Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy.

It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?

Pre or post 1960's?

Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.

Well, it didn't happen in one night, and it certainly didn't involve pixie dust, but yea, that is exactly what happened and everyone knows it.

Give me a historic time line. Surely historians have been able to record this incredible metamorphisis. Somewhere.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.

It's a fact that idiots can't be educated, only the ignorant can, I do however agree there are many idiots on this board.
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?

Pre or post 1960's?

Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.

Well, it didn't happen in one night, and it certainly didn't involve pixie dust, but yea, that is exactly what happened and everyone knows it.

If everyone knows it then there must be a historian out there who is impartial and can document how the defection of a couple of Dixiecrats could morph the whole Republican anti slavery and pro equality party into raging rabid racists.

By all means, give me a link.
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?

Pre or post 1960's?

Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.

Well, it didn't happen in one night, and it certainly didn't involve pixie dust, but yea, that is exactly what happened and everyone knows it.

If everyone knows it then there must be a historian out there who is impartial and can document how the defection of a couple of Dixiecrats could morph the whole Republican anti slavery and pro equality party into raging rabid racists.

By all means, give me a link.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.

The Stars and Bars as used today by many people is a symbol of rebellion. And more than southerners fly or wear the flag. Or it represents southern pride like used by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Not racism.

Lynyrd Skynyrd uses it for a prop. If they got more fans by using a flag with a kitten on it, that's what they would use.
Just because one guy uses it as a prop makes it right HELL NO. you idiot

I can name a 1000 singers who do not use it.

Woah buddy. I'm on your side. I don't even know if that band is even alive any more, but I'm just guessing that a PR guy had more to do with their choice to use that flag than their beliefs did. The country has drastically changed it's opinion of what that flag actually means since their hay day.
Woops sorry, I am the idiot

Not a problem.It's sometimes easy to misread a post when you have couple of crazy right wingers spouting crap at you.
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?

Pre or post 1960's?

Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.

It didn't happen overnight but it most certainly happened. Adult remedial Social Studies 101 can help you make up for those skipped classes in high school.

The party membership changed while the attitudes remained in the regions. The confederate flag belongs to the attitude, not the party.

Well most Dixiecrats stayed Democrats. That's just a fact. If you want to believe in the fairytale that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats became Republicans well that's your choice.

But it's a fairy tale.

Sticking your head inside your nether regions won't alter the facts.

But interesting how you are trying to smear liberals with your confederate flag.

And yes, the OP topic is correct that education is needed about the confederate flag.

The irony is that it is idiots like you and the OP that are in dire need of it.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.

The Stars and Bars as used today by many people is a symbol of rebellion. And more than southerners fly or wear the flag. Or it represents southern pride like used by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Not racism.

What about the thousands of neo - nazis and skinheads around the world that use the flag to symbolize how much they hate black people?

Why is your definition of the flag more valid today than theirs is?

I never said it was and we can play that game with any flag now can't we?

I look at Old Glory and I swell with pride that a nation so young, just a child on this planet could in such a few short years become a country that ended slavery, embraced people from foreign lands, and became the greatest nation on the planet that stands for freedom and liberty for all.

On the other hand others around the globe set her on fire because they see the Stars and Stripes as an oppressor. A war mongering beast. A bitch that throws her weight around in the world and can't stop meddling in every one elses affairs. A murderous nation that can't stop killing.

The meanings of a flag are truly in the eye of the beholder are they not?


Aren't you Canadian?

I think she's in Canadian airspace most of the time.
Because that's what you are claiming if you are saying that the parties switched ideologies.

Man oh man, this is some freaking fairy tale.

Strom Thurmond.

Of course, many people on this board who spout the bullshit you do are fucking idiots who believe it, because they're too stupid to comprehend the truth. You're not one of those people. You know damn well that the parties realigned over the course of several decades, as different coalitions pressed different priorities at different respective times. You just say this shit because you're a piece of shit.

Oh so one man came from the Dixiecrats and changed the course of history within the Republican anti slavery, pro equality party. Yuppers old Strom waltzed in and just took over a whole party that had been dedicated to equality.

Almost all the Dixiecrats though stayed with the Democrats and magically with pixie dust became pro black.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Prove it. :lol:


Your will to be ignorant does not make your ignorance correct.
Who fired the first shot? Hint: It wasn't the Union.
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?
Would you like to make the assertion that Democrats today are the same, with the same political goals as the Southern Democrats back then?

Absolutely not. It's not the same Democrat party of old and thank heavens its not.

What I don't understand is why Democrats can't just admit a history that was not so pretty and pat themselves on the back for leaving those days behind.

Why do modern day Democrats so hell bent for leather that they have the need to demonize Republicans and attempt to flip both parties histories? Pixie dust falling and making all Democrats Republicans and all Republicans magically turning into Democrats. Overnight.

It's pretty sick.

There you go again with the "overnight" horseshit.


We did this already. Now you're gonna pretend like it never happened.

It's pretty sick.

MOREOVER, nobody anywhere ever claimed "Republicans turned into Democrats". The South didn't have Republicans to turn.

Here's the historical elephant in the room you keep ignoring:

The Republican Party was founded just seven years before the Civil War broke out. It had no presence in the South whatsoever --- didn't even print ballots there, not in 1860, not in the prior election, not in the next election either. By the time the dust cleared in 1865, it was established -- by reputation -- in the South as the Party of Lincoln, the guy who had just vanquished and humiliated them in a war they expected to win. And then it came in with the "big government" Reconstructionists, which it saw as occupiers -- and these were the first Republicans the South saw.

Consequently it would become, and remain, unthinkable to associate with Republicans in the South for exactly 99 years -- until Thurmond broke the ice and finally jumped ship officially in 1964.

That meant the DP was the only game in town, like it or not. That meant if you were a racist in the South, and you were registered to vote, you were most likely a Democrat. If you were not a racist at all, you were still a Democrat. This has nothing to do with ideologies -- it has everything to do with political machines to get things done. Ideologically the Southern Democrats were completely at odds with the rest of the party. But for any political party, consistency of ideology is not the main goal. Acquiring power is.

Once upon a time there was an old party of the South called the Democrat Party. In the party of old there were good Democrats and bad Democrats.

One day pixie dust fell from the sky and all the bad Democrats left the party and became Republicans. Over time of course. Not just in one day.

You're telling the same old fairy tale Pogo just stretching out the time line.

Because this fairy tale also assumes that all the Republicans who had been anti slavery and pro freedom all of a sudden, well over a bit of time became radical rabid racists who wanted to lynch every person of every color and couldn't get enough rope to kill all persons who weren't white.

That pixie dust is pretty incredible shit.
Why are you making stuff up?
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?
Would you like to make the assertion that Democrats today are the same, with the same political goals as the Southern Democrats back then?

Absolutely not. It's not the same Democrat party of old and thank heavens its not.

What I don't understand is why Democrats can't just admit a history that was not so pretty and pat themselves on the back for leaving those days behind.

Why do modern day Democrats so hell bent for leather that they have the need to demonize Republicans and attempt to flip both parties histories? Pixie dust falling and making all Democrats Republicans and all Republicans magically turning into Democrats. Overnight.

It's pretty sick.
Who's denying our poor history in the Democrat Party, Tiny? Name names.

DNC website. No guff. I have many friends that are Dems and my father in law and brother in law are devout but true D's that I love and and admire. For the most part we all have remained classical liberal so our ideologies can be discussed and debated without feeling the need to slap each other around. :lol: I don't appreciate the progressives that have hijacked the Dems.

Here's a list from my stack of stuff that WSJ came up with that was missing from D history at the website. Lots more at the link. I want to stay within the copyright rules of the board.

So what's missing?

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms supporting slavery. There were six from 1840 through 1860.

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic presidents who owned slaves. There were seven from 1800 through 1861

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms that either supported segregation outright or were silent on the subject. There were 20, from 1868 through 1948.

  • There is no reference to "Jim Crow" as in "Jim Crow laws," nor is there reference to the role Democrats played in creating them. These were the post-Civil War laws passed enthusiastically by Democrats in that pesky 52-year part of the DNC's missing years.
  • These laws segregated public schools, public transportation, restaurants, rest rooms and public places in general (everything from water coolers to beaches). The reason Rosa Parks became famous is that she sat in the "whites only" front section of a bus, the "whites only" designation the direct result of Democrats.

  • There is no reference to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to Columbia University historian Eric Foner, became "a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party."

  • Nor is there reference to University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease's description of the Klan as the "terrorist arm of the Democratic Party."

  • There is no reference to the fact Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution. The 13th banned slavery.

  • The 14th effectively overturned the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision (made by Democratic pro-slavery Supreme Court justices) by guaranteeing due process and equal protection to former slaves.

  • The 15th gave black Americans the right to vote.

  • There is no reference to the fact that Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. It was passed by the Republican Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a Democrat before joining Lincoln's ticket in 1864.

  • The law was designed to provide blacks with the right to own private property, sign contracts, sue and serve as witnesses in a legal proceeding.There is no reference to the Democrats' opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

  • It was passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses Grant. The law prohibited racial discrimination in public places and public accommodations.
  • There is no reference to the Democrats' 1904 platform, which devotes a section to "Sectional and Racial Agitation," claiming the GOP's protests against segregation and the denial of voting rights to blacks sought to "revive the dead and hateful race and sectional animosities in any part of our common country," which in turn "means confusion, distraction of business, and the reopening of wounds now happily healed."

  • There is no reference to four Democratic platforms, 1908-20, that are silent on blacks, segregation, lynching and voting rights as racial problems in the country mount.

  • By contrast the GOP platforms of those years specifically address "Rights of the Negro" (1908), oppose lynching (in 1912, 1920, 1924, 1928) and, as the New Deal kicks in, speak out about the dangers of making blacks "wards of the state."
  • There is no reference to the Democratic Convention of 1924, known to history as the "Klanbake." The 103-ballot convention was held in Madison Square Garden. Hundreds of delegates were members of the Ku Klux Klan, the Klan so powerful that a plank condemning Klan violence was defeated outright.

  • To celebrate, the Klan staged a rally with 10,000 hooded Klansmen in a field in New Jersey directly across the Hudson from the site of the convention.

  • Attended by hundreds of cheering convention delegates, the rally featured burning crosses and calls for violence against African-Americans and Catholics.

  • There is no reference to the fact that it was Democrats who segregated the federal government, at the direction of President Woodrow Wilson upon taking office in 1913. There \is a reference to the fact that President Harry Truman integrated the military after World War II.

  • There is reference to the fact that Democrats created the Federal Reserve Board, passed labor and child welfare laws, and created Social Security with Wilson's New Freedom and FDR's New Deal.

  • There is no mention that these programs were created as the result of an agreement to ignore segregation and the lynching of blacks. Neither is there a reference to the thousands of local officials, state legislators, state governors, U.S. congressmen and U.S. senators who were elected as supporters of slavery and then segregation between 1800 and 1965.

  • Nor is there reference to the deal with the devil that left segregation and lynching as a way of life in return for election support for three post-Civil War Democratic presidents, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.

  • There is no reference that three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill in the U.S. House came from Democrats, or that 80% of the "nay" vote in the Senate came from Democrats.

  • Certainly there is no reference to the fact that the opposition included future Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia (a former Klan member) and Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., father of Vice President Al Gore.

  • Last but certainly not least, there is no reference to the fact that Birmingham, Ala., Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and fire hoses on civil rights protestors, was in fact--yes indeed--a member of both the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.
More at link:

The Democrats Missing History - WSJ
Interesting that you claim it is "missing" when it is very easy to access all that stuff at any time.
It didn't happen overnight but it most certainly happened. Adult remedial Social Studies 101 can help you make up for those skipped classes in high school.

The party membership changed while the attitudes remained in the regions. The confederate flag belongs to the attitude, not the party.

Well most Dixiecrats stayed Democrats. That's just a fact. If you want to believe in the fairytale that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats became Republicans well that's your choice.

But it's a fairy tale.

"Most Dixiecrats"? Here's the complete list of "Dixiecrats":

1. Strom Thurmond
2. Fielding Wright (Thurmond's running mate)

That's it. End of list. Two people.

Thurmond went Republican in 1964 after the CRA passed. Wright died in 1956, before either Civil Rights Act came up.

Thurmond had already been kicked off the state Democratic ballot for Senator ten years earlier after he endorsed Eisenhower over Stevenson in 1952.

So exactly 50% of "Dixiecrats" stayed kind-of Democrats, while the other 50% died.

Oh bite me that there were only two Dixiecrats! :lol: What are you smoking tonight Pogo?

Well? Got any more? Those were the only two offices they ran for -- POTUS and VPOTUS. One election.

Finally back in from Miracle growing and running the dog long enough to make some decent posts for a minute before I call it a day.

There were more than two. And as I said most of the Dixiecrats remained in the D column for the rest of their lives.

Here you go.

Notable members

§ (D)VA Harry F. Byrd, 1933-1965

§ (D)VA A. Willis Robertson, 1946-1966

§ (D)MS John C. Stennis, 1947-1989

§ (D)MS James O. Eastland, 1941-1941, 1943-1978

§ (D)LA Allen J. Ellender, 1937-1972

§ (D)LA Russell B. Long, 1948-1987

§ (D)OK Thomas Pryor Gore, 1906-1921, 1931-1937

§ (D)AL J. Lister Hill, 1938-1969

§ (D)AL John J. Sparkman, 1946-1979

§ (D)FL Spessard Holland, 1946-1971

§ (D)FL George Smathers, 1951-1969

§ (D)SC Olin D. Johnston, 1945-1965

§ (D,R)SC Strom Thurmond, 1954-1956, 1956-2003

§ (D)AR John McClellan, 1943-1977

§ (D)GA Richard B. Russell, Jr., 1933-1971

§ (D)GA Herman E. Talmadge, 1957-1981

§ (D)TN Herbert S. Walters, 1963-1964

State governors

§ Benjamin Travis Laney, Arkansas Governor

§ Fielding Wright, Mississippi Governor

§ Frank M. Dixon, Former Alabama Governor

§ William H. Murray, Former Oklahoma Governor

§ Mills E. Godwin Jr. Governor of Virginia

§ Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (1955-1967) during the Little Rock Nine Crisis and presidential candidate.

§ Floyd Spence state representative from South Carolina

(subsequently elected to U.S. House of Representatives)

§ Albert Watson while U.S. Representative from South Carolina

§ Walter Sillers Jr. Mississippi Speaker of the House

§ Harvey T. Ross, Mississippi State Legislature

§ Thomas P. Brady, Associate Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court

§ Gessner T. McCorvey, Alabama state Democratic Executive Committee Chairman

§ Leander Perez, Parish Judge in St. Bernard Parish and political boss of the parish.

§ Horace C. Wilkinson, Birmingham attorney defender of the Klan and political "leader"

§ Ross Lillard

§ Tommy Irvin, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture since 1972

§ John Kasper

§ Mrs. Anna B. Korn

§ Mrs. Ruth Lackey

§ Clark Hurd

§ William E. Jenner

§ Francis Haskell

§ John Oliver Emmerich, Speech writer

§ Hugh Roy Cullen

§ T. Coleman Andrews

§ John Steel Baston

§ Dr. Frazier

§ O. L. Penny

§ Clifton Ratlift

§ M. F. Ray

§ Howell Tankerbell

§ Thomas Jefferson Tubb

§ J.K. Wells

§ Barney Wolverton

§ Governor White

§ Thomas H. Werdel

Dixiecrat - The States Rights Democratic Party jacksonville.com
No one denies the Dixiecrats, Tiny. But the large majority of Southern Democrat movers and shakers went Republican....or are you going to deny when the Southern states went Red?
Who fired the first shot? Hint: It wasn't the Union.

You are quoting the Jr High School history text BS written by the winners. Not the real facts.

Actually there was an informal truce at Ft Sumter that was established by President Buchanan to prevent hostilities over the issue of Federal property. Upon getting inaugurated Lincoln broke the truce by sending a supply ship to the fort to challenge South Carolina's sovereignty. He did it without the approval or even knowledge of Congress and he didn't even consult his Cabinet. He did it to provoke military action. He succeeded.

By the way. The fort did not need the supply ship. It was not under siege. The troops lived off post and bought their supplies from the local economy. Many of the troops were married to local women and had families in Charleston. Sending the ship was a provocation by Lincoln not a military necessity.

Secession was not an act of war. The act of war was the hostiles initiated by Lincoln.

However, this bit about Ft Sumter has always been bogus. No one was killed by the Confederate bombardment. Hardly a reason to start a war that resulted in the deaths of almost a million Americans.

The real act of war was when that madman Lincoln sent an army across the Potomac River to kill Americans and take away the right to keep and bear arms.

One third of the Confederate states first voted not to succeed over the same issue as South Carolina. They changed their mind when Lincoln made his announcement that he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans and to invade and destroy. The regiments were raised in the South to defend against the invasion.
I love it. I walk back into this thread this morning and all I've gotten is insults from the fucking left wing loons including you Syn and Carb.

Give me the historical time line how one man, Strom Thurmond rolled into the R party and made the whole party anti black, anti freedom, completely racist. A complete ideological flip in a heartbeat.

And back it up.

Because I'm dying to see all y'all back up your "pixie dust" argument.

Well most Dixiecrats stayed Democrats. That's just a fact. If you want to believe in the fairytale that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats became Republicans well that's your choice.

But it's a fairy tale.

"Most Dixiecrats"? Here's the complete list of "Dixiecrats":

1. Strom Thurmond
2. Fielding Wright (Thurmond's running mate)

That's it. End of list. Two people.

Thurmond went Republican in 1964 after the CRA passed. Wright died in 1956, before either Civil Rights Act came up.

Thurmond had already been kicked off the state Democratic ballot for Senator ten years earlier after he endorsed Eisenhower over Stevenson in 1952.

So exactly 50% of "Dixiecrats" stayed kind-of Democrats, while the other 50% died.

Oh bite me that there were only two Dixiecrats! :lol: What are you smoking tonight Pogo?

Well? Got any more? Those were the only two offices they ran for -- POTUS and VPOTUS. One election.

Finally back in from Miracle growing and running the dog long enough to make some decent posts for a minute before I call it a day.

There were more than two. And as I said most of the Dixiecrats remained in the D column for the rest of their lives.

Here you go.

Notable members

§ (D)VA Harry F. Byrd, 1933-1965

§ (D)VA A. Willis Robertson, 1946-1966

§ (D)MS John C. Stennis, 1947-1989

§ (D)MS James O. Eastland, 1941-1941, 1943-1978

§ (D)LA Allen J. Ellender, 1937-1972

§ (D)LA Russell B. Long, 1948-1987

§ (D)OK Thomas Pryor Gore, 1906-1921, 1931-1937

§ (D)AL J. Lister Hill, 1938-1969

§ (D)AL John J. Sparkman, 1946-1979

§ (D)FL Spessard Holland, 1946-1971

§ (D)FL George Smathers, 1951-1969

§ (D)SC Olin D. Johnston, 1945-1965

§ (D,R)SC Strom Thurmond, 1954-1956, 1956-2003

§ (D)AR John McClellan, 1943-1977

§ (D)GA Richard B. Russell, Jr., 1933-1971

§ (D)GA Herman E. Talmadge, 1957-1981

§ (D)TN Herbert S. Walters, 1963-1964

State governors

§ Benjamin Travis Laney, Arkansas Governor

§ Fielding Wright, Mississippi Governor

§ Frank M. Dixon, Former Alabama Governor

§ William H. Murray, Former Oklahoma Governor

§ Mills E. Godwin Jr. Governor of Virginia

§ Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (1955-1967) during the Little Rock Nine Crisis and presidential candidate.

§ Floyd Spence state representative from South Carolina

(subsequently elected to U.S. House of Representatives)

§ Albert Watson while U.S. Representative from South Carolina

§ Walter Sillers Jr. Mississippi Speaker of the House

§ Harvey T. Ross, Mississippi State Legislature

§ Thomas P. Brady, Associate Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court

§ Gessner T. McCorvey, Alabama state Democratic Executive Committee Chairman

§ Leander Perez, Parish Judge in St. Bernard Parish and political boss of the parish.

§ Horace C. Wilkinson, Birmingham attorney defender of the Klan and political "leader"

§ Ross Lillard

§ Tommy Irvin, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture since 1972

§ John Kasper

§ Mrs. Anna B. Korn

§ Mrs. Ruth Lackey

§ Clark Hurd

§ William E. Jenner

§ Francis Haskell

§ John Oliver Emmerich, Speech writer

§ Hugh Roy Cullen

§ T. Coleman Andrews

§ John Steel Baston

§ Dr. Frazier

§ O. L. Penny

§ Clifton Ratlift

§ M. F. Ray

§ Howell Tankerbell

§ Thomas Jefferson Tubb

§ J.K. Wells

§ Barney Wolverton

§ Governor White

§ Thomas H. Werdel

Dixiecrat - The States Rights Democratic Party jacksonville.com
No one denies the Dixiecrats, Tiny. But the large majority of Southern Democrat movers and shakers went Republican....or are you going to deny when the Southern states went Red?

Well I've already put up that the only two that were head honchos defected to the R's. I'll put up the list who stayed D from the Dixiecrats again.

When the south went red is a whole different ball game and I'd be more than happy to address it in a couple of days because I'm celebrating a great 10 year anniversary this weekend. A personal milestone. And I intend to party hardy.

One thing Bod. I'm not defending racism. I'm not defending the Confederacy or anyone associated with it.

But I am going to jump in everytime I find anyone trying to skewer and rewrite history. It's just a thing I have. :) I hate it when people try that shit.

Sometimes history really sucks big time. You should read my posts about the Ukraine (I'm half Uk) and our horrid past of loving the Nazis in the Western Ukraine and people come after me like crazy.

Because I post the truth about our history as western Uk's. But so be it.

But history shouldn't be "interpreted" and become touchy feely. It is what it is.

Here's your list of the players.

Notable members

§ (D)VA Harry F. Byrd, 1933-1965
§ (D)VA A. Willis Robertson, 1946-1966
§ (D)MS John C. Stennis, 1947-1989
§ (D)MS James O. Eastland, 1941-1941, 1943-1978
§ (D)LA Allen J. Ellender, 1937-1972
§ (D)LA Russell B. Long, 1948-1987
§ (D)OK Thomas Pryor Gore, 1906-1921, 1931-1937
§ (D)AL J. Lister Hill, 1938-1969
§ (D)AL John J. Sparkman, 1946-1979
§ (D)FL Spessard Holland, 1946-1971
§ (D)FL George Smathers, 1951-1969
§ (D)SC Olin D. Johnston, 1945-1965
§ (D,R)SC Strom Thurmond, 1954-1956, 1956-2003
§ (D)AR John McClellan, 1943-1977
§ (D)GA Richard B. Russell, Jr., 1933-1971
§ (D)GA Herman E. Talmadge, 1957-1981
§ (D)TN Herbert S. Walters, 1963-1964

State governors
§ Benjamin Travis Laney, Arkansas Governor
§ Fielding Wright, Mississippi Governor
§ Frank M. Dixon, Former Alabama Governor
§ William H. Murray, Former Oklahoma Governor
§ Mills E. Godwin Jr. Governor of Virginia
§ Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas (1955-1967) during the Little Rock Nine Crisis and presidential candidate.

§ Floyd Spence state representative from South Carolina (subsequently elected to U.S. House of Representatives)
§ Albert Watson while U.S. Representative from South Carolina
§ Walter Sillers Jr. Mississippi Speaker of the House
§ Harvey T. Ross, Mississippi State Legislature
§ Thomas P. Brady, Associate Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court
§ Gessner T. McCorvey, Alabama state Democratic Executive Committee Chairman
§ Leander Perez, Parish Judge in St. Bernard Parish and political boss of the parish.
§ Horace C. Wilkinson, Birmingham attorney defender of the Klan and political "leader"
§ Ross Lillard
§ Tommy Irvin, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture since 1972
§ John Kasper
§ Mrs. Anna B. Korn
§ Mrs. Ruth Lackey
§ Clark Hurd
§ William E. Jenner
§ Francis Haskell
§ John Oliver Emmerich, Speech writer
§ Hugh Roy Cullen
§ T. Coleman Andrews
§ John Steel Baston
§ Dr. Frazier
§ O. L. Penny
§ Clifton Ratlift
§ M. F. Ray
§ Howell Tankerbell
§ Thomas Jefferson Tubb
§ J.K. Wells
§ Barney Wolverton
§ Governor White
§ Thomas H. Werdel

Dixiecrat - The States Rights Democratic Party jacksonville.com
Yup, and the Nazi Flag isn't 'all bad' either. Seriously, ya dumb Camo & Ammo white Redneck dimwits really do need to get it together. That flag represents nothing but bloody horror to African Americans. It represents rape, torture, and murder. Shouldn't have been allowed to fly on Government grounds. Period, end of story.

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