Just saw some people with masks on today

LMAO......No......I'm a realist.

people that call themselves names like dblack, or Superbadbrother, are usually racists.
Sigh... It's not terribly gratifying to pick on retards, but if you're going to accuse me of being racist, I'm gonna call you on it.

So, go look for a post where I'm expressing racist views. Then when you fail, come back here and apologize. Of course you have neither the dignity nor the integrity to admit a mistake, much less apologize, so I'll take your skulking away as implicit acknowledgement that you are every but the piece of shit we all thought.
you have a track record of posts with zero substance.

One or two sentences simply telling people they’re wrong or personal attacks. Why not provide some details provide a argument partner.
You are now knowingly gaslighting your ownself.

What you resent is that I do not permit you to go unchallenged for posting nonsense as objective facts.
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
Maybe they had a cold or something.
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
My doctor (a woman) is one of those people. I run into her occasionally at the supermarket. She's always masked
My doctor (a woman) is one of those people. I run into her occasionally at the supermarket. She's always masked

That's not a doctor- that's a mental illness! hilarious- And you go back to her?
My doctor (a woman) is one of those people. I run into her occasionally at the supermarket. She's always masked
I saw a bunch of nurses at the hospital the other day expressing their loyalty to the Democrats. Why they gotta bring their politics to work??
Mrs. MO believes they work...and she's significantly more of an expert than you or I are. We use N95s, not the blue things. I think N95s provide protection. So did Fauci. The real Fauci who lied to everyone about not needing a mask so the government could confiscate all the N95s in the country.

I took the first vaccine. I was an essential transportation worker...truck driver. But, that's not why I took it.

My folks are in their 80, and they need my help often. Just couldn't risk it.

As more information came out on efficacy and vaccine injury were reported...the risk/reward ratio shifted.

My parents both got Covid after their initial vaccination...Mom's symptoms were flu like and Dad was asymptomatic. After Omicron, the virus' symptoms became more subdued. No need for boosters.

I got the original vaccine from Moderna as did my folks. Under the same circumstances, given the same variables and information... I'd do it again.

Mrs. MO was already suffering from long Covid and never received the vaccine.

I never expressed a single Covid symptom or any other illness in the last four years....praise God.

Also praise God that you haven't had any Covid related difficulties in your family. But if you did...I imagine you would have a very different perspective.

P.S. - Mrs MO is as anti-vaccine as you are...and she has become an expert on all things Covid in the last four years. I'm relatively certain she would throttle Fauci to death with her own hands of given the opportunity... consequences be damned.
This is very interesting. I was in a car accident that resulted from me having a terrible spinal injury. I was in the hospital in March 2020. I went into the hospital and then Covid took off. It was a terrible but fascinating experience.

All of a sudden, everybody started wearing masks and we were told we were not allowed to have visitors.

The mask that had to wear, affected my ability to learn how to walk again. Into this very day I wonder if having that mask on prevented me from a full recovery. I’m lucky to be walking again, but I always have that question.

My neighbor also died from coronavirus. But the question also is what percentage of his death was due to the virus. He had diabetes and was suffering health issues before coronavirus.

I was very hesitant to get the vaccine. I was in a position where I was still in a wheelchair struggling to walk. I have my parents who are Biden supporters constantly telling me to get the vaccine. I’m holding off and I’m holding off and I finally gave and got it. I got the original vaccine and one booster and I regret that decision but it is what it is.

I think the big question is how many people died from coronavirus compared to the other diseases and outbreaks of world history. And when we look at it, the number seems to be very very low with regards to the coronavirus. And furthermore of the people who died from the virus how many of them Had other serious medical issues. Maybe they did not know about. There were cases where people died and maybe 10% of their death was due to the coronavirus but the medical records blames it all on the coronavirus. That’s very questionable stuff.

A few months later I come down with this brutal prostate issue, and I have always wondered if it was related to the vaccine. Through physical therapy I’ve confronted that issue but it still bothers me. I have to take pain medicine as well.

But I also know other people who have had the long Covid symptoms. Some of them have lost their sense of taste for quite some time and that is very interesting. It is if we think about it a horrible thing. For somebody to lose there sense of smell or taste. And until it happens to one of us, I get it, it can be easy to say the virus isn’t real or something like that.

I always knew the coronavirus was real. The question was, was it a brutal form of the flu or a little bit more dangerous compared to the regular flu which kills about 70,000 thousand Americans a year anyways.

But to be fair to everyone. There have been people who have been injured by the vaccine and that has to be talked about as well.

The lockdowns and the stimulus payments destroyed the American middle class that is a big topic related to the subject. there are countries in the world who handled things differently and never had lockdowns and a few of them had better results compared to the USA now that is interesting.

In the end of it all I wish I did not get the vaccine. I wish I didn’t have to wear my mask when I was using a walker to learn how to walk again in the hospital while I’m physical therapy. The mask obscured my vision and senses while recovering.

In the end of all of it, people can make their own decisions. I agree with that. But everyone can recognize the lockdowns and stimulus payments destroyed the US middle class. The price of homes went through the roof the price of a home loan the interest rates went through the roof. I think that this was the number one legacy of the coronavirus and how we reacted to it in the USA. We are still trying to rebuild the American middle class and get the price of homes down today.
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That is little different from the fact that liver transplant patients have to abstain from any and all alcohol consumption. Fortunately, I have not had a drink in almost 30 years. If you are an alcoholic and fried your liver, they will not give you a new one until you have been off booze for at least 6 months, and they check every time you go into the clinic. I had a failure not caused by alcohol and it still took me 3 years to get one. Livers are so hard to come by, they don't want to waste one on someone who will die anyway.
You are now knowingly gaslighting your ownself.

What you resent is that I do not permit you to go unchallenged for posting nonsense as objective facts.

I have yet to see you spend a considerable amount of time explaining your position. It’s all been personal attacks and simply telling people they are wrong which is not an articulated position.

I don’t resent anything friend. You’re not challenging any of my posts or anyone’s posts from what I’ve seen.

I’m looking forward to you providing substance. Take some time. Write out some paragraphs explain your positions. You haven’t explained yourself or provided any substance yet.
Does your doctor have to listen to you rant on like a lunatic about covid because you know more than her about immunology and vaccines?
Or the doctor doesn’t want to get Covid and spread it to all her patients.

You know, because they actually care about people other than themselves.

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