure the border. They created the new era of a lawless society…
Imagine letting human traffickers go “on their own recognizance”. This is the Democrats new era of a lawless society.
In other words, you’re fully committed to denying reality. That is the fundamental tenant of liberalism.
  • Someone with a penis and testicles is a “real woman”
That is not a liberal tenet. Some hard lefties are into it, but not guys like me.
  • Someone violently assaulting others is the “victim”
I have no idea what you are talking about
  • The person being violently assaulted to stop their speech is the “fascist”
  • Someone burning entire cities to the ground is “oppressed”
It’s insane how the left just manufactures their own alternate reality.

You live in a cartoon world. You are incapable of making a mature, well reasoned, argument. In fact, you write like a moron.

I can't take you seriously, this is certain.
I have no idea what you are talking about
And therein lies the problem. You really don’t know, because you’re uninformed about the facts.

And yet, you lack the humility and maturity not to comment about things when you have no idea what others are talking about. You feel you just have to open your mouth for some reason.
You also didn’t take basic grammar seriously! “This is certain” as well! :laugh:

Only a moron would join the grammar police over a trivially misplaced comma. This is, inescapably, incontrovertibly, irrefutably, and unmistakably certain.
And therein lies the problem. You really don’t know, because you’re uninformed about the facts.

And yet, you lack the humility and maturity not to comment about things when you have no idea what others are talking about. You feel you just have to open your mouth for some reason.

Only morons make vacuous claims: offered without substance, lacking merit-worthy paths of reasoning, and all based on scant evidence.

More proof you are a moron. To wit:

Accusing someone of lacking humility paradoxically suggests that you possess it; however, the act of making such an accusation is itself not a display of humility.

Now we know you are a moron.

Congratulations, it's official!
Only morons make vacuous claims
It wasn't "vacuous" at all :rolleyes:

You're entire problem is - like all liberals - you're more interested in sounding intelligent than actually being intelligent (because that takes effort, and we all know that liberals want no part of effort).

I've obliterated you in this thread with fact after fact, backed up with link after link. You've had absolutely nothing to offer (because you can't), so you resort to juvenile shit.
Congratulations, it's official!
I love watching how deeply "triggered" the low-IQ left when indisputable facts get shoved down their throats. You're incapable of disputing a single thing I've posted, so you've spent the past few posts making absurd claims like "it's official!"

Tell us, triggered little low-IQ leftist, what exactly made it "official"? Did a government entity certify it? Did a scientific body confirm it? Did a legal authority rule on it?

No? Not to all of that? So, in other words, you just declared your own juvenile outburst to be "official". Which, of course, is the polar opposite of something being actually "official".

Oh the irony is so delicious. I love how the left destroys their own credibility and exposes their total lack of intelligence every time they speak.
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